
If Mozart's dad had traveled back to the present day to give a lecture to the parents of the piano children...

Moderator: Hello parents and children, welcome to today's special lecture on "Mozart's Parenting Road".

We always understand that not everyone can become Mozart, and not everyone needs to embark on the road of professional music, but the old Mozart still has our desirable places for the music education of little Mozart, nothing about success, what Xiaobian wants everyone to see must be music, is the children's music education. Let's applaud Mozart's father, Leopold Mozart.

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The Mozart family

Dear teachers, parents, friends, children

Good morning, everyone:

I am Mozart's dad Leopold Mozart

I was born in Augsburg to a family of craftsmen.

Through a long period of hard work and personal struggle, I became a court musician in Salzburg, Austria, in 1743 and a court composer and deputy musician in Salzburg in 1762.

Under my influence and guidance, my daughter Nanel Mozart became an outstanding pianist, and my son Wolfgang Mozart became an outstanding representative of the Viennese Classical School.

What experiences are worth sharing with me about the outstanding achievements of both of my children in music? That's the purpose of our lecture today.

First, the son's family piano education

Mozart began to formally study piano at the age of four, and before he formally studied piano, violin and composition, what did his father do for him?

1. Create an environment that perceives music.

I am both a full-time court musician and a violin teacher. When I teach my students, I also let the infant Mozart listen to beautiful music, so to speak, from the time mozart was born, he was in an environment full of music.

2. Provide excellent imitation objects.

Imitation is a child's nature. Little Mozart's piano learning began a year after his sister learned piano, that is to say, little Mozart had completed the pre-study preparation before he officially learned the piano, through the behavior of my carefully teaching his sister to learn the piano.

First, he was no longer unfamiliar with the act of playing the piano, and the posture and fingering when playing the piano were imprinted on the heart of little Mozart.

Second, through his sister's early study, little Mozart had an understanding and understanding of the melody and expression techniques of piano works that he was going to learn. With these two aspects of learning the piano before laying the groundwork, little Mozart learning piano is naturally much smoother.

3.Select and compile appropriate instrumental music learning materials.

I attach great importance to the selection of children's instrumental music learning materials. In the same year that Mozart jr. was born, I published the Basic Practical Violin Tutorial, taught my daughter Nanel a short and relaxed piano score, and I also selected works by Fischer, Wagensel and some other popular composers of the time, mostly small steps, but also some marches, witty pieces and thematic variations.

When Mozart Jr. mastered the music on the score, I compiled a slightly more difficult textbook, including dance music with folk songs, as well as works that were more artistic at the time, of which Domenico Scarlatti's works accounted for a larger proportion.

These works are rhythmic, melodic and catchy, most of the genres are more popular at the time, and the creative techniques of these works I selected follow the old-fashioned counterpoint tradition, and the system rules and system symbols are relatively independent, and children's mastery of the rules and symbols of this system does not require a deep life experience, so little Mozart can quickly accept.

Second, give you advice for the parents of modern piano children

1. Ear-to-ear memorization is an important way for children to learn instrumental music.

The enlightenment stage of little Mozart instrumental music learning is to take auditory learning as the main way, and now most of the piano children will recognize the score, practice the hand shape and recognize the keyboard as the learning focus, and mobilize the child's vision and touch to become the main way of piano teaching.

I suggest that parents can strengthen listening training in the form of games in the process of children's piano practice. First listen to the monophonic sound, then the melody, and finally listen to the interval, you can also take the difficulties in the practice of the child's work as one of the contents of the game, which will improve the child's interest in practicing and cultivate their auditory attention.

2. Music learning and musical life are equally important.

Little Mozart's musical life is very rich, his music appreciation is carried out in an extremely natural situation, and no one has special guidance for him, and now the piano child, the number of musical works exposed to is very small, when the child appreciates the music, most parents ask the child to appreciate it seriously with a very serious attitude, and the number of compulsions is more, and the child has no interest in music appreciation. I recommend parents purposefully nurturing their children in their lives:

In the first step, parents intentionally listen to some tracks with their children when picking up and dropping off their children, cultivate their children's melodic listening ability and music appreciation awareness when listening, and strengthen their accumulation of perceptual experience.

In the second step, in the family listening game, you can use the melody of some works as training material.

The third step is to communicate with the child's piano teacher and ask him to selectively adapt some children's musical works into piano works suitable for children's practice.

3. Attach importance to piano preschool education.

Little Mozart's piano learning began at an early age, and today's piano children generally only contact the piano when they first meet the teacher, and then buy the piano after a period of piano lessons. I recommend that parents have more contact between their children and the children who learn the piano before their children are ready to learn the piano, so as to enrich their learning experience and improve their enthusiasm for practicing.

Thank you, today's sharing here first, you Chinese have an old saying: the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, I hope that everyone will practice according to the method I said today, to try, if you can bring you a little help, it is also the honor of my old Mozart.