
Legendary Page: How to open the Fire Sword Saint Talent Awakening How to add points to the Fire Sword Saint Talent Skill

Hello everyone, welcome to the [Dark Lightyear Legend Download], today Xiaobian introduces the relevant introduction of the Fire Sword Saint Talent Skill for everyone, and the interested small partners will follow the Xiaobian to read it together!

Legendary Page: How to open the Fire Sword Saint Talent Awakening How to add points to the Fire Sword Saint Talent Skill

【Talent Awakening】

1. Consume item soul essence to upgrade the talent skill points.

2. Soul Essence can be obtained through the Tower of Babel.

3. To upgrade talent points, you need to complete the corresponding preconditions to upgrade.

4. Each talent page has a maximum total level limit, after reaching the maximum limit, you cannot upgrade the talent on this page, please consider it carefully when upgrading.

5. If you are not satisfied with the talent that has been upgraded, you can reset the talent points, and the corresponding soul essence will be returned after the reset.

6. When the total skill level reaches the corresponding points, the talent can be awakened, and the talent awakening skill will greatly increase the amplification space after awakening.

7. Consuming special items can directly increase the skill level regardless of the maximum level and preconditions, but the improved skills will not be included in the total skill level.

8. Almighty Spirit will not be returned after resetting the talent, please use it with caution

Legendary Page: How to open the Fire Sword Saint Talent Awakening How to add points to the Fire Sword Saint Talent Skill

The above is the introduction to the relevant gameplay of the Fire Sword Holy Page Game Talent Awakening! Hope that helps! More game guides and game benefit packages are available in [Dark Lightyear Legend Download]!

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