
These five kinds of meat or eat less, for the sake of health, to remember

author:Dr. Duan talks about health

Since the reform and opening up, the rapid development of the national economy, modern people no longer have to worry about the simple food and clothing problem, want to eat what can basically be satisfied, with the change of the concept of national diet, more and more people fall in love with eating big fish and meat, delicious meat can not only supplement the body with energy and nutrition, but also improve their own immunity, resist the invasion of viruses and bacteria. #爱乐养生 #

Pork as the most commonly eaten meat in mainland china, I consume pork every year, accounting for 50.1% of the world's total pork consumption, whether it is ribs, pork tenderloin, pork bone flowers, pig skin, pig trotters, the whole body is a treasure, with the chef's exquisite craftsmanship, pork cuisine, but also let more and more people fall in love with eating pork, every time you see pork, there will always be salivation.

These five kinds of meat or eat less, for the sake of health, to remember

Pork in the rich nutritional value, often eat pork can also be for the body iron supplement to prevent the occurrence of iron deficiency anemia, people eat grains, who can not guarantee that they will not get sick for a lifetime, many bad businesses in order to seek high profits from pork, will create a lot of "glue meat", this meat is extremely harmful to physical health, often eat will also increase the risk of body cancer.


What does it say about "glue-filled meat"?

Injecting gum meat, as the name suggests, is to add edible glue to the meat, thereby increasing the weight and moisture content of the meat itself, so as to make a high profit.

Through the meat injection, can greatly extend the shelf life of meat, to prevent meat rot deterioration, a kilogram of pork after the injection of glue volume can be expanded to the original 3 to 5 times, many bad businesses are to seize the consumer greedy psychology, the manufacture of a lot of glue meat, although the price of this meat is cheap, the glue content in it will seriously affect the health of health.

These five kinds of meat or eat less, for the sake of health, to remember

There are 3 kinds of problem meat on the market: one is "water-filled meat", the second is "water-injected meat", and the third is "glue-injected meat", because the first two methods are easy to identify, black-hearted traders have come up with another "carrageenan injection method" to inject carrageenan into the meat, thereby increasing the coagulation of the glue and locking in the water.

Injection of carrageenan meat, it is difficult to distinguish from the appearance, although the taste is much different from normal meat, but many people in order to be greedy, will begin to brainwash themselves, think that this meat is only stored for a long time, there is a problem of poor taste, so there is no attention to the heart, let the glue meat in the meat market widely spread, endangering their own and others' health.

Glue used in the glue meat whether it is washed in cold water or fried in a hot pot, the glue substance in it will not flow out, often eat the glue meat, will make the glue substances in the body, chemical residues, bacteria and viruses excessive intake of the body, than the simple water injection meat is more harmful to health.

These five kinds of meat or eat less, for the sake of health, to remember

People who often eat glue-filled meat will have a greatly improved chance of developing: oral cancer, esophageal cancer, throat cancer, bowel cancer, bladder cancer, liver cancer, and kidney cancer in the future.


"Glue-infused meat" or flooded? Gastroenterologist: These 5 kinds of meat, advise parents to touch less

Type 1: Hot pot balls

I believe that everyone usually likes to eat hot pot, but also love to eat the balls in the hot pot, they can not only shabu-shabu, but also do a variety of spicy hot pot, or put some hot pot balls when cooking noodles, when buying hot pot balls, we will find that their prices are relatively cheap, even if it is shrimp balls or fish balls, it is about 10 yuan.

The price of beef, fish and shrimp on the market is relatively not cheap, but after making balls, it becomes a few dollars a pound, and the merchant will lose money to buy and sell Is it true?

The reason why the price of hot pot balls is so cheap may be that the injection of glue meat is made, the production cost is very low, due to the addition of a large amount of glue, so that the hot pot balls look elastic, chewy, too much intake will lead to problems in the body's digestive system, aggravating the burden and pressure of the stomach and intestines.

These five kinds of meat or eat less, for the sake of health, to remember

Type 2: Grilled sausages

Grilled sausage is a very popular snack on the street, whether it is adults or children, every time you see the fragrant grilled sausage will always be unable to walk, although the grilled sausage is delicious to eat, but the raw materials for grilled sausage production are unknown, most of them are glued meat, all made of scraps.

Eating grilled sausages regularly will increase the burden and pressure of the gastrointestinal tract, and will also induce the occurrence of a variety of diseases in the body, I hope that everyone can be vigilant away from the unknown meat quality.

These five kinds of meat or eat less, for the sake of health, to remember

Type 3: Meat rolls

When eating hot pot, it is indispensable to eat all kinds of meat rolls, whether it is beef rolls, lamb rolls or pork rolls, which are very delicious and delicious, and the price of beef and mutton is very expensive under normal circumstances, even if pork wants to buy real pork to solve the problem, it costs a higher price.

Many small traders in order to attract the attention of more consumers will launch a lot of cheap meat rolls, these meat rolls a box is only a dozen dollars, the production cost is very low, all are made of scraps and glue-filled meat, in order to enhance the taste, but also add a large number of food additives and pigment flavors, often eat seriously affect the health of the body, but also increase the risk of body cancer.

These five kinds of meat or eat less, for the sake of health, to remember

Type 4: Steak at a very cheap price

Generally speaking, the price of steak is not very cheap, but some people buy steak for a few dollars or a dozen yuan, and it feels good to eat. But in fact, this very cheap steak may be glued, not originally cut, mostly recombined, and edible gum will be added to the production to achieve the role of shaping.

Although the addition of edible gum, if it meets the rules and standards of the addition, there is no excess, generally will not have much impact on health, but it is not good to eat it regularly, especially for people whose intestines are not very good.

These five kinds of meat or eat less, for the sake of health, to remember

5th species: frozen shrimp

Frozen shrimp sold in supermarket freezers, due to the long storage time, the taste has changed, although the shrimp meat contains more calcium elements, often eat meat can also play a role in calcium supplementation.

However, the frozen shrimp in the supermarket freezer belongs to a kind of glue-injected meat, which contains a lot of glue and chemicals, often eaten, will increase the burden and pressure of the gastrointestinal tract, but also because of the high glue content, shrimp meat deterioration, affecting the taste.


How to tell if it is glue-filled meat?

1, look at the color of the meat

When buying meat, you must carefully observe the color of the meat, fresh meat is mostly dark red or light pink, after the glue of the meat, due to the fact that it contains a lot of carrageenan, the color is yellow, dark, the naked eye will give people a feeling of not fresh.

These five kinds of meat or eat less, for the sake of health, to remember

2. Smell the smell of meat

After the injection of meat, the surface will have a very strong glue smell, when buying meat can carefully smell the taste of meat, if the meat smells pungent, then most of them are injection of glue meat, for health it is best not to buy.

3. Feel the feel of touching the flesh

When buying meat, you can touch the feel of the meat with your hands, the normal meat elasticity is large, and the original state can be quickly restored when pressed, while the elasticity of the glue injection meat is small, due to the addition of a large amount of glue, it is not easy to rebound when pressed.