
Continue to preach! Jinmen Huguan announced four foreign aides and one physical training coach

On April 29, Beijing time, Jinmen Tiger officially announced that Radonic, Rosa, Anduhar and Beric, four foreign aides and physical rehabilitation coach Javier Povida, joined the team. In the previous two days, the Jinmen Tigers have officially announced 12 players.

Continue to preach! Jinmen Huguan announced four foreign aides and one physical training coach

Radonić, born in Germany in July 1990, plays as a center forward, has a rich career resume, has worked in Croatia, Israel, Russia and other leagues, the last two seasons, Radonic played for Qingdao.

Radonic is tall, strong and has the technical characteristics of a good center player. Looking forward to the joining of Radonić, which can further enhance the frontal strength of the Jinmen Tigers, I wish Radonić to create good results with the Jinmen Tigers in the new season!

Continue to preach! Jinmen Huguan announced four foreign aides and one physical training coach

Rosa, born in January 1994, has both Brazilian and Portuguese citizenship, played as a striker, and has played in European and Asian leagues for a long time, playing for Tel Aviv Workers, Beer Sheba Workers, Fujaira, Panatolix and other clubs.

Rosa has a good sense of breakthrough ability and coordination, is an excellent offensive all-rounder, look forward to his arrival, can enhance the attacking power of the Jinmen Tigers, help the team to create better results in the new season!

Continue to preach! Jinmen Huguan announced four foreign aides and one physical training coach

Anduhar (born August 1991) is a Spanish player who plays as a defender. Anduhar is fierce defensive and solid in form, having played for La Liga club Cartagena for many years before being the backbone of the team's defence.

Looking forward to the addition of Anduhar, it will further enhance the team's defensive intensity and help the Jinmen Tigers go further in the journey of the new season!

Continue to preach! Jinmen Huguan announced four foreign aides and one physical training coach

Berić (born in June 1991) plays as a striker for the Chicago Flames, Saint-Etienne and Anderlecht, and has been selected for the Slovenian national team several times during his career.

Tall, agile, skilled and capable of shooting, Beric is a strong striker. Looking forward to a good performance by Beric at the Tsumen Tigers and helping the team to create good results in the new season!

Continue to preach! Jinmen Huguan announced four foreign aides and one physical training coach

Javier was born in 1983 and is a Spanish citizen. He has worked as a physical rehabilitation coach and injury prevention trainer in many football clubs such as Cordoba, Malaga, Zaragoza, Etihad and Changchun Yatai.

Javier has a rich professional resume, outstanding professional ability, and also has a certain understanding of Chinese players. His joining will play a positive role in the training and rehabilitation of the Jinmen Tigers, and it is expected that Javier can help the Jinmen Tigers achieve better results in the new season!

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