
Saving fava beans, freezing them directly and cooking them and freezing them again are all wrong! Teach you a trick, put 1 year is also very fresh

author:Si Si Ye said food

Saving fava beans, freezing them directly and cooking them and freezing them again are all wrong! Teach you a trick, put 1 year is also very fresh

Fava beans are a very seasonal food, although you can usually eat fava beans, but they are dry, even after foaming, it is not as fresh and tender as fresh, and the umami taste is a little worse.

Saving fava beans, freezing them directly and cooking them and freezing them again are all wrong! Teach you a trick, put 1 year is also very fresh

Every spring, it is the season when fresh fava beans are on the market, and in late May, it will be off the market, and friends who like to eat fava beans must seize it. Now the broad bean pods on the market are very cheap, 10 yuan can buy 8 pounds, or even 10 pounds, come back to peel themselves, can peel out 5 to 6 pounds of broad bean rice, enough to eat several meals.

If you like to eat fava beans, it is recommended to take advantage of the current cheap, buy more to save, so that you can eat fresh fava beans throughout the year.

Fava beans have high nutritional value, rich in protein, carbohydrates, as well as calcium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, vitamin C, B vitamins, etc., are the nutrients needed by the human body, and regular consumption of fava beans is good for the body.

Saving fava beans, freezing them directly and cooking them and freezing them again are all wrong! Teach you a trick, put 1 year is also very fresh

However, when eating fava beans, it should be noted that not everyone is suitable for eating fava beans, and the following 3 kinds of people should eat less or not.

1, people with weak spleen and stomach should eat less. Because the protein content of fava beans is high, it is not easy to digest, and it will cause bloating, so it is enough to eat less, one at a time.

2, people who are allergic to fava beans can not eat. If you are allergic to broad beans, the skin will appear erythema, itching, etc., and if you are serious, you can have difficulty breathing, and you must not eat it.

3. People with high uric acid cannot eat. Because purines are produced after protein metabolism, and the purines produced by high-protein foods are also high, it will increase uric acid and aggravate gout, so it cannot be eaten.

Saving fava beans, freezing them directly and cooking them and freezing them again are all wrong! Teach you a trick, put 1 year is also very fresh

First determine whether you can eat fava beans, if you can eat, you can buy some fresh fava beans to save, eat as you go, especially convenient. How are fava beans preserved? Placed at room temperature, it will soon get old, the skin will harden, and the taste will be very poor. Maybe many people think of freezing, if directly frozen, broad beans will lose moisture and will still become old.

Today I share with you a good method, I have been using it for 10 years, it works very well, even if it is put for 1 year, it is very fresh, the taste is tender, it is very soft and sticky after cooking, and it is as delicious as fresh broad beans.

Saving fava beans, freezing them directly and cooking them and freezing them again are all wrong! Teach you a trick, put 1 year is also very fresh

Below I will share the specific method with you, quickly collect it, and save some broad beans yourself.

【Tips for preserving broad beans】

Broad bean pods, salt, cooking oil, and plastic bags need to be prepared.

1, buy some fresh fava bean pods, to choose bright green broad bean pods, this is relatively tender, the darker the color of the fava beans the older. Peel off the broad beans inside, rinse them with water and drain them.

Saving fava beans, freezing them directly and cooking them and freezing them again are all wrong! Teach you a trick, put 1 year is also very fresh

2, add some water to the steamer, bring to a boil over high heat, pour the broad beans on the steaming drawer, spread out evenly, steam for 5 minutes, steam until semi-cooked, do not need to be fully steamed, take out after steaming, quickly cool.

Saving fava beans, freezing them directly and cooking them and freezing them again are all wrong! Teach you a trick, put 1 year is also very fresh

3, add an appropriate amount of cooking oil to the wok, turn off the heat after high heat, put the oil cool, the oil can remove the raw taste. Pour in the steamed broad beans, stir them with chopsticks with a spatula, and wrap each broad bean in a layer of cooking oil to prevent water loss.

Saving fava beans, freezing them directly and cooking them and freezing them again are all wrong! Teach you a trick, put 1 year is also very fresh

4, use a plate to divide the fava beans well, a plate is a meal of the amount, and then use a plastic bag to pack up the good fava beans, sealed and put in the refrigerator for freezing.

With this method, you can lock in the moisture of the fava beans, keep them fresh, and leave them for a year. When eating, take it out and thaw it and fry it, which is very convenient.

Saving fava beans, freezing them directly and cooking them and freezing them again are all wrong! Teach you a trick, put 1 year is also very fresh

In May, don't miss this bean, nutrition is delicious, buy more and save it, eat and take as you go. Think my article is good, please give me likes, comments, forwards, favorites, follow, see you next time.