
"I'd rather meet a jackal than a mountain fish", what is that mountain fish? Why is it frightening?

author:Live small children

There is such a creature, red, blue, purple and other bright colors intertwined on its ghostly face. There are deep longitudinal stripes on the sides of the nose, a pinch of goatee under the chin, the head is hidden in long hairs, the hair on the body is brown, fluffy and dense; the ventral surface is pale yellowish brown, the hair is long and dense; the back is red, the genitals are also the same; the buttocks are purple due to the abundance of blood vessels, and the color is more pronounced when emotionally excited. It is the mountain fish - the one-legged ghost in the Zhongshan mountains in Chinese myths and legends, and the Classic of Mountains and Seas mentions: "In the south, there are gan giants, long arms on the face, black body with hair, anti-heel, seeing people laughing and laughing, covering their faces, because they are fleeing." So how can the mountain fish be compared with the ferocious jackal, so that the ancients issued the statement that "it is better to meet the jackal than to touch the mountain fish"?

"I'd rather meet a jackal than a mountain fish", what is that mountain fish? Why is it frightening?

Jackals live in camps and safaris, have a sexual alertness, a well-developed sense of smell, and are most active in the morning and evening. Very ferocious, like to chase, after finding prey gathered together to hunt, it can be said that in the wild by the jackals stared at, basically there is no possibility of survival. As a creature more terrifying than the jackal in the ancient population, the mountain fish is actually the world's largest primate, they are strong, standing height can exceed 1 meter, weight can exceed 30 or 40 kilograms, mainly living in groups. The mountain fish was furious, and even the lion, tiger and leopard were afraid of him for three points. In the case that the ancients did not have a comprehensive understanding, the unknown creatures were simply recorded in the literature according to their habits and tempers, for the reference of future generations. Dangerous creatures like mountain fish are described in a more terrifying way to wake up future generations. Knowing what kind of creature the mountain fish is, how on earth can it make people so afraid?

"I'd rather meet a jackal than a mountain fish", what is that mountain fish? Why is it frightening?

It is a mountain fish, the sexiest monkey, which can obviously be borne by appearance, but is known for its short temper. It never knows what fear is, it hates the labels that humans impose, it prefers to believe in the power of fangs, and it is not even afraid to challenge the leopard. The leopard was useless in his eyes, ugly, greedy and cunning, though sometimes. It's a mountain fish, it's grumpy, it's a warrior who grinds his teeth when he dies. In ancient times, mountain fish were good at sneaking up on humans, and loved to catch humans as prey, especially like to eat human heads. Perhaps this is the main reason why the ancients issued the feeling of "preferring to meet the jackal, not touching the mountain fish".

"I'd rather meet a jackal than a mountain fish", what is that mountain fish? Why is it frightening?

Modern research has found that the fierce and aggressive temperament of the mountain fish is on the one hand, in addition to being irritable and irritable and often fighting, it also has a very high IQ. When facing the enemy, the mountain fish often uses its long, sharp fangs to bite the opponent, making it incapacitated. But if you find that you can't fight, you will withdraw in time with tact, but you will still carry out uninterrupted harassment, in other words, it is extremely revengeful, I can't beat you and you won't run away in a gray way, but you won't make you feel better, even if you kill eight hundred self-inflicted a thousand. The sense of territory of the mountain fish is also very strong, and if you accidentally break into their territory in the wild, you will not hesitate to kill the enemy, including people, which is also a reason why the ancients were afraid of the mountain fish.

"I'd rather meet a jackal than a mountain fish", what is that mountain fish? Why is it frightening?

In general, the mountain fish is a kind of animal with extremely strong combat effectiveness and high injury to thieves, but its heart and eyes are very small, and once it is provoked, it is difficult to get rid of, or it is either a dead end or it is seriously injured and harassed by it. So listen to the old man, stay away from the mountain fish, the wild encountered around the walk, do not take the initiative to provoke. Don't think about teasing a run is the end of the matter, to know that the running speed of the mountain fish is as high as 50km/h, and the running speed of adult humans is average 5~10km/h. Where can it run? Just did not run two steps will be caught, after the picture, dare not think ah is too bloody.

"I'd rather meet a jackal than a mountain fish", what is that mountain fish? Why is it frightening?

In ancient times, the mountain fish, which was the same as the "mountain ghost", has now faded the color of terror and mystery, and has become a "ghost baboon" in the nature reserve, and there is no way to eat human heads at will. However, the admonition handed down by the older generation that "it is better to meet the jackal than to touch the mountain fish" should still be heeded. The strong physique and clever mind of the mountain fish are worth learning. Of course, there is no harm in knowing more about it, maybe one day we will encounter it, right? Haha, if you really run into a mountain fish, you should turn back to the jackal.

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