
What is the charm of Hiroshi Nohara, the favorite father character in Japanese anime?

author:An anime station that listens sideways

Hiroshi Nohara is 35 years old, with blood type A, height 175 cm (about 178 cm to wear shoes) Libra was born in Ōmagari City, Akita Prefecture, Japan, and currently lives in Kasugabe City, Saitama Prefecture, Japan. At the age of 20, he joined Futaba Trading Company and is currently the head of the second sales division of The First Sales Department of Futaba Corporation. His father was Ginnosuke Nohara, his mother was Tsuru Nohara, and his wife was Mikasa Nohara (29 years old). There is a five-year-old boy (Shinnosuke Nohara) and a 0-year-old daughter (Aoi Nohara).

Monthly salary: 300,000 yen, equivalent to about 15,334.4255 yuan.

What is the charm of Hiroshi Nohara, the favorite father character in Japanese anime?

Let's first tear down the most superficial basic conditions: Nohara Hiroshi he has a wide eyebrow, a tall figure, not to mention a table of talent, qi Yuxuan, at least the facial features are correct, the eyebrows are clear. The height of 178 can also bring a full sense of security, and the salary is not to say that it is a rich man's level, but it can also make the family live a very decent or even petty bourgeoisie.

What is the charm of Hiroshi Nohara, the favorite father character in Japanese anime?

Look at the details that make your time with him even more heartwarming:

1. Be very tolerant of your wife Mei Ling, whether it is emotionally caring for the relationship Mei Ling, or trying to meet the small "vanity" of Mei Ling in terms of material conditions.

This can not only be reflected in the daily life of the animated version of Xiaoxinjia, but also from the theatrical version of "Cosmic Man Attack!" " peeped in. When Mei Ling's feet are broken, and there is another episode of Mei Ling's hand is injured and cannot touch the water, GuangZhi takes the initiative to take on household chores such as cooking and cleaning. Maybe people who haven't seen the crayons will think that this is not a big deal, but you should know that the setting of this anime is that Hiroshi is responsible for working to make money outside the main body, and the beautiful servant is responsible for taking care of the family's diet and living. As long as Mei Ling is unwell, Guang Zhi will definitely not force Mei Ling to do housework, but will become a family cook after work, busy inside and outside.

What is the charm of Hiroshi Nohara, the favorite father character in Japanese anime?

Guangzhi's house has a 32-year mortgage to repay, because it is a middle-level cadre in the company, so sometimes you have to go out with other cadres or superiors to socialize and drink, and the pocket money that Mei Ling gives to Guangzhi is not very abundant, sometimes when Mei Ling finds that the cost of a certain month is very large, it will be deducted from Guang Zhi's pocket money, but Guang Zhi will never start arguing with Mei Ling and robbing the financial power because his pocket money is reduced by his wife, but he is slightly unhappy, and "obedient" acquiesced to Mei Ling's arrangement.

Mei Ling likes to buy herself brand-name clothes, sometimes impulsive consumption, in an episode called "Buying mail will be addicted", Mei Ling bought a lot of unnecessary things at once, Guang Zhi did not say what Mei Ling did at the beginning just patiently remindEd Mei Ling that "almost on the line" Later, Mei Ling still bought a lot of things, Guang Zhi is also patient and reason with Mei Ling, rather than going directly to stand on the moral high ground and loudly rebuke Mei Ling.

What is the charm of Hiroshi Nohara, the favorite father character in Japanese anime?

There is an episode where Mei Ling lost a month's salary, at home is very sad for a day, Guang Zhi came home from work and saw that the lights at home were not turned on, very worried and asked Mei Ling what was wrong, when Mei Ling sadly cried and complained about losing a month's salary, Guang Zhi said "What, it was originally for this, I thought what was wrong with Xiao Xin" When Mei Ling asked "Aren't you angry", Guang Zhi also replied gently, "If you lose the money, you can earn it again, I only have peace and security with you and Xiao Xin." Knowing that a month's salary is gone, life may be much more difficult, but still maintaining a gentle comfort to the beauty of the money, which is admirable.

What is the charm of Hiroshi Nohara, the favorite father character in Japanese anime?

2. Not a "widowed" father, but often involved in the development of his own children

Hiroshi does cancel or postpone plans to take his family out with him in order to accompany his clients to play golf. But more often than not, he will also take Xiaoxin with him to help Mei Ling with housework, or take care of Xiao Xin when Mei Ling and her friends go out all day. He also often accompanies Xiaoxin to outdoor sports, there is an episode of Xiaoxin Kindergarten to hold a running competition, and Guangzhite takes Xiaoxin to practice running. On the day of the competition, he also brought a video camera to xiaoxin. Almost as long as Xiaoxin Kindergarten holds a sports meeting, Guangzhi and Mi-chi will come together to cheer for Xiaoxin! The most ideal father character in the Japanese media selection animation, Hiroshi Nohara has ascended to the top!

What is the charm of Hiroshi Nohara, the favorite father character in Japanese anime?

In the spring, Hiroshi will take the family to enjoy the flowers, in the summer Hiroshi will accompany his wife and children to set off fireworks in his yard, in the autumn Hiroshi and Mei Ling will roast sweet potatoes with Xiaoxin, and in winter Hiroshi will take Xiaoxin to build snowmen together. - This is the enviable season of the year for The Little New Home!

What is the charm of Hiroshi Nohara, the favorite father character in Japanese anime?

In addition, Hiroshi often travels with his family, hokkaido, Australia, Spain and other places. In addition to long-distance travel, Hiroshi will also take Mi-mi and Xiaoxin to the mountain on the evening when the sky is clear in winter, just so that they can see the stars in winter. Life is careful and romantic, maybe this is one of the biggest charms of Nohara Hiroshi!

3. Lust may be just an illusion, and single-mindedness and responsibility are the truth

Hiroshi Nohara may usually be criticized as lustful, like young and beautiful girls, love to watch swimsuit beauty photo albums, but I think this point makes Hiroshi this animated character more real and vivid, after all, too perfect is out of reality, Hiroshi has so many beautiful qualities, mixing a little "lustful" is also common sense, who in real life does not love beautiful women. Moreover, Hiroshi is more colored and has no color guts, he does appreciate the beautiful young lady, and occasionally "thinks of wrong", but he is consistent with Mei Ling and has never done anything sorry for Mei Ling.

What is the charm of Hiroshi Nohara, the favorite father character in Japanese anime?

On the contrary, he will draw a clear line with the other party for the overtures of the opposite sex and do not engage in ambiguity. I remember one episode where he dreamed that the opposite sex was hugging him, and he said, "Don't do this, I'm a man with a wife and children, and I have a puppy." There is an episode of Hiroshi facing a girl's text message offer to her, Hiroshi also replied, "Thank you for dating, I still have to go back to spend time with my wife and children, you are more suitable for dating young boys at this age, rather than my uncle." ”

What is the charm of Hiroshi Nohara, the favorite father character in Japanese anime?

In the seventh season of the anime "DVD Recommender", Hiroshi was ridiculed by the recommender inside, and Hiroshi said seriously, "Even if my wife has a bad temper, sometimes I still love my wife very much if I am unreasonable!" "Hiroshi's affection may not be the same as in the idol drama, but it is hidden in the bottom of Hiroshi's heart, reflected in the little bits and pieces of dedication to the family!"

What is the charm of Hiroshi Nohara, the favorite father character in Japanese anime?

Maybe Hiroshi is ordinary in the eyes of many people, he is not as handsome and handsome as Kudo Shinichi's father, a world-renowned mystery novelist, nor like Kuroharu Yuichi, who has a charming and mysterious legendary life, nor is he like Sakura's father, who is handsome, kind, Kochi, temperamental, can cook delicious meals, gentle, and warms his daughter's heart like the spring sun. But Nohara Hiroshi must be the closest to the real life of the ordinary and great like the sun warm the whole family of good father, good husband!

What is the charm of Hiroshi Nohara, the favorite father character in Japanese anime?