
Japanese female doctors died in slums, leaving strange last words, their homes were rearranged, important witnesses were buried in the fire...

author:New Youth in Tokyo

As one of the developed countries in Asia, Japan most often gives people the impression that it is inseparable from being advanced, developed, has a good environment, and has high quality. But behind this developed appearance, there are also many unknown dark tides; even in the bustling cities of red and green, there are deliberately forgotten and neglected corners, such as the beloved neighbors in Osaka's Nishijo District.

Japanese female doctors died in slums, leaving strange last words, their homes were rearranged, important witnesses were buried in the fire...

Although in recent years, thanks to the efforts of the Government, there have been some changes. But before that, Ai Lin was once known as the "Osaka Magic Land", where a large number of gangsters, addicts, and poor people who made ends meet by odd jobs were gathered, and homeless homeless people could be seen everywhere on the roadside; illegal shops were lined up, and social problems such as robbery, riots, and illegal abandonment were common here.

Japanese female doctors died in slums, leaving strange last words, their homes were rearranged, important witnesses were buried in the fire...

In 2009, there was an unusual death here. The deceased was not a homeless man and addict common in the neighboring area, but a female doctor who had been engaged in medical assistance in the area for a long time: Shoko Yajima.

Japanese female doctors died in slums, leaving strange last words, their homes were rearranged, important witnesses were buried in the fire...

Shoko Yajima was born in March 1975 to a family of physicians in Takasaki City, Gunma Prefecture, Japan. Both parents graduated from gunma University's Faculty of Medicine and run a clinic in the area. Shoko Yajima, who has been a bully since childhood, did not intend to inherit her father's business at first, but a documentary about volunteer doctors who helped poor countries that she saw in high school deeply touched Shoko Yajima.

Since then, Shoko Yajima has made it her goal to become a good doctor and has been admitted to the Faculty of Medicine at Gunma University to study internal medicine and gynecology, which are most needed in the medical assistance area. After graduation, he successfully entered the Christian Hospital in Yodokawa, Osaka, and worked as an internist. Around the same time, Shoko Yajima began volunteering to provide medical assistance to the Ariel area in Osaka City's Nishi-jo district.

Japanese female doctors died in slums, leaving strange last words, their homes were rearranged, important witnesses were buried in the fire...

During a volunteer event, she met Dr. Kurokawa Watanabe, the founder of NPO Health Support Osaka. In order to make it easier for the poor in the neighboring area to help the poor, Shoko Yajima simply quit her high-paying job at the hospital and transferred to a private clinic run by Kurokawa-do, "Clinic".

Although her salary and living conditions have been greatly reduced, Shoko Yajima is very satisfied because she can help more people in need. Kind-hearted, she took out half of her salary and bonus to buy sleeping bags for the homeless people who slept on the street.

Japanese female doctors died in slums, leaving strange last words, their homes were rearranged, important witnesses were buried in the fire...

Because of her various acts of kindness, Shoko Yajima has a high reputation in the neighboring area, and is a being that many people regard as a "savior", and is known as "Teresa of Nishijo".

For the sake of the ideal, he gave up a great future and ran to the slums, and has been silently dedicated without asking for returns. We often say that good people have good rewards, but unfortunately they have not been able to confirm it in this kind angel in white, and her life is forever fixed at the age of 34.

Japanese female doctors died in slums, leaving strange last words, their homes were rearranged, important witnesses were buried in the fire...

On November 16, 2009, police in Osaka's Nishijo District received a report that an unnamed female body had been found in Kizugawa, Nishijo District.

The police who received the report rushed to the scene and confirmed through the belongings of the deceased that the deceased was Shoko Yajima, a female doctor at the local "くろがわ Clinic". It is reported that Shoko Yajima lost information after leaving the clinic at 4 a.m. on the 14th, until the early morning of the 16th, when she was found dead at the Chihonmatsu Ferry Port in Kizukawa. Coupled with the fact that Shoko sent a postcard to a friend on the 14th with a suspicious last word, the police determined that Shoko Yajima's death was on the morning of the 14th, and the cause of death was that she could not bear the pressure of work and chose to commit suicide.

Japanese female doctors died in slums, leaving strange last words, their homes were rearranged, important witnesses were buried in the fire...

However, people familiar with Shoko Yajima feel that with her personality, she will never choose to commit suicide. Shoko's parents, who are doctors, are more convinced that their daughter was killed after seeing her body. First of all, the neck of Shoko Yajima's body has traces of compression, and bleeding spots commonly found on the face of the strangled person can be found on the face, not only that, there are obvious abrasions on the head and right side of the body, there are wounds left by blows on the top of the head, and the body is in an unnatural stiff state.

Japanese female doctors died in slums, leaving strange last words, their homes were rearranged, important witnesses were buried in the fire...

This kind of can not be regarded as suicide, and even the real time of death is also doubtful, but the police have closed the case so hastily that the unacceptable Xiangzi family has repeatedly raised objections. Shoko's parents issued a large number of leaflets, searching for insiders in the neighboring area, and opening a long road to appeal.

Those who had been helped by her and netizens who were touched by Shoko Yajima's kindness spontaneously became volunteers, and together with Shoko's family, they ran to make the case re-investigated, and even alarmed the members of The Diet at that time.

Finally, in August 2012, the death of Shoko Yajima was classified as a "homicide and abandonment case" and the investigation was restarted.

Japanese female doctors died in slums, leaving strange last words, their homes were rearranged, important witnesses were buried in the fire...

It was also this investigation that made many details and clues that were extremely frightening to think about surface. It turned out that shoko seemed to have a premonition a few days before her death, and once revealed to her colleagues that she felt that someone was following her.

Japanese female doctors died in slums, leaving strange last words, their homes were rearranged, important witnesses were buried in the fire...

Shoko's friend said in a later interview that Shoko had mentioned more than once that he might be killed, and he had not returned to his rented apartment on the 12th and 13th, but chose to spend the night at a friend's house, and called his brother to mention that he felt dangerous and wanted to resign.

At 4:15 a.m. on the 14th, Shoko Yajima deliberately turned on the alarm system before leaving the clinic, and just a minute later, the alarm system was suddenly triggered, and the guards who came to inquire entered at 4:50 a.m., but found that the clinic was empty. And Shoko's inevitable way home was not left in the surveillance.

Japanese female doctors died in slums, leaving strange last words, their homes were rearranged, important witnesses were buried in the fire...

When the police subsequently investigated the apartment where Shoko lived, they found that the apartment had been deliberately cleaned and cleaned to the point that there was no trace of anyone living there, and the most incredible thing was that in the room where Shoko Yajima lived for two years, the police could not find any fingerprints belonging to her

Japanese female doctors died in slums, leaving strange last words, their homes were rearranged, important witnesses were buried in the fire...

Japanese female doctors died in slums, leaving strange last words, their homes were rearranged, important witnesses were buried in the fire...

Shortly after the police reopened the investigation, a fire broke out in an apartment in the neighboring area, the house was completely burned down, and the police found a charred male body in the ruins, identified as 64-year-old Sato Toyo, a 64-year-old man living alone. Although the police eventually closed the case with an accident, the identity of the male deceased could not help but make people think more about the fire

Japanese female doctors died in slums, leaving strange last words, their homes were rearranged, important witnesses were buried in the fire...

Toyo Sato, who was once a member of the homeless people who loved his neighbors, met Shoko Yajima, who came to do medical assistance when he was sick and desperate, and Shoko helped him cure his illness and has been taking good care of him ever since. Sato Has always regarded Shoko as a lifesaver, and after recovering from illness, he also joined Shoko's charity, and the two gradually became mutual trust and talk about each other.

Japanese female doctors died in slums, leaving strange last words, their homes were rearranged, important witnesses were buried in the fire...

What is even more frightening is that Sato Yutaka once found The parents of Shoko Yajima. During the conversation, it was revealed that Shoko's death may be related to the shady scene of the poverty support industry in the neighboring area she has been investigating. It turns out that there have always been groups in neighbour-friendly areas that have maliciously abused the living security system provided for the homeless and the poor and profited from it. Some of them are black-hearted religious institutions, some are left-wing groups, and there are also underworld violent groups, and all kinds of fish and dragons are mixed.

Shoko Yajima had previously found that her charity group seemed to be involved in these black industrial chains, so she had been secretly collecting clues, preparing to find an opportunity to report these people together; and began to secretly contact the media to expose the evil deeds of these groups.

Japanese female doctors died in slums, leaving strange last words, their homes were rearranged, important witnesses were buried in the fire...

"When a ray of light shines into the darkness, then the light is guilty", before the plan was implemented, Shoko Yajima was innocently killed, and the whole incident seemed to be controlled by an invisible behind-the-scenes black hand. Because Shoko Yajima's apartment has been deliberately sorted out, many key new clues have disappeared, and important witnesses Sato Toyo have also been buried in the fire, and it is ultimately inconclusive who the murderer is.

Fortunately, people have never forgotten this kind and righteous female doctor, and there are still people who work hard to restore the truth.

Japanese female doctors died in slums, leaving strange last words, their homes were rearranged, important witnesses were buried in the fire...

The people who loved her insisted on expressing their thoughts about her in their own way,

Japanese female doctors died in slums, leaving strange last words, their homes were rearranged, important witnesses were buried in the fire...

The place where Shoko Yajima's body was found was always full of flowers,

Japanese female doctors died in slums, leaving strange last words, their homes were rearranged, important witnesses were buried in the fire...

Although the world is always unbearable, there will be sunshine where there are shadows; I believe that justice will never be absent, and the day when the truth will come...

Japanese female doctors died in slums, leaving strange last words, their homes were rearranged, important witnesses were buried in the fire...

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