
Did the SECRETARy of State of the U.S. Secretary of Defense visit Kiev not "empty-handed"? Foreign media: More than 300 million direct aid and diplomatic support have been provided to Ukraine

Source: Global Times

On the evening of 24 Local time, US Secretary of State Blinken and Defense Secretary Austin held talks with Ukrainian President Zelensky and other officials. It was the highest-ranking official visit to Ukraine by the U.S. government since late February. U.S. officials "ventured in," and they did not "go empty-handed," but brought more than $300 million in direct aid and diplomatic support to Kiev. At this time, the Russo-Ukrainian War had entered its third month. Some analysts believe that the United States is stepping up its actions to lead its allies to further help Ukraine defend itself. Austin said bluntly on the 25th that he hopes to see the War in Ukraine weaken Russia's military strength. The Russian ambassador to the United States issued a warning on the same day about the supply of weapons by the United States to Ukraine.

Did the SECRETARy of State of the U.S. Secretary of Defense visit Kiev not "empty-handed"? Foreign media: More than 300 million direct aid and diplomatic support have been provided to Ukraine

"Top Secret Access"

A Pentagon spokesman said on the 25th that the talks between the US delegation led by Blinken and Austin and Ukrainian officials lasted for 3 hours and were "fruitful and very detailed." State Department officials said Washington would provide $713 million in aid to Ukraine and other countries in the region. It is understood that the two sides discussed military assistance, strengthening sanctions against Russia, financial support for Ukraine and security guarantees.

The New York Times described the trip to Blinken and Austin as a "top secret visit." Until they left Ukraine safely, the Biden administration had been working very hard to keep everything about them secret, even refusing to confirm that they were visiting so that they could sneak in and out of Ukraine as safely as possible, "but it was an open secret." A day earlier, Zelenskiy had revealed plans for a visit by U.S. officials.

The Associated Press said Zelenskiy received a promise of aid. The U.S. side told him it would provide more than $300 million in foreign military funding and approve $165 million in arms sales. "The Wartime Special Session," said the U.S. Consumer News and Business Channel, adding that Blinken and Austin brought ukraine new commitments of military and diplomatic support. The visit was intended to demonstrate U.S. strong support for Ukraine and its defense.

Blinken and Austin flew to Poland on the 23rd, and took a train from southwest Poland to Kiev on the 24th. The United States arranged for the two to be interviewed by the media after their visit and returned to Poland to confirm the news of their visit to Ukraine. Speaking at a press conference in Poland, Blinken said: "Starting next week, our diplomats will return one after another to assess how we can resume the work of the embassy in Kiev. I think it will take a few weeks. Austin said the U.S. wanted to weaken Russia's military capabilities and prevent it from making another "invasion." "The United States wants to see a weakened Russia," the BBC used as a headline.

"U.S. diplomats will return to Ukraine," the U.S. "Axios" news network said for the first time since the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. U.S. diplomats will begin with a visit to a city in western Ukraine and then "possibly gradually visit other parts of the country," U.S. officials said, "which will underscore our commitment and show that we will seek to get our diplomats back to the embassy in Kiev as soon as possible."

On the 25th, the White House issued a statement saying that Biden nominated the current ambassador to Slovakia Burk as ambassador to Ukraine. Since 2019, the post of ambassador to Ukraine has been vacant, and the previous ambassador was dismissed after being summoned by Congress to Washington to testify after being summoned by Then-President Trump to pressure the Ukrainian government to investigate Biden's son.

Russian warning

Blinken visited Ukraine in mid-January and was the last senior U.S. official to visit Ukraine before the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. On February 14, the U.S. Embassy in Kiev was closed, and U.S. diplomats quickly left Ukraine. Spatz, the only Ukrainian-born U.S. congressman, said on April 24 that he hoped U.S. President Joe Biden would visit Ukraine in person. Still, the White House has ruled out the possibility of Biden traveling to Ukraine.

After concluding his visit to Kiev, Blinken will testify at a meeting of the Diplomatic Committee of the US Senate and houses from 26 July. Austin traveled to Germany to meet with defense ministers and NATO secretaries-general of more than 20 countries at Ramstein Air Base.

"The Pentagon collects offensive weapons for Ukraine from all over the world", Russia's "Independent" reported on the 25th that the United States seeks to expand the geographical scope of countries that provide military assistance to Ukraine. Kirby, the Pentagon's press secretary, said an invitation to an international conference hosted by Austin in Germany had been sent to the military services of 40 countries, and it would not be just NATO countries that would attend the meeting. Russian military expert Popov said that the United States and NATO countries began to provide Ukraine with heavy weapons and equipment such as artillery, all of which may make Russian military operations very complicated.

On the 25th, Russian Ambassador to the United States Antonov said that he had sent a note to the United States asking it to stop supplying weapons to Ukraine. Antonov said it was unacceptable for the United States to do so, "and we demand an end to this practice." The U.S. is trying to raise the stakes further and exacerbate tensions."

A few days ago, the Biden administration announced an additional $800 million in military aid to Ukraine, which brought the amount of U.S. aid to Ukraine after the Russian-Ukrainian conflict to $3.4 billion. Zelenskiy himself publicly shouted on the 23rd, hoping that the visiting high-ranking US officials would not "come empty-handed."

"War of Attrition"

"In Kiev, people are waiting for a 'diplomatic landing.'" Russia's "Independent" said on the 25th that in addition to US officials, there will be some foreign dignitaries going to Kiev in the near future. Bulgaria's prime minister said he would visit Ukraine on April 27. Bulgaria is currently in a difficult political situation. Socialists say they will withdraw from the ruling coalition if the authorities decide to supply weapons to Ukraine. Italy's prime minister is expected to visit Kiev by May 3, and last week the Italian parliament decided to supply Weapons to Ukraine. The SECRETARY-General of the United Nations will visit Ukraine on April 28 and Moscow on April 26.

At a time of intensive diplomatic activities, new news came from the much-watched Azov Steel Plant in Mariupol. Alestovich, assistant to the director of the office of the President of Ukraine, said on the 24th that the Ukrainian side proposed to hold a new round of special negotiations outside the wall of the Azov Steel Plant.

On the 25th, the Russian side announced that it would stop military operations near the Azov Steel Plant from 14:00 on the same day (Moscow time) and open humanitarian passages for civilians. Mizintev, head of the Russian State Defense Command Center, said that this was a reaction to the Ukrainian side's continuous confirmation that there still appeared to be civilians in the factory. Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Rutenko said that this is a goodwill from the Russian side, "tomorrow the UN Secretary-General will come (Russia), maybe all these issues will be considered."

Russian "Izvestia" quoted Russian military expert Shurikin as saying on the 25th that in Mariupol, it is clear that the main battle has ended. In the direction of Donetsk, the Russians were slowly encircling the Ukrainian army group in Donbass from the flanks. The battle was also fought in the direction of Odessa. "Obviously, now we are in a new phase of combat, and the enemy is being crushed. Of course, I have not yet seen any major offensive launched, a war of attrition going on, leaving the enemy without equipment and personnel. ”

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