
He was Puyi's biological father, resolutely refused to defect to Japan, and in his later years he was so hungry that he sold his royal palace for rice to eat

author:Song 37

Everyone should know that Puyi, the last emperor of the Qing Dynasty, we all know that he ascended the throne as a teenager, and within a few years of being the emperor, he personally buried the Great Qin Empire, but later he became the emperor of the puppet state of Manchukuo and put on the hat of traitor. We are very familiar with Puyi, but have you heard of Puyi's biological father? Puyi's biological father was Zaifeng, and Zaifeng guan Guangxu was called the imperial brother.

He was Puyi's biological father, resolutely refused to defect to Japan, and in his later years he was so hungry that he sold his royal palace for rice to eat

It was 1908, Guangxu was still imprisoned in Zhongnanhai, and at that time was suffering from a stubborn disease, just when Cixi was also seriously ill, she was very worried that there was no successor to the empire, so she found Guangxu's younger brother Zaifeng, Zaifeng's son Puyi was only three years old at the time, which was in line with Cixi's heart for emperor. Later, after many investigations, she finally decided to cultivate Puyi as the heir of the empire. However, before they could cultivate, in this year, the Guangxu Emperor and Empress Dowager Cixi died one after another. Puyi became the new emperor of the empire, and Zaifeng became the regent at that time, assuming the responsibility of presiding over the overall situation of the country when Puyi was young.

In fact, Zaifeng had already appeared on the stage of history before becoming the regent, when this was the Boxer Rebellion in full swing, the Qing government at that time declared war on all countries in the world for a certain period of time, supporting the actions of the Boxers for a certain period of time, but then turned to the Western powers to suppress the Boxers, and at this time, a German ambassador Klinder was accidentally killed by the Qing army, after the Boxer Rebellion was suppressed, the Qing government at that time decided to send The Crown Prince Zaifeng to Germany in order to calm the anger in Germany.

He was Puyi's biological father, resolutely refused to defect to Japan, and in his later years he was so hungry that he sold his royal palace for rice to eat

He was only 18 years old at the time of the mission, but he shouldered the heavy responsibility of regulating the contradictions between the two countries, and this mission was extremely difficult, not only to find a way to appease the emotions of the Germans, not to deepen the contradictions between the two countries, but also to pay attention to maintaining the dignity of the Qing Empire and not to show weakness in diplomacy. When Zaifeng first arrived in Germany, he was indeed harassed by the Germans, the Germans forced him to kneel on his knees, many people thought that he should be affected by this moment, but Zaifeng rejected them very righteously, and at that time his emotions were very high, and he who had been in anger finally brought the Germans to their knees, and he successfully completed the task on this trip, and his reputation spread throughout the land of China.

He was Puyi's biological father, resolutely refused to defect to Japan, and in his later years he was so hungry that he sold his royal palace for rice to eat

After the Japanese invaded, they established a puppet state of Manchukuo and invited Zaifeng to guide him, who, when he learned of the news, scolded him very directly, and he was quite dignified at the age of 18, let alone now. He directly refused Puyi's invitation and was deeply ashamed of his son. And since this parting has never seen each other again, this is the national integrity and national dignity, in Germany when the 18-year-old teenager, now after the fall of the old prince also has, such a person although not to become the emperor, but far better than the emperor, Zaifeng in his later years, living conditions are very poor, he later had to sell the palace to survive, but never thought of surrendering to foreign countries. Although the country is weak, the morale cannot be weak, and although the family is poor, the integrity cannot be poor.

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