
Blood Legends: Veteran players also want to experience the "big scene" TOP4 again

Is the blood legend close to us now or far away? Recently, it is because the Internet is now so developed, you can download a legendary game at will. It's far from it because the legendary games we play now are so different from the legendary games we used to play. Most of the legend-related content that Lao Dao now tells everyone is about the memories of that year, occasionally mixed with some new things to adjust it.

Blood Legends: Veteran players also want to experience the "big scene" TOP4 again

I believe that every old guy will experience some unforgettable "big scenes" in his legendary journey, because each player understands differently, and the meaning of these "big scenes" is also different. Some players feel that playing a piece of high-quality equipment is a "big scene", and some players feel that their 1v1 victory is a "big scene". The following old way for everyone to take stock of the legendary old players still want to experience a "big scene", you old guys come together to recall.

Blood Legends: Veteran players also want to experience the "big scene" TOP4 again

TOP4 Pray for the big scene of monster rebellion

Since there were several large scenes in the early years when the collection of prayer equipment led to the rebellion of the full-service pets, the official uniforms changed the explosion rate of the prayer equipment, and some parts could no longer be beaten, so that it was impossible to collect the prayer suits. But the players and glittering gear lying on the floor after the pets dominate the safe zone are really impressive. There are many veteran players who want to feel this big scene again.

Blood Legends: Veteran players also want to experience the "big scene" TOP4 again

TOP3 Map people are more than weird scenes

What is "more people than weird"? Only the old players in the early years have felt, the legend just came out in the past few years is really hot, the major maps are monster players come and go, sometimes the refresh of monsters can not catch up with the player's speed of fighting monsters, this is indeed not an exaggeration, as long as the players who have experienced it understand. Nowadays, how many players play legends are playing monsters in the following picture? This kind of crowded scene has been seen now, but it only happened when the supermarket could pick up eggs.

Blood Legends: Veteran players also want to experience the "big scene" TOP4 again

TOP2 A crowded siege scene

The siege of Shabaq never stopped over the years, both in official and non-official uniforms. It's just that the popularity of siege warfare in Shabak today is indeed too low, on the one hand, because the impact of the new game has made players more and more dispersed. On the other hand, it is also because the gap between legendary players is getting bigger and bigger, for example, a few big guys can KO a guild, who is still willing to participate in siege warfare? Therefore, the siege battle scene in the hearts of old players is a period of time when the crowds are crowded and the gap is not too big, I really miss it.

Blood Legends: Veteran players also want to experience the "big scene" TOP4 again

TOP1 Brothers sit in rows

To say that the happiest thing to do is to sit in the Internet café with the brothers and play the legend, that feeling is really great, absolute youth memories, this is the real big scene of playing legend. I would like to ask you old folks, do you still go to the Internet café to play legends today? Are there any brothers sitting with you in an Internet café? I can't find such a scene again, and I really want to experience it again.

Dear veteran players, are the above four big scenes that you want to experience again? Come to the message desk and share your legendary memories with everyone.

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