
Fish head, fish skin contain heavy metals can not eat? What really can't be eaten is which part of the fish?

Most of the time, the final ownership of a fish is the moment it is placed on the cutting board.

After experiencing a variety of thousands of knives, plus various rituals such as stir-frying, stewing, frying and steaming, putting it on the table, and then eating it, it finally turned into a fish thorn, and the life of a fish was finally "over".

As the saying goes: a thousand kinds of fish, there are a thousand ways to eat.

As far as the fish itself is concerned, it is still a good meat food, not only the fish is tender, but also not fat, and the calorie is low.

At the same time, fish is well-nourished, rich in minerals and vitamins, especially fatty acids, eating too much can prevent the blood from becoming viscous, and can also protect vision, retina, nerve tissue, brain and heart.

In addition, fish contains elements such as iodine, selenium and fluorine needed to maintain mineral balance, supplementing the vacancies of people of every age.

But apart from the fish, what parts of the fish can't be eaten?

Fish head, can not eat?

The head of a fish is rich in two elements, DHA and EPA, both of which can prevent cardiovascular disease and dyslipidemia.

If you say that the fish head cannot be eaten, I am afraid that Hunan friends will not be happy at the first.

After all, chopping pepper fish head is a human delicacy!

However, fish head is indeed rich in DHA and EPA, which is still good for the nervous system and brain development of infants and young children.

But for adults, these are not very useful, after all, no matter how much you eat fish heads, you can't eat Einstein's wisdom.

However, for some fish, the head of the fish is still not eaten, the head of these fish has accumulated heavy metals such as mercury, and eating too much is not conducive to health, such as tuna, sailfish, swordfish and so on.

Fish skin, can not eat?

When it comes to fish skins that cannot be eaten, Cantonese people are even more unhappy.

After all, fried fish skin and cold mix fish skin are not only creamy in taste, but also delicious.

But we always hear that fish skins, like fish heads, contain a heavy metal, mercury, so we shy away from this delicacy.

In fact, there is no authoritative clinical data to prove that there is heavy metal pollution in fish skin, and even if there is, the weight of a fish skin is so much.

Therefore, if you really like to eat fish skin, try to choose "young" and "less polluted" fish to eat.

Fish scales, can not eat?

Fish scales can be eaten, but the taste is not the same.

However, some people think that fish scales contain collagen, and eating them can beautify their faces, so even if the taste is not good, they must eat.

But in fact, fish scales contain collagen, but not as much as pig skin, and these collagen is not a good protein, can not be directly absorbed by the human body, let alone can be beauty and beauty.

So if you don't think it's delicious, let's give up! Don't be too embarrassed about yourself!

Fish eggs, can not eat?

Fish eggs contain a lot of lecithin, which can protect our nervous system, but we also have to control the intake, after all, lecithin is also a kind of fat, eating too much can be very easy to increase body fat, resulting in obesity.

Although fish eggs are not harmful, they are not nourishing, so they can eat if they like to eat, and they can be bold to eat without fear of getting fat.

Fish bones, can not eat?

In fact, fish bone fish bones can be eaten, such as those crispy fish bones.

These fishbones are indeed rich in calcium, but unfortunately the amount that the human body can absorb is too small, so it is still possible to eat it as a snack occasionally.

But if you want to supplement calcium, it is more efficient to drink a cup of milk.

Of course, as for those big fish bone fish bones, in order not to be stabbed in the throat, let's not eat it!

What can't really be eaten is this part of the fish----

fish! gall bladder!

Some people think that eating fish bile can clear the fire, but in fact, from a professional point of view, there is no scientific basis for this.

On the contrary, most fish bile is poisonous, such as grass carp, crucian carp and bluefish, so we must throw away the fish bile when cleaning the fish's internal organs.

If you accidentally break it during the cleaning process, you need to rinse the fish with running water and try not to let the bile enter the eyes.

When fish bile enters the human body, it destroys vital organs such as the liver, kidneys and heart in the human body, and may even be life-threatening.

Therefore, before eating fish, you must definitely dispose of the fish bile!

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