
Delta could make a comeback? If this is not done well, the new crown may take the lives of millions of people

The epidemic has lasted for 2 years and has not yet ended.

At the same time that the Omiljung strain was accelerating its spread, the Delta strain had not disappeared.

According to Singapore's "Lianhe Zaobao" report: Recently, Israeli researchers found that when the spread of the new crown variant strain Aomi Kerong accelerated, the Delta strain was also spreading covertly, and the relevant academic results were also published in the academic journal "Holistic Environmental Science".

The researchers monitored wastewater from the southern Israeli city of Beer Sheba between December 2021 and January 2022 and found that the Delta strain did exist.

Researchers are wary of this, waiting for the "decline" of the Omicron virus strain, the Delta strain may make a comeback, which will lead to a new wave of Delta strain infection, and even a new mutant strain.

Delta could make a comeback? If this is not done well, the new crown may take the lives of millions of people

Whether it's Delta, or Aumiqueron, we have to do it better

The new crown epidemic has been raging around the world for more than three years, and the recent new domestic epidemic is a huge test for the mainland's "dynamic clearance".

In the face of the mutated new coronavirus strain, all we can do is to get vaccinated against the new crown in time.

Active vaccination against COVID-19 and timely vaccination against COVID-19 to strengthen treatment are the main ways to effectively prevent infection with variants of COVID-19.

The inactivated vaccine produced in China has an overall protection rate of more than 59% for the Delta variant and 70.2% for the prevention of moderate COVID-19. For severe disease, the protective effect can be as high as 100%.

Delta could make a comeback? If this is not done well, the new crown may take the lives of millions of people

Hong Kong and Shanghai, which have undergone a round of Aumechjong baptism, have also told us at the cost of their lives----

If you do not strengthen vaccine protection and do not add enough vaccines to protect, no matter who it is, it is equivalent to "running naked" in front of the virus.

Especially the elderly, due to their higher age, most of them have underlying diseases, and once infected, the risk of severe illness and death is much higher than that of other age groups.

According to a new study in Hong Kong, the risk of death in the current round of the Opickron epidemic is 252 times that of people over the age of 60 than 30.

Only by strengthening adequate vaccination can we greatly reduce the rate of severe illness and reduce the risk of underlying diseases.

Delta could make a comeback? If this is not done well, the new crown may take the lives of millions of people

(Vaccination in Hong Kong before the outbreak of the epidemic basically fell into a "stop")

In reality, the current situation of vaccination, the elderly strengthen the needle is seriously insufficient

If you only look at the total data of vaccinations on the mainland, it is still good.

According to ourworldindata data, as of April, 88.6% of the mainland population had completed at least one dose of vaccination, and 86.2% had completed two-shot basic vaccination, far ahead of most countries such as Japan and the United States.

But the problem is that these vaccinated groups are mainly young people, and the elderly, especially intensive vaccination, are seriously under-vaccinated.

Delta could make a comeback? If this is not done well, the new crown may take the lives of millions of people

(Preliminary data analysis of COVID-19 death reports)

According to the joint prevention and control press conference on April 12, 2022, as of April 11, 213.293 million people over the age of 60 and the elderly in the mainland had completed the full vaccination of 213.293 million people, and 150.761 million people had completed enhanced immunization.

This also means that at present, about 82% of the elderly in the mainland have completed the full vaccination, and about 58% of young people have completed the intensive vaccination, which seems to be not low, but it is still lower than the average population.

Delta could make a comeback? If this is not done well, the new crown may take the lives of millions of people

(Most European countries, like Sweden, are more vaccinated for the elderly.)

At the same time, this also implies a cruel reality---- there are still more than 50 million elderly people who have not yet had any vaccine protection, and if they are suddenly exposed to the virus like the elderly in Hong Kong, there will be millions of deaths.

Delta could make a comeback? If this is not done well, the new crown may take the lives of millions of people

Even if the vaccine is vaccinated in time, it still needs to do a certain amount of prevention work

As the saying goes: body armor can effectively prevent death after being shot, but it is impossible to prevent all injuries after being shot.

Even if we are vaccinated, it does not mean that we can "do whatever we want" in the face of the virus, so we also need to do a good job in epidemic prevention and control:

For example, when going out, we must pay attention to personal protection, wear a mask first, and take the correct wearing method to block the rapid spread of the virus.

In addition, do not go to crowded places, and do not have any form of contact with anyone from the epidemic area. And keep a safe distance from others and don't touch public facilities with your hands.

Delta could make a comeback? If this is not done well, the new crown may take the lives of millions of people

At the same time, we also need to do a good job of personal and family hygiene.

Personal hygiene work must be done every day, such as washing hands frequently, especially when you go home, and be sure to rinse your hands with running water and soap for at least 20 seconds.

Open the window at least twice a day to ventilate, and actively clean the room, regularly use disinfection products to disinfect the room. When unpacking the courier, disposable gloves must be worn and the courier must be thoroughly disinfected with alcohol.

Delta could make a comeback? If this is not done well, the new crown may take the lives of millions of people

We may not know when the outbreak will end.

Whether this round of the epidemic can end faster, whether we can finally win this battle, and whether we have the opportunity to adjust the future new crown epidemic prevention strategy, then the efficiency of the new crown vaccine batch vaccination for the elderly is still the most critical link.

Therefore, friends who meet the conditions for vaccination should still be vaccinated in time.

For oneself, for others, for society, for the country, it is all a good thing.

Delta could make a comeback? If this is not done well, the new crown may take the lives of millions of people


[1] McMenamin M E, Nealon J, Lin Y, et al. Effect of two and three doses of BNT162b2 and CoronaVac anti-COVID-19 vaccines in Hong Kong [J]. MedRxiv, 2022.

[2] Why are elderly Chinese in Hong Kong delaying or avoiding vaccination against covid-19? Qualitative research based on rooted theory. Release Date: April 18, 2022.

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