
Contemplative Yoon So-min in the face of an old photograph

author:Qilu one point

There are a lot of old photos, but they don't make me think about it. However, there was one that evoked a lot of my contemplation.

Recently, I looked through the old photos and finally found the old photo, the old photo that haunted my soul.

Facing the old yellowed photograph, I fell into contemplation. The scene of that year immediately appeared in front of my eyes. Seeing the one by one in the photo, the young students who were still flesh and bloody and energetic at that time were now too rare. Even more distressing, two of them have long since passed away and driven away.

Yes, it's an old photo, it's an old photo from more than fifty years ago. It is an old photo of me and Yang Zhanhai and Wang Ligong about to enter the PLA University.

Time flies.

For more than fifty years, at the flick of a finger. All that remained was the clear memory, and the wrinkles of that ring, the wisps of silver. Tell people about the shortness, ups and downs and hardships of life.

Every student in the photo, although he did not have a very beautiful and handsome face, nor did he have luxurious clothes, let alone set foot in society. All of them seemed a little earthy, so vulgar, so they also highlighted the characteristics of that era. In particular, the Chairman Mao medallion worn on each person's chest explains everything.

In the summer of 1966, these students were preparing to enter the university. However, the tide of the times has plunged their dreams into a hopeless state. As a result, some students embarked on the road of repaying the country from Rong. Before parting, I remembered taking a group photo as a souvenir. However, this photo also became our graduation photo.

They were all the best in Guangrao's first. They were hard-working and excelled in both learning and learning; they were well read and talented. Although his family was poor, he had a firm belief. Although he has not gone to society, he is bent on serving the country. They have been studying hard for more than ten years, and they are all looking forward to that beautiful ideal and looking forward to the immeasurable future. They are full of enthusiasm and enthusiasm, and their hearts to serve the country are overflowing with words.

Fate, something that is not very popular with materialists, yet it exists in the ethereal void. It is always like a magician, figuring out people in a different way, making you incredible.

These students once fantasized about engineers, scientists, philosophers, writers, medical scientists, educators... Wait a minute. And the defender of the motherland who galloped on horseback and held a steel gun. When the door of the ideal was about to open to them, the times made a joke to them, and their ideals were destroyed. The loss of the university door to them became a pity.

Of course, the trend of the times has also made these students undergo tempering and forging. At this time, they have a kind of power in the impulse. This kind of power is their enthusiasm and is prompting them to fight for their ideals.

They calmed down, carefully examined the social situation at that time, abandoned the fantasy of luxury, based on reality, and used their ingenuity to practice the most practical life.

Later, I learned that the students in the photo, under the shadow of their own ideals, were doing careers contrary to their aspirations, and received the once distant vision to the soles of their feet. Some teach in the countryside and bear the title of "private"; some join the ranks of the leading class, but they are ordinary and one-time workers; some have made several efforts and painstaking efforts, and they have not changed the fate of facing the loess and facing the sky; although some have taken a hundred steps and gone up the ladder, they are after all a minority. There are even more heart-wrenching people, one who died young, and one who died in middle age, bringing endless pain to the family and relatives. But no matter what, they all bravely challenged fate.

Social practice has made them understand that in fact, the story of the birth and death of the human world has long been hidden in the glory and drought of nature, and it is not subject to human will. The ancients said that life and death depend on fate, and wealth lies in heaven. Rong is the duty. Dryness is also a duty.

At that time, entering the barracks was a very enviable thing. The grass green military uniform, the red collar badge, the red hat emblem, how tempting. Armed with a steel gun in his hand, he is sacred and mighty, admirable, and of course, the responsibility is also very heavy. Because they are defenders of world peace, defenders of national security, defenders of social stability and people living and working in peace and contentment. What a sacred and great duty this is! Day and night, they guard the coastal defense of the motherland on the border and guard the great rivers and mountains of the motherland. As the three students who entered the barracks, although they did not realize the ideals of the student era, they were also very honored and proud.

In fact, the fate of man is closely linked to the times and society. When you adapt to the times, adapt to society, be good at seizing opportunities, and add diligence, hard work and hard work, you will grasp the fate in your own hands.

That being said, it's not easy to actually do it. However, as long as you go with the flow, keep fighting, work hard, don't speculate, don't take advantage of it, don't be meticulous, don't be demanding, be measured, and have a good grasp, luck will beckon you.

People always love to reminisce about the past, and pin a mood in their memories.

In the face of the yellowed old photos, the above ones still bloom with a childish atmosphere, a wave of vitality, full of youth and vitality. Their ideals, their aspirations, are still so clear, so exciting, so blood boiling. Because that's a reflection of youth. "Classmate Qia is a teenager, full of style, bookish, and wavy." Let people have a long-term aftertaste, a long-term nostalgia. Reminisce, nostalgia for the beat of youth, and the melody of youth!

People will grow old. However, the spirit of persistent pursuit of ideals should never grow old.

Life, dominated by strings of hopes, fulfills life. Because with hope, life has an account, and living feels meaningful and interesting. Hope is like the sun, with it, there is light, there is heat, and then the waving of the square emits a lively vitality. Hope is like a stream of water, flowing to the river, flowing to the river, flowing to the ocean, and exerting everything in life to the extreme. A suitor who is faithful to hope and does not know what is coming.

Old is not terrible, afraid is afraid of no hope. People who have no hope, even if they are young, have no meaning.

A person's life is to fight for hope. However, there is a considerable distance between hope and success. Without perseverance, without perseverance, without hard struggle, without twists and turns, without encountering difficulties, we cannot reach the other side of success. Therefore, it is even more necessary to have a strong will, unremitting efforts, continuous struggle, take the steps of heroes, towards hope, towards success, and go non-stop.

Yes, the people in the old photos, that's how they hold on. For the sake of hope, go on non-stop. With persistence, perseverance, perseverance, strength, hard work, pioneering, writing his life, leaving a solid footprint.

(Written on the evening of April 6, 2022)

Contemplative Yoon So-min in the face of an old photograph

About author:Yin Xiumin, a native of Guangrao County, Shandong Province. Retired civil servant. Title of Deputy Editor. Member of the Chinese Talent Research Association. Originally, he mainly studied the use of management theory, and later studied essays, essays, miscellaneous feelings, etc. He has published eleven monographs and many papers, totaling more than 4 million words. He has won many provincial and municipal awards.

One point number Boshan District Writers Association