
Athlete voting opens! Gu Ailing temporarily ranked second, Quan Hongchan was fourth, and the first was the Great Demon King of the Sports Arena

In the past year, Chinese athletes have achieved very good results, and at last year's Tokyo Olympic Games, Quan Hongchan and Yang Qian, Su Bingtian and other athletes shined and became the pride in everyone's mind. At the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, 18-year-old Gu Ailing completely became popular, and the limelight was unique, and ice and snow athletes like Su Yiming and Wu Dajing also received huge attention, and their careers have reached a new level.

Athlete voting opens! Gu Ailing temporarily ranked second, Quan Hongchan was fourth, and the first was the Great Demon King of the Sports Arena

Recently, the voting channel for Chinese athletes has been opened, netizens can cheer for the athletes, and the preliminary voting results have been released. It can be seen that the first in line is the sports devil Zhu Ting, who is also the core player of the current Chinese women's volleyball team and one of the top players in the world. Zhu Ting is a Grand Slam winner, World Cup and Olympic gold medals, she won them. Moreover, Zhu Ting has also won the MVP of the 2016 Olympic Games, the MVP of the 2015 World Cup, and the MVP of the 2018 Club World Cup. There is no doubt that Zhu Ting is one of the strongest athletes in the history of the Chinese women's volleyball team and can compete for "Goat".

Athlete voting opens! Gu Ailing temporarily ranked second, Quan Hongchan was fourth, and the first was the Great Demon King of the Sports Arena

In second place is the "Frog Princess" Gu Ailing, 18-year-old Gu Ailing won 2 gold and 1 silver at the Beijing Winter Olympics, a huge success. Gu Ailing is popular in China, she is very perfect, in addition to being a top athlete, Gu Ailing has a very high appearance, and her IQ and emotional intelligence are also very high, and she was also admitted to Stanford University. What is even more rare is that Gu Ailing is very modest and does not stop moving forward because of his success. Gu Ailing's greatest interest is running, and she insists on it almost every day, either in the gym or on the street.

Athlete voting opens! Gu Ailing temporarily ranked second, Quan Hongchan was fourth, and the first was the Great Demon King of the Sports Arena

Table tennis world champion Xu Xin temporarily ranked third, although Xu Xin in terms of personal strength, not as good as Ma Long, Fan Zhendong and other teammates, but he is Liu Guoliang's heart of the doubles candidate, Xu Xin often partnered with Liu Shiwen, the two are very tacit understanding, won a lot of championships. Today, Xu Xin is close to retirement, serving as vice chairman of the Asian Table Tennis Federation, with a very high position, and hopes that Xu Xin can continue to contribute to the cause of Chinese table tennis in the future.

Athlete voting opens! Gu Ailing temporarily ranked second, Quan Hongchan was fourth, and the first was the Great Demon King of the Sports Arena

The diving team's 15-year-old Olympic champion Quan Hongchan is temporarily in fourth place, and she received 632709 votes. Quan Hongchan is a hot athlete in the Chinese sports world in the past year, and she has been very responsible at a young age and has become the pride of her hometown Zhanjiang. It is reported that the Chinese diving team has held a team test match, and Quan Hongchan won the first place in the double, and the results are very outstanding. Quan Hong Chan has also grown a lot taller, it is reported that her current height has reached more than 1 meter 5, is in a period of rapid development, in order to maintain body shape control weight, Quan Hong Chan refuses to eat snacks to avoid being eliminated.

Athlete voting opens! Gu Ailing temporarily ranked second, Quan Hongchan was fourth, and the first was the Great Demon King of the Sports Arena

The 5th-8th places are table tennis Grand Slam winner Ma Long, Winter Olympic champion Wu Dajing, Chinese table tennis star Liang Jingkun, Chinese curling team Ling Zhi and so on. These Chinese athletes on the list have achieved great results in their respective sports, and I hope that in the future, they will continue to work hard and continue to win glory for the country.

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