
Ke Jie on Gu Ailing (Part 2): Standing with her, I will have low self-esteem

Ke Jie on Gu Ailing (Part 2): Standing with her, I will have low self-esteem

In the last column, it was mentioned that Ke Jie "spoiled" the goddess in her heart in the live broadcast on her B station account - Gu Ailing, the "genius ski girl" who has been popular in China this year. Ke Jie mentioned Gu Ailing many times in the live broadcast, honoring her as "Gu Sheng" and believing that Gu Ailing was a "woman without any shortcomings". (For details, see "Ke Jie on Gu Ailing (Part 1): She is a woman without any flaws")

Today continues to bring you the content of Gu Ailing in Ke Jie's live broadcast. This time, Ke Jie bluntly revealed her heart: Gu Ailing is many times better than me, and standing with her will be inferior.

Let's take a look.

Ke Jie on Gu Ailing (Part 2): Standing with her, I will have low self-esteem

At this year's Winter Olympics, Gu Ailing, a talented ski girl who won 2 gold and 1 silver for the Chinese team

In the live broadcast, some netizens asked Ke Jie, "Can I link up with Gu Ailing in the future?" Want to see the wall-breaking action. ”

Because the topic of Gu Ailing was too hot in Ke Jie's live broadcast room, Ke Jie helplessly said, "You mentioned Gu Ailing's name in my live broadcast room, not to mention 10,000 times there are also 9,999 times." ”

Later, Ke Jie admitted that "the possibility of linkage is very small" and explained the reason: "When a person who is many times better than you stands in front of you, it is difficult to communicate with an equal posture, so it may be embarrassing." ”

Ke Jie on Gu Ailing (Part 2): Standing with her, I will have low self-esteem
Ke Jie on Gu Ailing (Part 2): Standing with her, I will have low self-esteem
Ke Jie on Gu Ailing (Part 2): Standing with her, I will have low self-esteem
Ke Jie on Gu Ailing (Part 2): Standing with her, I will have low self-esteem

Isn't the "eight champions" of the Go World Championship good enough?

Perhaps realizing that netizens would ask this, Ke Jie quickly added, "Don't think I'm anything, I'm an ordinary person, and I'm an ordinary person, nothing, nothing." ”

Ke Jie on Gu Ailing (Part 2): Standing with her, I will have low self-esteem
Ke Jie on Gu Ailing (Part 2): Standing with her, I will have low self-esteem
Ke Jie on Gu Ailing (Part 2): Standing with her, I will have low self-esteem

In front of Gu Ailing, how ordinary is he?

Ke Jie frankly said that "standing with her, the sense of inferiority will come out" and "the difference is too far, it is completely incomparable."

Ke Jie on Gu Ailing (Part 2): Standing with her, I will have low self-esteem

Gu Ailing

It can be said that Ke Jie's live broadcast speech this time is still very pertinent.

Whether a person is ordinary or excellent mainly depends on who the object of comparison is. Ke Jie, who is so extraordinary in our eyes, thinks that he is an ordinary person in front of Gu Ailing.

"In front of people who are many times better than themselves, they will be embarrassed and have an inferiority complex" - it turns out that the strong and confident Ke Jie in our impression will also have a moment of inferiority.

So, do you feel inferior in front of people who are many times better than yourself?

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