
Debut is the peak, married to a rich man for 7 years alone in an empty house, the daughter appeared for the first time, the appearance is amazing and full of spirit

author:The heart blooms with the flowers

Recently, actor Liu Mintao and his daughter filmed a group of magazine blockbusters together, showing the mother-daughter relationship. Whether it is dress or style, it revolves around the gentleness and love of the fashionable mother and daughter, and the whole atmosphere is full of love, very happy and warm pictures.

Debut is the peak, married to a rich man for 7 years alone in an empty house, the daughter appeared for the first time, the appearance is amazing and full of spirit

It was also her daughter's first appearance. The 12-year-old daughter wears a short skirt, a pair of long legs that are thin and white, and the proportions are perfect.

Debut is the peak, married to a rich man for 7 years alone in an empty house, the daughter appeared for the first time, the appearance is amazing and full of spirit

The two wear the same camel trench coat, Liu Mintao exudes an elegant and intellectual temperament, and her daughter snuggles in Liu Mintao's arms and smiles at the camera, showing youthful vitality and pleasing to the eye.

Debut is the peak, married to a rich man for 7 years alone in an empty house, the daughter appeared for the first time, the appearance is amazing and full of spirit

In the photo, 46-year-old Liu Mintao has a thick hair shawl, wearing a purple hip skirt, which completely outlines the curvy beauty of the figure, feminine, three-dimensional and exquisite features, smooth skin, the state is like 30 years old, and her daughter is like a close sister.

Debut is the peak, married to a rich man for 7 years alone in an empty house, the daughter appeared for the first time, the appearance is amazing and full of spirit
Debut is the peak, married to a rich man for 7 years alone in an empty house, the daughter appeared for the first time, the appearance is amazing and full of spirit

Liu Mintao can be described as the peak of his debut, not long after leaving the campus, he received the starring quota of the historical legend drama "Zhu Yuanzhang, the Boy of Fengyang", the suspense criminal investigation drama "The Story of the Police Station", and the first part of the hundred-episode TV series "New Compilation liaozhai", "The Love of People and Ghosts".

Debut is the peak, married to a rich man for 7 years alone in an empty house, the daughter appeared for the first time, the appearance is amazing and full of spirit

Even the well-known writer Yu Hua's "Alive" threw an olive branch to her.

Debut is the peak, married to a rich man for 7 years alone in an empty house, the daughter appeared for the first time, the appearance is amazing and full of spirit

Such achievements are undoubtedly a super honor for a fledgling young actor.

Debut is the peak, married to a rich man for 7 years alone in an empty house, the daughter appeared for the first time, the appearance is amazing and full of spirit

In 2004, Liu Mintao met love when his career was on the rise, and then this gentle and intoxicating actor naturally returned to the family, and in 7 years, he gradually became a Kenuchi helper.

Debut is the peak, married to a rich man for 7 years alone in an empty house, the daughter appeared for the first time, the appearance is amazing and full of spirit

And the husband who used to sweetly talk to her and ask for warmth has become a workaholic who is busy 365 days a year, 364 days.

Debut is the peak, married to a rich man for 7 years alone in an empty house, the daughter appeared for the first time, the appearance is amazing and full of spirit

When the husband is busiest, even the Spring Festival will not stay home.

Debut is the peak, married to a rich man for 7 years alone in an empty house, the daughter appeared for the first time, the appearance is amazing and full of spirit

Her marriage became a widowed marriage, and even the care of her daughter became her "exclusive right".

Debut is the peak, married to a rich man for 7 years alone in an empty house, the daughter appeared for the first time, the appearance is amazing and full of spirit

The days of lack of spiritual communication and emotional communication brought this marriage to an end. After divorcing her husband, she took her daughter with her and was given custody of her daughter.

Debut is the peak, married to a rich man for 7 years alone in an empty house, the daughter appeared for the first time, the appearance is amazing and full of spirit

In order to give her daughter a better environment to grow up, at the age of 37, she decided to return to the battlefield. Re-fight for your own highlight moments.

Debut is the peak, married to a rich man for 7 years alone in an empty house, the daughter appeared for the first time, the appearance is amazing and full of spirit

In 2014, a popular "Langya List", in 2015, a "Pretender" praised by everyone, and the master-gathered "Sound Immersion" and "The Birth of an Actor" finally pushed her into the public eye.

Debut is the peak, married to a rich man for 7 years alone in an empty house, the daughter appeared for the first time, the appearance is amazing and full of spirit

Today, 46-year-old Liu Mintao, when she is not filming, she accompanies her daughter and her family, listens to them talk about those small things, and occasionally when she has free time, she sneaks out, or watches an anonymous performance, or hides in the crowd, walking aimlessly, everything is comfortable and beautiful.

Debut is the peak, married to a rich man for 7 years alone in an empty house, the daughter appeared for the first time, the appearance is amazing and full of spirit
Debut is the peak, married to a rich man for 7 years alone in an empty house, the daughter appeared for the first time, the appearance is amazing and full of spirit

Now Liu Mintao's career is also on the rise, I believe that the life of mother and daughter will get better and better.