
Stop believing in "noble people's late words", seize the golden period of language development, and let the baby become a small talker

Hello everyone, I'm Seven Joy Mom~

Often hear the phrase "noble people are late", describing the child who can't speak at a certain age, at this time the elders of the family will say that this is because the child is late.

Older generations think it's good that children talk late, but is that really the case?

The girlfriend's son is more than 1 year old this year, and the little guy looks particularly cute, but it is a little sad for the girlfriend, that is, this child is more than 1 year old and can't speak.

Every time the child wants to express something, the mouth is vaguely screaming, it is difficult to clearly say a word or a word, the child will only be called "daddy" at most, other children will not call.

Stop believing in "noble people's late words", seize the golden period of language development, and let the baby become a small talker

Every time I go downstairs to play, some children of the same age can already say complete short sentences, girlfriends look at their children more and more worried, they and their husbands have no language barrier, why can't the children they give birth to talk?

Before listening to the mother-in-law always said that the nobles were late, the girlfriend still believed, and now looking at the gap between the child and others, the girlfriend can no longer sit still, and really wants to help the child to speak quickly.

Stop believing in "noble people's late words", seize the golden period of language development, and let the baby become a small talker

I told my girlfriend that now the child is only more than 1 year old, just in the critical period of language development, as long as the girlfriend guides well, the child will soon achieve a language outbreak.

As for how to guide it? Let's move on.

The "Broca District" is the key code for a child's language development

I have paid special attention to the development of children's language since the birth of children, and at that stage I have read many psychology books and books on children's growth and development, one of which is dedicated to the regularity of children's language development.

Stop believing in "noble people's late words", seize the golden period of language development, and let the baby become a small talker

In fact, the child's language development is regular, and there are special areas in the child's brain to manage and control the child's language.

This area is the "Broca District", which is the language center of the child's brain and the key code for the child's language development.

The most important role of this area is to coordinate the child's pronunciation program, help the child master the structure of the language, let the child slowly master the skills of speaking, and thus learn to express the language autonomously.

You see, like the various sensory organs of human beings, the parts of the brain also have a completely different division of labor, and only by following the growth and development of the Broca district can the child's language achieve a big explosion.

Stop believing in "noble people's late words", seize the golden period of language development, and let the baby become a small talker

A key node in your child's language development

Children will have different sensitive periods at different stages, and the language sensitivity period is generally between 0-3 years old, and there will be different emphases in this stage.

0-1 years old:

Psychologist Piaget believes that children between the ages of 0-1 are in the perceptual motor stage, and the way children learn at this stage is to perceive movement, using the body's perception to stimulate the development of stimulating language.

Stop believing in "noble people's late words", seize the golden period of language development, and let the baby become a small talker

At this stage, children can touch, hold, bite, scratch and other ways to obtain information, and children have a special feeling for simple rhythmic sounds.

At this time, the mother can read some targeted early education books to the child to mobilize the child's brain's visual, auditory, language cognition and other abilities.

If you can't choose the right books, here's a set of "1-year-old baby early education book" (my daughter's favorite set of books when she was a child), which is a whole brain development puzzle game book for 0-1 year old children.

Stop believing in "noble people's late words", seize the golden period of language development, and let the baby become a small talker

This set of books has a total of 4 volumes, namely "The Strongest Brain of 1-year-old Baby", "1-year-old Baby Encyclopedia", "1-year-old Baby Learns to Speak", "Baby 1 Year Old", which comprehensively stimulates the potential of children's brains and improves the baby's language expression ability, spatial cognitive ability, comprehension ability, imagination ability, observation ability, perception ability, memory ability and many other comprehensive abilities.

The book is aimed at the cognitive habits of small babies, intimately set up a beautiful large picture, the picture is very rich and interesting, with simple rhythmic text, children can understand it just like looking at pictures.

For example, this page is about the duckling, the baby can immediately be attracted to the interesting duckling, the mother can read this interesting text to the child according to the book, the child's brain can combine the "duck" and the text to understand the meaning of the word "duck".

Stop believing in "noble people's late words", seize the golden period of language development, and let the baby become a small talker

The next time the child sees the duck again, the image memory in the child's brain will appear, and the child will slowly say the word "duck" himself.

Interactive play is the most suitable way for babies to learn language, mothers accompany their children to see it every day, and after a period of time, the child's language will be greatly improved.

1-2 years old:

At this stage, babies have begun to be able to imitate, and children will imitate mom and dad to make some simple sounds or words. Children have a basic understanding of the shape and size of objects, and mothers can use the golden period of their children to guide their children stronger.

Stop believing in "noble people's late words", seize the golden period of language development, and let the baby become a small talker

For example, when seeing two apples of different sizes on the table, the mother can say to the child, "Baby, which of the 2 apples on the table is bigger?" ”

It should be noted here that when the mother talks to the child, the sentence should be as short and specific as possible, and do not let the child have a vague concept.

Stop believing in "noble people's late words", seize the golden period of language development, and let the baby become a small talker

2-year-old babies can start to read some simple picture books at this stage, here is also recommended for everyone this set of "2-year-old baby early education book", is for 1-2 years old baby learning picture book books.

This set of picture books is also 4 volumes, "Baby 2 years old", "2-year-old baby learns to speak", "2-year-old baby encyclopedia", "2-year-old baby's strongest brain", all-round to give 2-year-old babies the best language stimulation, help babies grow better.

Stop believing in "noble people's late words", seize the golden period of language development, and let the baby become a small talker

According to the growth characteristics of 2-year-old babies, a lot of smart games have been added in the book, so that children can learn to understand their own bodies, learn to compare sizes, and learn to interact with peer games.

2-3 years old:

At this stage, children begin to have a concept of self, and they will also have a certain understanding of the development laws of things, and mothers can seize this period to let children practice opening their mouths and expressing themselves independently.

Teach children to express themselves regardless of the occasion, and can start anywhere, for example, seeing the number of numbers in the elevator mother can teach the child how to read, seeing the sign on the roadside lawn, the mother can tell the child what these words mean.

Stop believing in "noble people's late words", seize the golden period of language development, and let the baby become a small talker

Bring the child into the scene for dialogue, and the child can associate the words with the scene to form an image memory, which will be transformed into a long-term memory, forming the child's initial cognition of the outside world.

If your child is 2-3 years old, you can look at the "3-year-old baby early education book" (click on my avatar to enter the homepage window, there are oh, which has picture books and books that children of all ages need), these books are specially set according to the age and development characteristics of children, parents or grandparents can choose according to the age of the baby!

If your baby's language is delayed, or your child is reluctant to speak, try the method described above. Mothers must seize the sensitive period of children's language, so that children's language can be exploded and become a cute little talk!

Is your child talking late?

I am Qiyue Mom, a mother of a three-year-old child, and I hope that some of my parenting experiences can be conveyed to you through the platform to provide a little help for your parenting road! You can follow me to learn and grow together!

I am @Seven Joy Mom, follow me and I talk about parenting easily together!

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