
The color TV market set off a "price war", the 85-inch giant screen was killed, and the big screen was rapidly popularized?

author:Yue sister finance

How long have you not been watching TV with your whole family? Maybe the last time was at the New Year Party, right? Many young people can play with high-tech, complex mobile phones, computers and game consoles, but they will be difficult to reach by the small TV remote control at family gatherings, and I usually do not watch TV. What is this function key for? How do I search for the station I want to see?

But when watching TV, it looks like you can't clean up, accompanied by snacks, coke, the whole person is paralyzed on the sofa, really fragrant! Or the big screen can see clearly!

The color TV market set off a "price war", the 85-inch giant screen was killed, and the big screen was rapidly popularized?

Many parents also add love reprimands at the same time, every day they know that playing mobile phones is not good for the eyes, is it not good to have time to watch TV with me? Implicitly revealing the need to be accompanied.

Thanks to the traditional Chinese family model, China's color TV market has developed quite mature, after tea and dinner Chinese-style families, often choose to watch TV together, although sometimes because of what to watch caused by "family war", but it has to be said that television and life are inseparable, is an indispensable flavoring agent for life.

The color TV market set off a "price war", the 85-inch giant screen was killed, and the big screen was rapidly popularized?

Television is a necessity that everyone must buy, the share of the market cake is also huge, the industry competition is fierce, product update iteration, there is no best, only better. It is only with the continuous improvement of people's material living conditions and the popularity of electronic entertainment products that the demand for television has basically reached a bottleneck period. However, in recent times, the color TV market has set off a "price war", the 85-inch giant screen has been fighting, and the big screen is going to be quickly popularized?

First, color TV manufacturers who can't sit still

According to data from the National Bureau of Statistics, the cumulative output of color TELEVISION sets in 2021 was 184.965 million units, down 3.6% year-on-year. In fact, without the use of national big data, the performance and sales of each month are clearly placed in the hearts of each color TV manufacturer, and whether the KPIs formulated at the beginning of the year are completed, each has a number in mind. Coupled with the repeated outbreak of the epidemic in the country and the suspension of express delivery in many places, this has also had a considerable impact on the sales and transportation of color TVs.

The color TV market set off a "price war", the 85-inch giant screen was killed, and the big screen was rapidly popularized?

At this time, color TV manufacturers can not sit in the rear waiting for consumers to come to the door, everyone has taken action, began to study sales methods, at this time the major manufacturers invariably focused on the idea of "price reduction".

The color TV market set off a "price war", the 85-inch giant screen was killed, and the big screen was rapidly popularized?

The emergence of the word "price reduction" is like the small wings that flap in the butterfly effect, a price reduction, and the rest of the brands can only be forced to follow the price reduction in order to maintain customer stickiness and maintain sales performance. In this way, you discount a little, he discounts, you come and go, a "price war" in the color TV market is silently set off.

Second, the big screen that highlights the advantages

The price war is fighting, so what products should be hit on the most appealing to consumers? Is it a high-definition screen, or a curved screen? After the research of major manufacturers, it was found that in fact, the most intuitive understanding of people's TV sets is not the screen material, curved screen or not, but how big is this TV? Can I put my house down? Can you spend less money to buy a bigger one, look comfortable without bothering your eyes on these questions.

The color TV market set off a "price war", the 85-inch giant screen was killed, and the big screen was rapidly popularized?

This makes the major manufacturers realize the attractiveness of the large screen for consumers, so the preferential range from 32 inches to 100 inches of color TV of various sizes locked in the 85 + inch giant screen TV, the price fell again and again, and even appeared 5899 yuan of 86-inch giant screen TV, which led to most of the giant screen TV down the price altar, a certain east price range of 6699 yuan - 7999 yuan of giant screen TV brand is also quietly gradually increasing.

Although the "price war" of major manufacturers is fierce, it has also unexpectedly gained a new direction for the dimension of giant screen TELEVISION. At this stage, the average person who buys color TV is generally concentrated in the 85s and 90s, with the ability to buy houses and decorations, then people in this age group pay more attention to the brand when buying TV products, but the overall audiovisual experience, the emergence of giant screen TV, to meet the needs of this batch of buyers.

The color TV market set off a "price war", the 85-inch giant screen was killed, and the big screen was rapidly popularized?

However, the high price of giant screen TV, on the one hand, will make consumers turn to buy a low-priced small-size color TV, the profit point and price of this part of the product have been pressed to the minimum, can not become the highlight of sales performance, consumer purchase experience is like that, can not enhance the brand reputation. On the other hand, consumers choose to buy projection products, although the projection price is also expensive, but there are also good mid-end and low-end products, in addition to the daytime viewing effect may be affected by the point, but can be overcome, the key is that it is large enough, to meet the consumer's desire for a large screen idea.

There may even be more extreme situations, some consumers will have "small do not want to buy, large and too expensive, projection effect is not good, and so on to buy" such ideas, but often this time there is no purchase, may be expected to buy the cost of color TV, it is used in other more needed places, and finally simply do not buy, this is the color TV manufacturers do not want to see the situation.

The color TV market set off a "price war", the 85-inch giant screen was killed, and the big screen was rapidly popularized?

Since you see the prospect of giant screen TV, then the major manufacturers first "cut prices" to open the market, which may be the simplest and most rude way to gain a foothold on this giant screen cake. This means that the era of giant curtains may really come.

Third, the new track that must not be lost

To say that the hottest words in the past two years are inseparable from "online live broadcast", "network with goods", "cloud classroom" and other words, more and more industries have begun to apply online resources and cloud forms.

With the need for office needs, education and training in all walks of life, financial, scientific research and even catering and retail industries that need to display data and knowledge, the demand for display screens is increasing. This means that new opportunities are emerging, and new tracks are emerging, and the competition for giant screen TELEVISION has just begun.

The color TV market set off a "price war", the 85-inch giant screen was killed, and the big screen was rapidly popularized?

Expand consumption channels, increase audiences, and use new increments to alleviate the sales pressure of the traditional color TV market. Well-known color TV manufacturers at home and abroad, such as Skyworth, Changhong, Konka, TCL, Hisense, Sony, Sharp and other well-known enterprises have quietly explored and broadened their product channels in the fields of office, education, scientific research, medical treatment, retail and other fields, and strive to tap more potential customers and target consumer groups.

Affected by the "price war" set off by the color TV market, consumers who are ready to buy TVs have locked their eyes on giant screen TVs, after all, it is indeed cost-effective, cost-effective and of excellent quality. Such an idea directly promoted the sales of the entire giant screen market and made the development of giant screen TV to a higher level. Coupled with the technology of giant screen TV in the eyes of major manufacturers, it is not too difficult to do things, as long as it is further research and development, reasonable control of costs, TV product profits will naturally come back.

The color TV market set off a "price war", the 85-inch giant screen was killed, and the big screen was rapidly popularized?


Giant screen TVs are bigger, which means more application scenarios. Around the giant screen TV, you may be in class, you may be exercising, you may be immersed in watching a movie or playing a game. In the near future, giant screen TV is likely to use the promotion means of upgrading or replacing the old with new, quietly and silently enter the homes of ordinary people, and quickly popularize the giant screen TV to thousands of households.

I believe that long-term TV manufacturers will not miss this delicious cake, as consumers, we can also take this opportunity to earn a wave of "price war" dividends when the gods fight. After reading this article, do you have the idea of buying or upgrading the "Giant Screen TV"? You are welcome to like the interactive message in the comment area.