
BYD high-end MPV or selling from 500,000 yuan, in addition to the plug and mix what else?

BYD high-end MPV or selling from 500,000 yuan, in addition to the plug and mix what else?

Although the household MPV market is becoming more and more lively, it is still facing problems in terms of fuel consumption, such as the "pin crown" Buick GL8 is still to add a 48V light mix system to alleviate. At present, there are more and more MPV hybridS, in addition to the "hybrid originator" Toyota on the Sai Na equipped with the signature 2.5L hybrid, Honda's MPV "two brothers" is also equipped with the third generation of i-MMD dual motor hybrid system, that is, the power system of 2.0L + motor. Now, the domestic hybrid BYD plug-and-mix technology, which is very well recognized by the market, is also reported to be applied to the MPV. However, this MPV is not from BYD's name, but from BYD's high-end sub-brand - Denza. Recently, the Denza brand named it D9, according to the information previously released, the starting price of this MPV equipped with BYD plugs and mixes may reach 450,000 yuan, and there is also news that it will sell for 500,000 yuan. To know that the top model equipped with Toyota Hybrid is only priced at 405,800 yuan, the price of Denza D9, why do you and Sai Na grab the ground?

D9 fuel consumption must be race that low?

Since we mention the issue of fuel consumption, let's start with the hybrid technology of the two. Presumably everyone has heard such a sentence: there are two kinds of hybrids in the world, one is Toyota hybrid, the other is other hybrids, you can see that the status of Toyota THS hybrid in the industry is very high. However, BYD's DM supermix technology has also been very popular in recent years, and its brand is equipped with DM-i super hybrid models, which are rarely not hot. Sales of the Song PLUS DM-i reached more than 20,000 units in March, which is remarkable for a model with a domestic + new energy label.

BYD high-end MPV or selling from 500,000 yuan, in addition to the plug and mix what else?

In order to solve the fuel consumption problem, Xena is equipped with a hybrid system composed of 2.5L engine + motor, and the maximum comprehensive power of the system is 183kW, and the comprehensive fuel consumption of 100 kilometers given by the official is 5.3L under THE CONDITION OF NEDC. This fuel consumption level is very pleasing for a medium to large MPV. Especially as a household product, the vast majority of users also attach great importance to the performance of fuel consumption.

BYD high-end MPV or selling from 500,000 yuan, in addition to the plug and mix what else?

The Denza D9 has no specific parameter information in terms of power system, and as a sub-brand product of BYD, it seems to be justified to carry BYD plugs and mixes. At present, BYD's models on sale are mainly divided into the second-generation 2.0T DM hybrid, and the third-generation DM-i and DM-p hybrid. To be placed on high-end models, the older second-generation hybrid technology can be ruled out. To drive a car of such a large size, it is expected that denza D9 may be equipped with a 1.5T engine + a higher power motor, and may also be equipped with a larger battery pack to solve the needs of short-distance pure electric transportation. It just so happens that the general manager of dentistry sales division also said that the denza D9 plug-in hybrid has two versions, equipped with four-wheel drive and two-wheel drive systems, which is closer to the new BYDHan DM-i and DM-p settings.

BYD high-end MPV or selling from 500,000 yuan, in addition to the plug and mix what else?

Take BYD's larger Size Tang DM-i as a reference, its power system equipped with 1.5T engine + motor, the official 100 km acceleration performance is only about 8.5 seconds, in the state of power loss, 100 km fuel consumption is also about 5.5L. In the conventional driving state, the fuel consumption can be lower, and the official NEDC 100 km comprehensive fuel consumption is only about 1.2L. According to the positioning of the large MPV in the Denza D9, the fuel consumption level will theoretically be higher, but it will not be much higher.

It is worth mentioning that Toyota's 2.5L hybrid has performed well in stability, after all, the reputation of so many years is not in vain. And BYD's DM-i plug and mix is also in the past two years to explode, so in terms of reliability, it may need to be verified by the market, which is not as advantageous as Xena.

The big lap + high configuration of the game can sell for 450,000 +?

Starting from the product itself, it can be clearly felt that dentist D9 is indeed a high-end luxury route, and the front face of the huge lock armor type chinese net is very eye-catching, similar to Toyota Alpha, which caters to the preference of the current MPV market for large-size front face. The sides and tail are more square and conventional MPV shapes, and compared with Xena, deforestation D9 has a stronger sense of luxury. But if the sense of luxury is strong, it will definitely sell well? The MPV market is mainly divided into commercial and household two, user needs may be different, but the same is quite "recognized brand".

BYD high-end MPV or selling from 500,000 yuan, in addition to the plug and mix what else?

Toyota Xena may be slightly deficient in momentum, but it is also because of this that it is favored by more home users. And Toyota's brand can still attract a large part of consumers, after all, when it comes to buying an MPV for the family, it will consider the brand and its implied value more: such as value preservation and reliability. Is the Denza brand really bad, of course not. Although BYD's own recognition is good, but the Denza brand cooperating with Daimler is slightly niche, for the post-70s/post-80s group of families who gradually enter a stable life and have the ability to raise two children and three children, most of them will have a certain stereotype about the brand, which is not conducive to the development of Denza D9.

BYD high-end MPV or selling from 500,000 yuan, in addition to the plug and mix what else?

As a luxury MPV, denza D9 is said to have a body length of more than 5200mm and a wheelbase of more than 3200mm, which is expected to be a greater advantage for the 3060mm wheelbase length of the race. At the same time, the Denza D9 will be equipped with a large sky canopy with electric sunroof and double glazing as standard, a double electric sunshade with double electric sun blinds, a double-sided electric sliding door in welcome mode, and a four-door double-layer silent glass, which may compete even better in terms of luxury properties and sound insulation. The interior space is also in a 2+2+3 7-seat layout, the third row of seats can be flattened, and the load capacity of the trunk and the second row of seating space are expected to reach a good level. As for the "core" position of the MPV, I believe that the second row seat function of the Denza D9 will not be less than that.

BYD high-end MPV or selling from 500,000 yuan, in addition to the plug and mix what else?

And from the information exposed in the interior part, it can be seen that BYD's iconic large screen is located in it. Although the interior of the spy model may not be the final design, it can still reflect that the Denza D9 will also make a fuss about the intelligent and digital cockpit. The configuration of Xena is also sufficient from a home point of view, but only the top and secondary top configuration front row has soundproof glass, coupled with the lack of intelligence is also the lack of many joint venture brands, compared to denza D9, may not be so "advanced".


From the perspective of product strength, Denza D9 may attract some users who pay more attention to the sense of experience because of the blessing of intelligence + multiple luxury configurations. Coupled with the use of BYD's plug-and-mix technology, fuel economy is expected to become a major selling point in the main household market. But the word Toyota is also the innate advantage of Sai Na, high stability, enough row surface, coupled with has been listed for about half a year, but also laid a good reputation for themselves. As for whether the Denza D9 can rely on BYD's plug-in technology and Toyota's share of the pie, it will have to wait for more information, at least to see how much higher the game is in terms of space and configuration, before it can be judged.

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