
Harashin: As of version 2.6, what other valuable weapons are in the resident pool?

As early as the beginning of the "Original God", the resident pool had ushered in a glorious time; everyone was hard to carve Qingdi Luke, if you crooked a wolf sword, then you can take off directly and take a screenshot to run around to pull hatred.

However, as more and more card pools are opened, new weapons become more and more powerful; the resident pool that was once longed for by thousands of people has long been ignored, and only in the first few days of each month do players throw 5 blue cakes into it to try their luck. Sometimes even if there is a golden light, it is often not too satisfactory, after all, there are only so many valuable weapons now, as for what are they? Let's talk about it today~!

Harashin: As of version 2.6, what other valuable weapons are in the resident pool?

The Bow of Amos

For players with ganyu, the Amos Bow in the resident pool can be said to be the weapon they would most like to see, even if it is used to refine it.

However, the value of Amos is also limited to the Ganyu player group, and it should be known that it had a well-known "beauty name" - the pain bow. The reason why it was painful was because the attack methods of most bow and arrow characters were difficult to match the effect of this weapon, until the appearance of Ganyu. Therefore, now Amos is also happy and sad after being drawn, who makes it too limited.

Harashin: As of version 2.6, what other valuable weapons are in the resident pool?

and Iris

Similarly, as an exclusive weapon, the Iris is also quite popular in the resident pool, but unlike the Bow of Amos, the weapon effect of the Iris is significantly more invaluable, and in addition to equipping the Lord of the Fish, we can also configure it to any of the spear characters to use as a transitional weapon. What's more, he also has a noble critical hit secondary attribute, so that its status in the resident pool is higher, and it is not at all lossable when it draws.

Harashin: As of version 2.6, what other valuable weapons are in the resident pool?

Sky Roll/Wings of the Sky

There are 4 weapons in the Sky series, but only [Sky Scroll] and [Sky Wings] can stand out. Similarly, both weapons have an attack power of up to 674 points, and the weapon effect is also extremely versatile; in the absence of a special weapon, these two weapons may become the best replacement, especially the Sky Scroll. Therefore, when you get these two heavyweights in the resident pool, you don't have to be sad, after all, they are much stronger than snow mountain mint (the pain of fine 4 snow mountain mint).

Harashin: As of version 2.6, what other valuable weapons are in the resident pool?
Harashin: As of version 2.6, what other valuable weapons are in the resident pool?

The end of the wolf

The king of the past, the strongest transitional sword now; whether it is Youla or Yidou, you can use the wolf end to make use of it without special weapons. However, whenever I see this weapon, I feel a little sad, to know that the Diluk + Wolf Mo led many players through the road of debacle, and they also appeared on the 12th floor of the spiral. And now they can only lie quietly in the warehouse, like a memory sealed in a corner of the heart, let people touch it and can't help but sigh but beautiful.

Harashin: As of version 2.6, what other valuable weapons are in the resident pool?

The above are the 5 weapons that Chennai believes that the original god resides in the pool, whether they are drawn for refining or transitioning, have different wonderful uses. At the same time, we can't say that the other weapons in the permanent pool are really useless, after all, for the new players who have just entered the pit, it is still very good to draw a five-star weapon; if you have a crooked carving, it is even better.

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