
A person's marriage is actually predestined

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A person's marriage is actually predestined


Fate also? Shipping also

Have a chance to meet up? No reason to face each other do not know each other

In the film and television drama "The Legend of the New White Lady", there is such a song, and the content of the lyrics reads:

There are thousands of miles to meet

It is difficult to hold hands on the other side

Ten years to repair the same boat ferry

A hundred years of cultivation to sleep together

If it is a thousand years, there is creation

The white head is in front of you

Many people believe in past lives and this life.

So someone said:

Five hundred times of looking back in a previous life, in exchange for an encounter in this life!

Two people in a marriage, it is really not easy to come together, in the vast sea of people, how many roads to walk, how many high mountains to cross to come together!

So in Numerology it is preached:

I hope that people with no luck in the world can bless each other in the end!

In life, everyone is just a passer-by, but this time is long and short!

A person's marriage is actually predestined

A friend asked me: she said that she is now completely unable to get out of the last relationship, more than a year, she still does not want to give up, I just wait for him, I hope that one day, he can change his mind, but sometimes I also know that it is completely impossible between them, ask me how to do it?

I replied to her:

The origin of the fate is extinguished, there is a fixed number, the flower is thankful, you can not let it open again, the fate is exhausted, you can not let it come back!

Sometimes we really have to thank these people who are determined in our love because they didn't want to lie to themselves.

To like is to like, to dislike is not to dislike, and not to deceive with some purpose.

The bitter sea has no end, only self-crossing, time will dilute everything, one year will not work for two years, two years will not work for three years, three years will not work for four years, and then unforgettable people, in front of time, will dissipate, if you can't find a better way, then give it all to time.

A person's marriage is actually predestined

A friend asked me: I have a daughter in my family, in my thirties, or not married, I have talked about several boyfriends before, but in the end I have not been successful, and now the family is very anxious, arrange a blind date for her, she will not go, ask me how is this good?

I replied to her:

Go with the flow, it is useless to be in a hurry!

It's like in winter, you always want to let the peach blossoms bloom, it's impossible!

Marriage is the same, when you want to come, you will be in the eye in an instant, and when you don't come, you can't see anyone.

Now the world is different, marriage freedom, love freedom, young people have young people's ideas!

As a parent, when she was a child, I expected her to thrive, when I grew up, I hoped that she would have excellent grades, and when I worked, I hoped that she would work smoothly, and then I would have to worry about her life's events!

I've been looking for trouble all my life!

What should come will always come, and it is useless to think that what should not come is useless!

A person's marriage is actually predestined

Some friends said that the marriage is not predestined, it is won by their own efforts, and now the old man of the moon does not care about the marriage, and it is assigned to the god of wealth!

As long as you have money, you don't have to worry about marriage!

Hearing such a thought reminds me of what a celebrity said in an interview!

He said that he really had everything materially, and he could buy whatever he wanted, but he didn't expect that he would be so unhappy!

So people often say that what you don't get is always in turmoil!

A person's marriage is actually predestined

In Numerology, it is preached:

A person's marriage, in fact, fate has long been predestined, this is true!

So Numerology wants people to:

Give the greatest treasure when you have each other, and give the greatest respect when you lose each other!

With you, my life will be more complete, and my life will continue without you.

Marriage is a city, and the people in the city want to come out, and the people outside the city want to go in!

It's hard to predict how all this will end up!

Only if you are not humble, not sad or happy, can you live a life freely.

A person's marriage is actually predestined

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