
A collection of vintage knight belts from Heisei to the present, how many do you know?

Showa knight's belt is generally a fan-shaped position, when transforming to start the fan, do not need complex props, but after entering heisei, this kind of non-profit belt is gradually abandoned, but in order to remember, there are still some retro belts, let's take a look at it

1. Showa Riding in the Heisei Knights

A collection of vintage knight belts from Heisei to the present, how many do you know?

This class of knights refers to the pure Showa knights born in the Heisei knight era, and their belts are also pure Showa wind, including the new typhoon of Kamen Rider 1, the three-type typhoon of Kamen Rider 3, and the sky typhoon of Kamen Rider 4.

Second, Showa continues to ride

A collection of vintage knight belts from Heisei to the present, how many do you know?

This type of knight refers to knights who have not yet fully emerged from the showa knight style, and their belts have made some improvements while maintaining the Showa style, just like the Kamen Rider Empty My Yaguru and kamen Rider AgitΩ variation ring.

Third, the future retro ride

A collection of vintage knight belts from Heisei to the present, how many do you know?

Even if this class of knights literally means retro, their belts add a series of futuristic styles to showa, including Kamen Rider Aqua's Aqua Drive, Kamen Rider Century's Boomerang Acceleration Drive.

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