
Exclusive | cardiovascular acute and critical care treatment under the epidemic Situation Ge Junbo envisions a "super ambulance"

Under the epidemic, the emergency system is overwhelmed, which may delay the treatment time of critically ill patients. To this end, Professor Ge Junbo, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and director of the Department of Cardiology of Zhongshan Hospital affiliated to Fudan University, suggested that a new life channel should be opened up for patients who need emergency treatment such as acute myocardial infarction, and corresponding surgical treatment can be carried out in the process of transfer.

Ge Junbo also exclusively revealed to the first financial reporter a long-term idea, hoping to save the lives of more acute myocardial infarction patients through "super ambulance".

The emergency system is overloaded

As of April 27, the current round of the epidemic in Shanghai has accumulated 285 deaths, and most of the deaths have died from primary underlying diseases, of which severe cardiac insufficiency, myocardial infarction and other critical diseases and emergencies account for a considerable proportion.

In addition, at the press conference on epidemic prevention and control in Shanghai on April 26, the cause of death of a 33-year-old male patient was also announced, which was sudden cardiac arrest and died after ineffective rescue, and was diagnosed as sudden cardiac death.

For these phenomena, Ge Junbo called for coordinating the resources of all parties and giving full play to the power of technology to win the survival time for more acute and critical patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

During the epidemic period, the overloaded operation of the emergency system has become the biggest challenge, which is directly manifested in the overloaded emergency department of the hospital, and the 120 emergency system cannot meet the overloaded emergency demand, resulting in an extended waiting time for emergency patients.

Ge Junbo believes that due to the overload of the emergency system, some patients now have a long waiting time for referral, and some high-risk patients who urgently need rescue are life-threatening due to delayed treatment.

In addition, although most of the top three hospitals have taken measures such as setting up independent treatment channels for patients without nucleic acid test reports and improving the level of protection according to the requirements of prevention and control during the epidemic period, there is still a risk of nosocomial infection, and nosocomial infection will lead to further expansion of the scope of sealing and control and the sanitize of places, resulting in the reduction of personnel and facilities, and it is still difficult for hospitals to equip and expand corresponding independent emergency units and facilities in the short term.

In view of the above situation, Ge Junbo proposed whether it is possible to explore a mobile emergency operating room that is networked with the emergency system, and combine it with technologies such as 5G Internet to open up the information flow, and establish a set of mobile rescue solutions to support emergency patients through this "super ambulance" similar to the "mobile cabin".

Ge Junbo introduced to the first financial reporter that in recent years, with the support of the Shanghai Municipal Health Commission and the Shenkang Center, all tertiary hospitals in Shanghai have established "chest pain centers" and "stroke centers" to timely intervene in patients with acute myocardial infarction and stroke to open occluded blood vessels, which has greatly improved the treatment capacity of acute cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Shanghai Emergency Center has also coordinated with various "chest pain centers" and "stroke centers" to set up receiving terminals in various hospitals through unified scheduling, rapid transfer, remote transmission and information sharing with the help of Internet + 5G digital technology, and build an integrated cloud platform for emergency information.

"Super Ambulance" project

Based on the basis of the above-mentioned emergency system platform, Siemens Healthcare launched a "super ambulance" program this month for patients with chest pain and stroke in the acute and critical illness of the epidemic. The 5G mobile acute critical interventional treatment unit, named "Expedition", can achieve seamless connection with other medical institution facilities, and the vehicle is equipped with equipment and facilities such as angiography system (DSA), ultraviolet disinfection system and negative pressure system, which can ensure the full interventional discipline requirements of critically ill patients under the epidemic.

Pu Zhengrong, vice president of the clinical treatment system of Siemens Medical Greater China, told the first financial reporter: "Under the background of the normalization of the epidemic, the treatment process has undergone great changes, such as the previous 120 is directly docked with the emergency chest pain center, but under the epidemic, on the one hand, the ambulance is difficult to call, on the other hand, the hospital also has to do nucleic acid, which will delay the rescue time of patients." ”

Exclusive | cardiovascular acute and critical care treatment under the epidemic Situation Ge Junbo envisions a "super ambulance"

According to reports, the "Expedition" mobile critical care unit can dock with the fever clinic/emergency department of the hospital; the high-risk cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease patients in the square cabin hospital and the designated hospital; and the 120 emergency patients in the closed community. Since the treatment unit is equipped with perfect cardiovascular and cerebrovascular surgery facilities, it is equivalent to a "mobile catheter room", and PCI interventional surgery can be performed directly in the car, which not only reduces the risk of epidemic transmission, but also saves transport time.

In addition, each treatment unit is also equipped with a medical team with on-board medical equipment, which is composed of doctors with the ability to independently handle cardiovascular and cerebrovascular acute and critical illnesses and rich experience in infection control, etc., and is responsible for supporting on-site interventional treatment of acute cardiovascular and cerebrovascular patients in the closed loop and other prevention and control areas.

At the same time, with the help of Internet digital technology means such as 5G telemedicine, through the Shanghai Emergency Integrated Cloud Platform, each treatment unit can transmit information to the command headquarters, and experts can provide remote guidance and support for surgery, so as to achieve multidisciplinary collaborative treatment of critically ill patients.

Exclusive | cardiovascular acute and critical care treatment under the epidemic Situation Ge Junbo envisions a "super ambulance"

The first financial reporter learned that at present, Siemens Medical is in close communication with Zhongshan Hospital, Shanghai Emergency Center and other institutions, hoping to implement the project as soon as possible.

"This is a systematic project, the vehicle needs to be specially customized, and access to the entire Shanghai emergency system, but also multi-party linkage, relying on the regional chest pain center responsible for the doctor's car schedule, 120 emergency is responsible for coordinating the on-board emergency unit to the scene of emergency." Pu Zhengrong told the first financial reporter.

He said that under ideal circumstances, 3-5 such vehicle-mounted mobile treatment units can basically cover the treatment of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular critical care under the normalization of epidemic prevention and control.

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