
Don't let Chunguang go: also talk about the big girl of history

author:Dream of the Red Chamber Research


The author of this article is Shu Ji, a student at Zhejiang University.

Don't let Chunguang go: also talk about the big girl of history


Blah blah

[Abstract] In "Dream of the Red Chamber", the role of Shi Xiangyun is very commendable. The temperament and talent of the people in the Red Chamber, who can be worthy of Xiangyun, should be the King of Northern Jing. Xiangyun himself also has the ideological contradictions of Confucianism and Taoism, similar to Li Taibai's temperament. In the book, in addition to Xiangyun being able to move alongside Chao Dai, its side also alludes to the misery and sadness of the final fate. Don't let the spring light go, don't make Xiangyun "die."

[Keywords] "Dream of the Red Chamber"; Shi Xiangyun; King of Northern Jing; Li Bai; Confucian Contradiction; Role Status

Reading the first eighty times of the "Book of Stones", there is a Shi Da girl who has both the white qi and bones of "Dapeng rises with the same wind in one day and rises up to ninety thousand miles", and also has the king Meng Qingnong, who has the sound of wind and rain at night, and how many flowers fall. She is a lady of the noble family, but also a lonely man, and her virgin beauty from beginning to end is still flexible in the hearts of red fans. Li Chendong once praised Xiangyun as "the most innocent, the most messy, and the most lovely girl in "Dream of the Red Chamber". (The Value of Dream of the Red Chamber in Art. Guowen Weekly, 1934.)

Don't let Chunguang go: also talk about the big girl of history

In the process of creating the Book of Stones, Cao Shi has always revealed his preference for Shi Xiangyun, making this begonia fairy in the Thin Life Division "born heroic and generous, and has never slightly cared about the private feelings of his children". Xiangyun Zhihao and the feudal woman "sit on Mo knees, Li Mo shake the skirt, Joy Mo laughs, angry Mo loud" Image is very different, she wears men's clothes without losing heroism, talent and agility comparable to celebrities, and the libertine has nothing to do with the wind and moon. Such a handsome character was abandoned in the last forty times of Cheng Gaoben, and the recent situation of Xiangyun was almost passed on by the middleman such as the girl and the mother-in-law, so that the reader had a rough impression and did not elaborate. In this situation, xiangyun's "Like a Dream Order" is used to "live and live!" Don't let the spring light go" the word is very appropriate.


Shi Xiangyun ranked fifth in the Twelve Nobles of Jinling and was the eldest lady of the Old Shi Hou family, but the poor "swaddled parents violated" and could only live with his uncle and aunt. The fifth time Baoyu Shen traveled to the Void Realm, he listened to twelve songs in the Palace of the Illusory Fairy, try to see [Sorrow in Music]:

The infant parents sighed and died. Who knows how to live in that Qiluo Bush? Fortunately born, heroic and magnanimous, he has never slightly cared about his children's private feelings. It was like a beautiful sight, ji moonlight and wind shining in the jade hall. He is talented and beautiful, and he has won a long time, and he is about to fold to the bumpy shape of his childhood. After all, it is the clouds scattered high Tang, and the water drains the Xiang River. This is the number of long in the dust, why should we be sad!

"Yunsan Gao Tang" uses the allusion in Song Yu's "Gao Tang Fu" that the King of Chuxiang dreamed of a meeting with the goddess of Wushan who could do clouds and rain, to compare the short-lived happy life of Shi Xiangyun after marriage, just like the dream of the king of Chuxiang and the goddess of the reunion, the good times were not long. "Water solid Xiangjiang", then use the story of Emperor E and The Second Concubine of The Empress Dowager in the Xiangjiang River to cry Shun. Lipid (甲戌) Yun: "The extreme of tragedy and grandeur, there can be no more in this song." "Even if Gai is in the midst of dust, he cannot avoid sorrow in pleasure and harm himself. Look at Zhang's "Xianghe Song Lyrics Chu Fei Sigh" (Benshi Poems, vol. 19):

Xiangyun began to rise and the river sank, and the king was far away in the cloud dream forest.

Jiangnan rain is dark, and the water is deep towards the spring.

In front of the Zhanghua Hall, all the nations were facing the world, and the king's heart was alone and the end was endless.

Chu bing can chase birds all over the ground, who uses a body to carry the strength.

If Xijiang turns over the clouds in a dream, the elk should be returned to the palace when it dies.

Since the reform and opening up, scholars have put forward different views on the possible outcome of Shi Xiangyun in Cao's draft. There are both versions of Gao's sequels, which were married to other wives, but the husband died early and was eventually widowed, and there are also "old true books" - married to Baoyu, poor and poor with old age, while Mr. Yu Pingbo put forward his own argument - "Xiangyun married Wei Ruolan and colluded with Jin Qilin" (Dream of the Red Chamber, p. 146). All kinds of disputes stem from the inability to perfectly fit the ending implied in the thirty-first "Because of the Unicorn Fu White First Double Star" and the fifth song lyrics. From the overall point of view, no matter which statement is said, it is inevitable to move the whole body, affecting the personality and even the ending of other characters.

Don't let Chunguang go: also talk about the big girl of history

For example, avoiding the rigorous academic circle and complex verification, throughout the book, there are two men who should match Xiangyun in temperament and cultivation.

One is Jia Baoyu, who can be a confidant, but cannot become a couple. Xiang Yun and his two little ones knew each other far before Chao Dai. The twenty-first time in the book, Bao Yuyang Xiangyun combed his hair, and Xiangyun pushed back, but while weaving, he said: "This bead is only three, this one is not." I remember it was the same, how come there is one less? The third time he wrote that Baoyu appeared: "From the top to the top, a string of four large beads", Xiangyun is so familiar with the beads, he can explore the countless times he combed Baoyu's hair before, which shows the depth of the two people's relationship.

The twentieth time Shi Xiangyun's "sudden" first appearance, Bao Yuben was joking, heard that "Shi Da Girl is coming" and "lift up and leave". The thirty-first time there were two Golden Qilin "Intercolor Methods", which caused Dai Yu to be suspicious of "fear of taking advantage of this gap". However, this "love brother" is only concerned with Dai Yu, and there is also Bao Chao's "golden jade marriage", so Bao Xiang and Bao Xiang should be more "brothers" rather than "fake couples".

The other man, I said, was the King of Northern Jing. The fifteenth time Baoyu met with the King of Northern Jing:

Looking up, I saw that the king of Beijing County was wearing a white silver-winged king hat on his head, wearing a white python robe with five claws of Jiangya seawater, wearing a jasper red band, his face was like a beautiful jade, his eyes looked like a star, and he was really a beautiful character.

It can be seen that this undefeated county king is a gentleman, and at the same time he is also very talented. Seeing that Baoyu was "clear in speech and fluent in speech", he said to Jia Zhengyun: "Ling Lang zhen is a dragon foal and a phoenix chick, not a small king in front of Shi Weng, and in the future, 'the young phoenix is clear in the old phoenix', which is not measurable." Quoting the "Jin Shu • Lu Yun Biography", "If this child is not a dragon colt, it must be a phoenix chick" and Li Yishan's "Han Donglang sends a reward for poetry", "The ten-year-old cutting poem is sloppy, and the cold ash candle is moving away from love." Tonghua Wanli Danshan Road, young fengqing in the old phoenix sound", extraordinary knowledge.

Don't let Chunguang go: also talk about the big girl of history

Compared with Wei Ruolan, who was the last to be buried by Wang Sun Gongzi in the fourteenth time, the Northern Jing King Shui Rong was more respected and loved by the Cao clan, and he could also live up to Xiangyun. Therefore, some commentators said: "In the first eighty times, although the ink and ink depicting water-soluble water are few, the image is already plump, its conversation is elegant, it is not annoying, although it is respected by the royal family, it often interacts with high-ranking celebrities and is respected." The details of 'Let the Spirit' portray his thoughtful, open-minded and wise personality. In terms of literary style, appearance, status, and personality, they are impeccable. If Shi Xiangyun can marry and dissolve in water, it can really be called 'quasi-folded to the bumpy shape of childhood'. (Guo Haozheng: The Red Science Archives, Wuhan: Wuhan University Press, 2007)


Shi Xiangyun's informal personality and proud posture are still burning in the beautiful Grand View Garden and cannot be buried. The thirty-first time Bao Chao quipped xiangyun's clothing:

She also loves to wear other people's clothes even more. But I can remember that in the old years of March and April, she lived here, put on the robe of the Bao brothers, put on the boots, and put on the forehead, and looked at them like the Bao brothers, that is, two more pendants. She stood behind the chair, coaxing the old lady to just shout, "Baoyu, you come here, carefully the spike of the lamp hanging on the top of the head to attract the ash to confuse the eyes." ”

Forty-nine times back in the glass world, Xiang Yun took off her pants, "only to see that she was wearing a semi-new color three-set leader autumn incense color plate gold five-color embroidered dragon narrow sleeves covered the silver rat short jacket, inside a short piece of water red makeup satin fox konko pleats, tightly tied around the waist of a bow long spike five-color palace, and also wearing deerskin boots under her feet, the more it appeared to be a bee waist ape arm, the crane mantis shape." Lipid (Gengchen) Yun: "There is a 'horse sitting posture' in the near fist score, which is like the crouching of a mantis." In the past, people loved to be light and playful, idle to take a mantis, and watch its chest tremble and fold. Now the four words have no provenance, and they are quick to write them all. Cao Shi alone wrote Xiang Yun's clothes, out of the usual daughter shape, changed to a man's dress, and made a "boy's look". Shen Muhan's "White Song of the Red Chamber" Has a verse cloud: "Confused and inexplicable, Mulan was originally a daughter." "Comparing Xiangyun with Mulan is very image.

The aristocratic women of the old days, living in seclusion, could not leave the four-square courtyard wall before they could get married, so envious men could gallop in all directions. However, in all the dynasties and dynasties, there have been talents in the army, women who command the army and serve as priests, xian women who are "young and wise, more strategic", Mu Guiying who chooses her own husband to be the commander, Qin Liangyu "has always been willing to accept the towel, why should the general be a husband", these women have made great achievements on the battlefield and passed on to future generations. Although Xiangyun is not out of the cabinet, but has manhood, such a strange woman finally "lonely and faint", which is really regrettable.

Don't let Chunguang go: also talk about the big girl of history

Forty times after the continuation of the book, Xiangyun's image changed greatly, and he was no longer a "freedog of feudal society" who was "independent of the rebels and defenders, looking at the world with smiling eyes" ("Is the True Celebrity's Self-Flow- Shi Xiangyun Theory"). XUE Ruisheng. Journal of Dream of the Red Chamber. After the death of Jia Mu in the first hundred of the book, Xiang Yun came to send a funeral, "remembering that Jia Mu Su Ri hurt her; and remembering her own life, just matched with a man with both talents and good looks, good temperament, partial to the symptoms of wrongdoing, but to survive the day." So I was even more sad, and I cried until midnight", and for the first eight times, I borrowed Mrs. Wang's mouth to talk about Xiangyun's recent situation, "My aunt died of tuberculosis, and your sister Shi is determined to be a widow", and gave Xiangyun a hasty conclusion. It must be said that such a Xiangyun is already a "compromiser of feudal society", and trance is also a Li Feng, as a plate of pastries in the temple of the Pope.

I think that the tragic ending of Xiangyun is the inevitable destination in the historical environment of the construction of the novel. Cui Zien believed in "On Shi Xiangyun": "The tragedy of Xiangyun is the 'tragedy of fate' that was not born at the right time, optimistic about the world, and the world is not optimistic, the tragedy of beautiful feelings, broad-mindedness, and bold and straightforward personality that is not tolerated in the world, the tragedy of lack of pursuit and contentment with the status quo, and the tragedy of her unique innocence and beauty, which is extinguished." Such a tragedy can be said to be familiar.

Forty-ninth time, crazy Xiangyun met Du Xiangling, and his mouth was full of "the melancholy of Du Gongbu, the elegance of Wei Suzhou", "the elegance of Wen Eight Forks, and the seclusion of Li Yishan", which shows that Xiangyun has a yearning for the atmosphere of the Tang Dynasty. However, on Xiangyun's temperament, there are still some similarities with Li Taibai. Taibai "Will Enter the Wine" "Bell drums and jade are not expensive enough, but I hope to be drunk and do not want to wake up." The ancient sages were all lonely, but the drinker kept his name", which is the most perfect annotation of Xiangyun's "drunken peony medicine". The "drinker" Xiangyun lay on a stone bench, dreaming of incense, and said in his mouth that the wine order was "the spring is fragrant and the wine is refreshing, and the jade bowl is filled with amber light, and it is drunk until the plum moon, and the drunken support returns." The fresh style of the wine noodles presents Xiangyun's cheerful and optimistic sentiments, and this "drunken sleep" has also become one of the plots of the book, reflecting the words "the drinker keeps his name".

Don't let Chunguang go: also talk about the big girl of history

Li Bai not only accepts the traditional Confucian idea of "benefiting the world at the same time", but also is deeply influenced by Taoist thought, but also has the factor of ranger ideology, valuing promises over wealth, indulging and wild, and being arrogant and unyielding. Gong Zizhen said of Li Bai: "Zhuang and Qu Shi'er, can not merge, and think of it as the heart, starting from white; Confucianism, Immortality, and Chivalry, can not be combined, and they can be combined, and they are also from Bai." This contradiction is also reflected in Shi Xiangyun's body. The most controversial is the thirty-second time Xiangyun advises Baoyu's "Lu Yin" remark:

"Or this sentiment can't be changed." Now that you are older, you are not willing to study to pass the examination for people to enter the army, and you should often meet these people who are doing the work for the officials, talk about some of the economic knowledge of the career, or in the future, you will socialize with world affairs, and you will have a friend in the future. I didn't see you growing up and only stirring up something in our team! ”

Regardless of whether Xiangyun really has the idea of "Lu Yin", in the face of mainstream public opinion, Xiangyun, who is just a female stream, still stays on the side of Zhishi philosophy. Therefore, Tai Yu said that Xiangyun "chanted The Dai Yu style poetry of QingGao, and also said the worldly vulgar words of the Bao Chao style", which shows that there are both "Taoist cynicism" and "Confucian jingbang jishi" contradictions in him. (LIU Yongliang. "Shi Xiangyun's Celebrity Demeanor and Its Deep Connotations". Journal of Inner Mongolia University for Nationalities (Social Science Edition), 2005) And the prominent manifestation of this contradiction is that Xiangyun endured a widowed life of "sycamore and drizzle" after a short period of joy, and since then "people are thinner than yellow flowers".


In the eyes of many critics, Shi Xiangyun, Xue Baochao, and Lin Daiyu can be compared with each other. These three people also received widespread attention because of their relationship with Jia Baoyu's love marriage. Cao Xueqin did not hide her preference for Xiangyun, and often mentioned her alongside Chao Dai.

The sixty-third time Bao Yu Celebrated Shou, wanted to occupy the flower name wine order, the first time mentioned was bao girl, cloud girl, lin girl three people, and then respectively, the peony, begonia, hibiscus three flower signs were drawn. Xue Baochao was extremely knowledgeable and was born with the national color and heavenly fragrance, which was exactly "the enchanting state under the moon before the wind, the rich flowers in the heavens and on earth." Lin Daiyu attacked the illness of her body, but there was a natural attitude, and the Tang Dynasty Chant Furong poem said: "The water surface hibiscus has declined in autumn, but the flowers bloom." Ping Ming Di Lu was in love with a red face, and seemed to be sad at dusk. "Shi Xiangyun is a begonia, and the thirty-seventh autumn shuangzhai even knotted the begonia society, and the begonia poems composed by him do not have the conservatism of the Baochao style, nor the sorrow of the Daiyu type. Xiang Yun wrote that "the steps of The Zhi Zhi are also suitable for the corners of the wall and the basin", which shows the elegant and clean character of the begonia. It is no wonder that when Ms. Zhang Ailing created "Nightmare of the Red Chamber", she commented that there are "three major hate things" in life: "one hates crucian carp with thorns, the second hates begonias without fragrance, and the third hates the dream of the Red Chamber is not finished", and begonias must bear this "common dust and false name".

Don't let Chunguang go: also talk about the big girl of history

Xiang Yun's role in the book is somewhat similar to That of Baoyu, and often becomes a side of the side that flatters the two of them, "Wind moon treasure book". Compared with Baoyu's preference for Daiyu, Xiangyun looked at Sister Bao differently and said, "But if there is such a sister, even if there is no parent, it is no obstacle." Baochao can also afford the favor of Yun's sister, Xiangyun does the host problem, and Baochao takes the initiative to provide crabs. When he heard that yang Xiangyun was making shoes, Bao Chao also said that Xiangyun was "unable to be the master" at home, and wanted to come to the difficulty of "naturally having no father and mother from childhood".

Because of Xiangyun's cheerfulness, Xiangyun unconsciously became the rectum that could "count" Daiyu in the Grand View Garden. The twenty-second time Baochao's birthday point drama text, Wang Xifeng laughed and played like a person, only Xiang Yun said without thinking that it was Daiyu. The thirty-second time, he was more brave enough to face Bao Yu's heart disease of "I'm afraid that your Sister Lin heard it, and blamed me for praising Sister Bao", and when he heard Dai Yu twist the fan, he said, "Miss Lin, she can't be angry, she can cut it, so she will ask her to do it."

Bao Yu's heart is related to the "former alliance of wood and stone", but he can only bow down to the "golden jade good fate", which is contrary to the original intention. Xiangyun loves Baochao, but his situation is similar to Daiyu's. In the seventy-sixth time, Dai Yu and Xiang Yun went to the Concave Crystal Pavilion to write a poem, a round of Haoyue in the sky, a round of water moon in the pool, "and the two of them sat down on the two Xiangfei bamboo piers." Lin Daiyu's nickname in the poetry club is "Xiaoxiang Concubine", and she once wrote the poem "Half Roll Xiang Curtain, Half Cover Door, Crush Ice for Earth Jade for Basin", and Shi Xiangyun has a "Xiang" character in his name, which is combined to "Erxiang". "Erxiang" corresponds to "Erxiang Concubine Bamboo Pier", implying that the two "sojourners" will have the same sad ending. After Daiyu's soul returned to hate the heavens, Xiangyun only appeared briefly in the mouth of the girl's mother-in-law, and almost disappeared. Cheng Gaoben Xiangyun's ending was really unsatisfactory, but he would rather Xiangyun go with Daiyu.

Don't let Chunguang go: also talk about the big girl of history

The role status between the two is "two peaks facing each other, double water flow, each extremely wonderful, unable to go up and down". Xiangyun's role between the two is "to connect the two peaks, to melt the two waters, to be a faction of its own, and not to be buried". Under the talent of Chao Dai, Xiang Yun can still stand out in the fiftieth group of Fang Lian sentences, which is impressive.

Morrie, a 17th-century Master of British Classicist Comedy, lamented: "If you don't show the people of your time in your play, you are doing nothing." Cao Shi created a plump image of Xiangyun, living in the cage of the times, I don't know if she is lucky or not, we only hope that she "spring light does not go."