
These 5 kinds of fish, try to eat as little as possible

author:Dr. Yan Kop

"Fish" is an indispensable dish on our table.

Whether it is a family gathering or a New Year's festival, the existence of fish is inseparable from the table, and "sweet and sour carp", "fried striped fish" and "braised fish" are loved by people.

And the damaged protein content in fish meat is relatively rich, the fat content is relatively low, and it contains unsaturated fatty acids, which can be described as "the best" among all meats.

These 5 kinds of fish, try to eat as little as possible

Chinese dietary guidelines recommend that adults should consume 280 to 500 grams of aquatic products per week.

Eating more fish not only supplements the protein in the fish but also reduces the intake of fat, limiting the accumulation of total calories.

Although eating more fish is good for the body, there are also these kinds of fish, and it is recommended to eat less.

Nutritional value of fish

1, fish: fish meat is rich in nutritional value, as well as vitamin D, vitamin AB, vitamin iron, phosphorus potassium iodine, etc., as well as unsaturated fatty acids and high-quality protein and other nutrients.

2, fish scales: fish scales contain choline components, protein components, unsaturated fatty acid sulfur and other minerals have the auxiliary effect of reducing hypertension, hyperlipidemia heart disease.

These 5 kinds of fish, try to eat as little as possible

3, fish bone: fish bone is what we often call fish bones, which contain calcium and other trace elements, after softening, nutrients are more easily absorbed by the human body.

4, cod liver: the liver of fish is a place where a variety of nutrients are stored in the body, such as vitamin A vitamin D, vitamin E iron and other trace elements, but the purine component is also relatively high, not suitable for gout patients.

5, fish brain: fish brain contains unsaturated fatty acids to help children's brain development, help prevent the emergence of Alzheimer's effect.

These 5 kinds of fish, try to eat as little as possible

6, fish intestines: the fat content of fish intestines is very low, the content of protein is no less than fish meat, but large fish, fish intestines will have more nutritional value.

7, fish eye: fish eye is rich in vitamin B1, as well as 20 carbon 5enoic acid and other unsaturated fatty acids, these nutrients can enhance people's memory and logical thinking ability.

What are the benefits of eating more fish?

1, eat more fish will make people more intelligent, fish meat is rich in DNA, it is mainly stored in the human brain, retinal nerves, maintain the brain activity and normal function of the retina.

2, eat more fish to help the growth and development of the human body, fish contained in the protein, per 500 grams is equivalent to 600 grams of eggs or 850 grams of pork, is the carrier of human life.

These 5 kinds of fish, try to eat as little as possible

3, eat more fish can reduce their own cholesterol, triglycerides, most of the fat in fish meat are unsaturated fatty acids, which are easily digested, absorbed and utilized by the human body.

4, pregnant women eat more fish benefits, according to research: pregnant women eat fish every week, the probability of future babies suffering from eczema will drop by 47%.

Which types of fish are recommended to eat less?

NO1: Sashimi

As people's dietary concepts became more open, many people began experimenting with foods they hadn't tried before, such as sashimi. Sashimi originated in Japan, and the Japanese often use sashimi as a staple food.

Our country also has a higher and higher pursuit of food, many people are full of curiosity and freshness for sashimi, thinking that this way of eating raw can preserve the nutrients in meat.

These 5 kinds of fish, try to eat as little as possible

However, it is worth noting that if you eat sashimi in large quantities, it is easy to induce parasitic infections (roundworms, sparring worms, etc.) that affect the health of the intestines.

Not only will it increase the burden and pressure on body organs, and long-term eating sashimi will also lead to cell lesion gene mutations, which is not conducive to good health, so fish like sashimi should still eat less.

NO2: Marinated fish

Salted fish, pickled fish, are a variety of local specialties, through the method of salting, and then will be forbidden to bright quality after the use of good quality to eat, the taste is very good, and the fish meat is very chewy.

However, pickled fish is like pickled pickles, generally in the process of pickling will be coated with some edible salt, the process of placement will produce a certain amount of nitrite, which is harmful to the human body a substance.

These 5 kinds of fish, try to eat as little as possible

If you eat pickled fish for a long time, nitrite will combine with proteins in the human body after entering the human body to form nitrosamines, resulting in nutrient loss.

Often eat salted fish pickled fish, not only can not get enough nutrition, but also will induce gastrointestinal discomfort caused by gastrointestinal diseases, so pickled salted fish, it is recommended not to eat more.

NO3: White-banded fish

Belt fish is the most common fish we eat in our daily life, especially during the New Year's Festival, every household will buy some fish with fish, fried with fish pieces, which are loved by everyone and are also indispensable dishes on the table.

After cooking, there will be a unique flavor and smell taste, enhance people's appetite, and generally good treatment, the meat is tender and delicious, the more you eat, the more you want to eat.

These 5 kinds of fish, try to eat as little as possible

However, it is worth noting that in order to reduce their own costs, many merchants will soak the fish through formaldehyde, and the treatment of selling treatment will look more fresh and huge.

Often eat such fish, will make more formaldehyde in the body accumulation, endangering their own health, once the formaldehyde in the body exceeds the standard, it will induce the arrival of leukemia.

NO4: Deformed fish

Do not eat deformed fish, may be caused by chemical poisoning, dead turtles, eels can not eat, they have produced a lot of harmful substances, and, fish bile do not eat.

Some people think that several types of fish can not eat, then you can eat the internal organs and eyes of the fish, in fact, this is also incorrect, the body shape in the process of growth has caused harm and pollution.

These 5 kinds of fish, try to eat as little as possible

The internal organs and organs in the body and the eyeball parts have all suffered from a certain source of pollution, so not only the appearance cannot be eaten, but even the internal organs are not recommended.

NO5: Charred fish

After the fish is charred, it will release a strong carcinogen, and this charred rain cloth is recommended because the amino acids that make up proteins in the fish meat will form aminomethyl derivatives after being burned.

This substance is more intense than aflatoxin acrylamide, a carcinogen, so eating such fish regularly will undoubtedly bring serious burdens and stress to the body.

These 5 kinds of fish, try to eat as little as possible

If in daily life, accidentally burned fish, it is recommended: it is best not to eat, so as not to consume strong calcium substances to adversely affect the human body. #爱乐养生 #
