
Super Black King Dark Ob Ultraman Skill Summary

Super Black King Dark Ob Ultraman Skill Summary

Holy Sword Slash

Fires a wheel of light from the body of the Obu Dark Sword, cutting off the bodies of enemies in the distance, and uses them many times as a sword fighting basic skill.

Super Black King Dark Ob Ultraman Skill Summary

Dark Sword of Oblien Rock

Possesses abilities similar to the Sword of Obdi. Turn the four attributes of the sword disc to select the rock attribute and stab the sword into the ground, causing huge rocks to fly around the stabbed land and smash into the enemy.

Super Black King Dark Ob Ultraman Skill Summary

Dark Orb's Sword of Wrath

Possesses abilities similar to the Sword of Obu Fire. Turning the four attributes of the sword disc to select the Inflammation attribute, draw a circle of fire, and then swing the circle of fire towards the enemy.

Super Black King Dark Ob Ultraman Skill Summary

Dark Obu Ice Sword

Possesses abilities similar to the Sword of Obu Water. Turning the four attributes of the sword disk to select the ice attribute produces a row of ice, which is then swung at the enemy.

Super Black King Dark Ob Ultraman Skill Summary

Dark Sturbim Bomb

New Chuanghua translation: Dark Sturbim explosion

The skill of pressing the Obu Ring NEO to make the whole body burn flames and pounce on the enemy, causing a big explosion.

The prototype is the Ob incendiary bomb form of the must-kill Stubim bomb.

Super Black King Dark Ob Ultraman Skill Summary

Dark Oligim Light

Xinchuanghua translation name: dark native light

Long press the Obu Ring NEO, then attach it to the AZ Swivel Flash and pull the lever three times to start. Fight against a tornado of flames combined with a whirlwind of Roseau and a stream of fire attacks from Blu to push it back easily. Inflicted great damage on the Rob brothers.

The prototype is the origim ray, the killer skill of Obu Origin.

Super Black King Dark Ob Ultraman Skill Summary

Weakening device

The special mechanism installed in Holopoloz's body activates when Dark Obu Ultraman contacts it, and can restrict Holopoloz's movements, weakening or even stopping his activities.

Super Black King Dark Ob Ultraman Skill Summary

Dark Obu Typhoon Sword

Possesses abilities similar to the Sword of the Orb Wind. After turning the four attributes of the sword disk to select the Arashi attribute, the specific effect is unknown.

This skill is present in the sound effects set with the DX Dark Obu Sacred Sword and is not used in the series.

Super Black King Dark Ob Ultraman Skill Summary

Dark Orb Ultimate Sacred Sword

New Creation Chinese Translation: Dark Obu Supreme Holy Sword

The kill skill launched after lighting up the four attributes of the Dark Obu Sacred Sword "Yan, Ice, Rock, and Lan" is the dark version of the Ob Supreme Sacred Sword of the Origin Form of Oubu, and the specific effect is unknown.

This skill is present in the sound effects set with the DX Dark Obu Sacred Sword and is not used in the series.

Super Black King Dark Ob Ultraman Skill Summary

Dark Sparrow Ao Ray

Press the Obu Ring NEO to launch the dark version of the Obs Pai Shum Pai Pei Li Ao form of the must kill skill Spike Ao Ray, the specific effect is unknown.

This skill is present in the sound effects set with DX Ob Ring NEO and is not used in the play.

Super Black King Dark Ob Ultraman Skill Summary

Dark Z Sholm Rays

New Chuanghua translation: Dark Sethshum Rays

Also known as: Dark Jetsom Rays

Press the Obu Ring NEO to launch the dark version of the Ob Thunder Badge form of the must-kill Z Shum Ray, the specific effect is unknown.

This skill is present in the sound effects set with DX Ob Ring NEO and is not used in the play.

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