
"Wind Rises Longxi" finale: Douban score rises, netizens: Chen Kun has a "counterattack" physique

author:Film critic Chen Xi is slightly cool

Text/Chen Xi is slightly cool

"Wind Rises Longxi" still has 2 episodes to go to the finale, but after watching the plot trailer, everyone's ending is already doomed.

In "The Wind Rises in Longxi", there are two cruel people, one is Chen Gong, and the other is Feng Bing, for the sake of the great righteousness in their hearts, for the goal of "Kuang Fu Han Room" in their hearts, they are all people who can fiercely put themselves into it.

"Wind Rises Longxi" finale: Douban score rises, netizens: Chen Kun has a "counterattack" physique

First of all, Feng Bing, in order to bring down Li Yan, Feng Bing was willing to use himself as bait, let Xun Xue sit on the truth that he was a secret spy of Great Wei, and Feng Bing himself knew that he had no way to save himself, he could only confirm his identity, Li Yan's crime could not escape, that is to say, Feng Bing's final bureau was his own dead end, not only that, Feng Bing did that, even if he died, he would bear a lifetime of infamy, I have to say that Feng Bing is really quite cruel to himself.

"Wind Rises Longxi" finale: Douban score rises, netizens: Chen Kun has a "counterattack" physique

Feng Gong is like this, Chen Gong is the same, but Chen Gong came step by step, the belief in his heart is a little blurred, for the so-called righteousness in his heart, many people have sacrificed in vain, many innocent people, even when they are dying, do not know that they are just pawns who have been abandoned, including Chen Gong's two closest people, his father and wife.

Therefore, when Yang Yi and Feng Yi both thought that Xun Xue must die, Chen Gong still did not do that, in Chen Gong's words, such a person as Xun Xue should not die, but in fact, Xun Xue did not die, Chen Gong and even the big plan behind him, it is very likely that it will be affected, including Zhuge Liang's final defeat, it is very likely that Xun Xue will do bad things.

"Wind Rises Longxi" finale: Douban score rises, netizens: Chen Kun has a "counterattack" physique

Watching the trailer of "The Wind Rises longxi", Chen Gong was sent to the guillotine, and Xun Xue, he stood not far away, perhaps what he sighed in his heart was that Chen Gong's knowledge of the face did not know the heart. Chen Gong will be another Feng Ping, a hundred mouths are indefensible, and even after death, the body is still a stain that cannot be washed off.

The so-called great righteousness that Chen Gong and Feng Bing insist on in "The Wind Rises in Longxi" is actually just a pretext, in the final analysis, or for the sake of power, people like Feng Bing, in fact, he has already predicted his own death date, and finally painted a sentence for his life in the way he died, this is Feng Bing's choice, Chen Gong's choice, why not?

"Wind Rises Longxi" finale: Douban score rises, netizens: Chen Kun has a "counterattack" physique

When the drama "Wind Rises Longxi" was first broadcast, there were still many complaints, and with the continuous improvement of word of mouth, the texture of this drama was also recognized by the audience. "Wind Rises Longxi" Douban opening score is 7.7 points, there are two episodes of the ending, the drama's Douban score has risen to 7.8 points, which can't help but make the audience think of another drama of Chen Kun.

"Wind Rises Longxi" finale: Douban score rises, netizens: Chen Kun has a "counterattack" physique

Chen Kun, Ni Ni led the starring "Tiansheng Long Song", when it was first broadcast, it was widely complained about, and the Douban score was once below 6 points, but with the advancement of the plot, this drama, whether it is an emotional drama or a power drama, has been recognized by the audience, and in the finale, the Douban score of "Tiansheng Long Song" soared to 8.2 points.

"Wind Rises Longxi" finale: Douban score rises, netizens: Chen Kun has a "counterattack" physique

First suppressed and then Yang, this seems to be the "curse" of Chen Kun's TV drama works, however, Chen Kun also said in an interview that now he does not care about these, each work, when filming has done his best, try to do the best, as for whether the audience can "pay" after the broadcast, this is really not an actor can influence, Chen Kun's transparency, is also worth learning.

"Wind Rises Longxi" this drama, Wei Liang feels that it is still very exciting, although the first two episodes, because the names are more complicated, and there are very few emotional dramas, for female audiences like Wei Liang, it is a challenge, but with the deepening of the plot, this drama is still very good.

"Wind Rises Longxi" finale: Douban score rises, netizens: Chen Kun has a "counterattack" physique

Everyone has their own ending, whether it is Chen Gong or Feng Bing, the reason why they will make such a choice is also because their "social personality" is at work, in their hearts, the righteousness in their hearts is the most important, for the so-called responsibility, they can make any sacrifice.

"Wind Rises Longxi" tonight's ending, in addition to Chen Gong, Feng Bing, Wei Liang still wants to see Liu Ying's ending, I don't know if she holds two cards, can she retreat from the whole body, and Xun Xue, I don't know if he can finally know the story behind Chen Gong, if he knows, what kind of sorrow he is.

"Wind Rises Longxi" finale: Douban score rises, netizens: Chen Kun has a "counterattack" physique

Today is really too busy, fragments of thoughts to leave blank, it is true that there is nothing to say.

Love your coolness.

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