
The provincial people's congress went to the kindergarten to investigate and implement the "one law and one method" work of maternal and child health care

Red Net Moment News April 25 (Correspondent Wang Guanghui) On April 24, Li Biao, a second-level inspector of the Education, Science, Culture and Health Committee of the Hunan Provincial People's Congress, and his party went to the kindergarten of the Changsha Municipal Education Bureau to investigate and implement the "one law, one method" work of maternal and child health care.

Team leader Li Biao and his party inspected the kindergarten smart campus system, the kitchen LESS system, and the health room, and carefully inspected the kindergarten running qualifications, health care doctor qualifications, children's dosage recipes, children's health care manuals, teachers' physical examination files, etc., inquired in detail about the allocation and structure of teachers, as well as the treatment of teachers and staff, and paid special attention to the development of the kindergarten's "three-teacher plan".

The provincial people's congress went to the kindergarten to investigate and implement the "one law and one method" work of maternal and child health care
The provincial people's congress went to the kindergarten to investigate and implement the "one law and one method" work of maternal and child health care

Subsequently, the research team walked into the cultural corridor of the corridor on the first floor, which was engraved with the history of the kindergarten since its establishment in 1955 for more than 60 years, and Director Zhang Jie explained in detail for the research team the development process of the kindergarten Shunxing bridge period, the Qingshuitang period, the Hehe Garden period, and then to the Hedong Hexi "five golden flowers blooming together", as well as the development of the kindergarten becoming the national "Anji Game Pilot Park" in the past year.

The provincial people's congress went to the kindergarten to investigate and implement the "one law and one method" work of maternal and child health care

Then, the research team moved to the outdoors, visited the outdoor play environment and outdoor independent play for young children, everywhere you can see the game facilities and game materials designed with the concept of children-centered, the children played freely, explored independently, they focused on and happy game state, the kindergarten has been adhering to the "all for the children, for all the children, for the children all" The purpose of running the kindergarten, and the concept of "letting go of the game, discovering children" are vividly reflected, and the research team has also left a deep impression on the research team.

The provincial people's congress went to the kindergarten to investigate and implement the "one law and one method" work of maternal and child health care

The research team highly affirmed the results of the kindergarten's work in implementing the "one law and one method" of maternal and child health care, effectively protected the rights and interests of teachers and children, and was pleased with the healthy and happy growth of the children. It is hoped that kindergartens will continue to work hard to promote the effective implementation of the "one law and one method" for maternal and child health care in the city's preschool education institutions.

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