
#5 in the U.S. Hot Search! The Grizzlies are a comeback hero, their own fans: he plays better than Morante

The Grizzlies Timberwolves battled The King's Mountain, the Grizzlies bench will shake Clark, 21 points and 15 rebounds to break the Timberwolves inside, the last quarter 10 rebounds to help the Grizzlies complete the reversal. The battle of Tennozan between the Grizzlies and timberwolves is wonderful, I believe that everyone still remembers the final draw and anti-kill of the game, and the strong dialogue of the stars is the focus of the game, but the contribution of the small characters can not be ignored.

#5 in the U.S. Hot Search! The Grizzlies are a comeback hero, their own fans: he plays better than Morante

Morant played hard in this game, and in the first three quarters, he scored 18 points in the last quarter to help the team achieve a reversal, and the final difficult layup was breathtaking. Morant's performance is key, but don't forget who helped the team tighten the score when he pulled his crotch, and if his teammates didn't come forward today, the fourth quarter might turn into garbage time. Of the Grizzlies' role players, It was Bane and Clark who performed the best, especially Clark, who was very excited in this crucial game. In other words, without Clark actively fighting, the Grizzlies would not have been able to complete the reversal.

#5 in the U.S. Hot Search! The Grizzlies are a comeback hero, their own fans: he plays better than Morante

Clark came off the bench for 37 minutes and finished with 21 points, 15 rebounds, 3 assists and 1 block on 9-of-14 shooting. Clark scored in quick succession after his debut in the first quarter, and the head coach may have seen Clark play a role, so he deliberately increased his playing time in this game, and it turned out that the head coach's decision was right. Clark played almost the final quarter, and in the 11 minutes of the fourth quarter, he had 5 points, 10 rebounds, 2 assists and 1 block, and 7 of the 10 rebounds in the final quarter were very high. Clark grabbed a total of nine rebounds, while the Timberwolves had only six rebounds in the frontcourt.

#5 in the U.S. Hot Search! The Grizzlies are a comeback hero, their own fans: he plays better than Morante

After the game, Clarke's performance was on the national hot search, and netizens affirmed Clarke's performance. Some netizens said that Clark is the best player played by the Grizzlies, of course, Morant is also very good; Clark has played badly before, but he can come out of those shadows, which shows that the sky is his limit! Some netizens are not cold to Clark, saying that he is just an unknown player and cannot set off too much waves. But in fact, there are not a few examples of counterattacks in the league, last year's MVP, nuggets star Jokic is just a second-round show, so don't bully the teenager poor.

#5 in the U.S. Hot Search! The Grizzlies are a comeback hero, their own fans: he plays better than Morante

At present, the Grizzlies have won the game point, but the young team like the Timberwolves will not give up easily, and G6 will be a bad game. The Grizzlies must prepare in advance, play aggressively like the last quarter of The King Mountain, mobilize the enthusiasm of the players, and play a suppressive force at both ends of the attack and defense. Morant's burden is heavy because his teammates can't deliver such brilliant stats every game, and he needs to stand up and lead the team.

#5 in the U.S. Hot Search! The Grizzlies are a comeback hero, their own fans: he plays better than Morante

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