
Shui Man Jiangdong (2) - The "Candle Dragon" case of the Eastern Wu Ting Lieutenant Supervisor

author:Apaoga History

In "The Wind Rises in Longxi", the plot revolves around the investigation of the Wei spy "Candle Dragon" within the Jing'an Division of the Shu Han Spy Agency, and in the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Wu Shu Hu Zong Biography", a real case of the "Candle Dragon" case of the Eastern Wu Court Wei Jian is recorded.

Shui Man Jiangdong (2) - The "Candle Dragon" case of the Eastern Wu Ting Lieutenant Supervisor

In October of the third year of Huanglong (231), Sun Quan ordered Zhonglang to trick Sun Bu into luring the Wei general Wang Ling and laying down heavy troops to ambush Wang Ling, but at this time, a rebellion occurred in the rear capital, causing Sun Quan to be unable to balance head and tail, and he was in a dilemma for a while. The initiator of this rebellion is the "candle dragon" within Eastern Wu - Yin Bo.

Yin Bo (209-231 AD), unknown character, Qingzhou native, quite eloquent, able to speak eloquently. This person was not small, and directly obeyed the orders of Cao Rui, the Emperor of WeiMing.

Shui Man Jiangdong (2) - The "Candle Dragon" case of the Eastern Wu Ting Lieutenant Supervisor

One day, Cao Rui secretly summoned him and asked him to defect to the State of Wu, ordering him to find a way to obtain the position of Lieutenant of the State of Wu, waiting for the opportunity to frame and alienate the ministers, and provoke a struggle within Wu.

What is the position of a lieutenant? From the Qin and Han dynasties to the Southern and Northern Dynasties, Ting Wei was the highest official in charge of justice. Also known as Dali. Every year, the national prison breaks are finally summarized to the Tingwei; the difficult cases of the prefecture and county are reported to the Tingwei for sentencing; and the Tingwei often sends officials to deal with certain important cases for the locality. Some can also refute the judgment opinions put forward by the emperor and the three dukes. By edict, a court lieutenant may arrest, imprison, and try a guilty prince or minister. The rites and decrees are hidden in the court and are in charge of matters related to the revision of the laws. Lieutenant Ting is equivalent to the current Minister of Justice of the State.

Shui Man Jiangdong (2) - The "Candle Dragon" case of the Eastern Wu Ting Lieutenant Supervisor

So in the second year of Wu Huanglong (230), the twenty-two-year-old Yin Fan defected from Cao Wei and defected to the state of Wu.

However, Emperor Sun Quan did not treat this "guiyi" Yin Fan as a dish at first, did not summon him, and did not give Yin Bo a chance to state his high opinion.

Seeing that Sun Quan only treated him as an ordinary capitulator, in order to complete his mission, he took the initiative to write to Sun Quan to express his dissatisfaction. The content is as follows:

"The subordinates heard that the king of Lu had no way, so the micro-son fled; Han Gaozu was lenient, so Chen Ping came to vote." The subordinates were twenty-two years old this year, and they committed themselves to surrender, gave up the glory and wealth in the Wei kingdom, and returned to the King of you, thanks to the protection of heaven, they could arrive safely. However, it has been some time since the subordinates arrived in the Kingdom of Wu, but you have treated me like ordinary capitulators and have not treated me specially, so that the subordinates have many good remarks and strategies that they cannot tell you. I sighed three times a day at home, afraid that I would spend my life like this. Therefore, I can only take the liberty of writing to the Holy King, and beg you to introduce you to your subordinates once. ”

After the letter was reached, Sun Quan felt that this guy was a bit interesting, so he immediately arranged a meeting.

Shui Man Jiangdong (2) - The "Candle Dragon" case of the Eastern Wu Ting Lieutenant Supervisor

After the meeting, Yin Fan first expressed his gratitude for the summons, and then stated the current situation to Sun Quan, talking in a relaxed manner, with a beautiful style and quite insightful words.

After the talks, Sun Quan asked the right leader Hu Zong, who was present at the time, for his opinion, and Hu Zong replied: "Judging from the above book, Yin Bo's tone is exaggerated, very similar to Dongfang Shuo; judging from his performance just now, Yin Fan is dexterous and agile, good at sophistry, and very similar to You Heng, but when it comes to talent, he may not be as good as these two people." ”

Sun Quan asked what official position he could appoint to, and Hu Zong replied, "You can't let him govern the people, but you can arrange a small position for him in the capital to try it." ”

Sun Quan had a deep understanding when he first talked about prison, so he appointed Yin Bo as a court lieutenant. Cow, say into the court lieutenant will enter! It can be seen that The hidden man left a relatively deep and good impression on Sun Quan.

The empress dowager attacked everywhere, and privately won the kindness of the Eastern Wu Haojie with his outstanding eloquence, including the left general Zhu Zhu (former general and brother of Zhu Huan of Qingzhou) and Ting Wei Hao Pu (this person was from Jingzhou, originally a subordinate of Liu Bei, Liu Bei entered the river, leaving Hao Pu as the Lingling Taishou. Later, "Guiyi" Wu Guo, the official to the court lieutenant) is the best. Especially this Hao Pu, he and Yin Bo belong to the same "Guiyi" people, so they are particularly involved, and everyone praises Yin Bo for having the talent of Wang Zuo.

Many Jiangdong scholars, seeing that he had become a court lieutenant shortly after his arrival, had become the new favorite of the King of Wu, so they climbed up one after another, and in front of the Hidden House, there were often cars and horses gathered, the guests were full of doors, and their fame was greatly enhanced, and officials below the Wei general Quan Chun all interacted with him and treated him with great respect.

However, officials did not associate with him, and felt that this person was exaggerated and clever, and was very disgusted with him.

Among them, the most disgusting thing about Yin Bo is Tai Chang Pan Jun. He heard that his son Pan Yi and Yin Bo were socializing and giving him gifts, and he was furious. He wrote a letter scolding Pan Yi: "I have been treated with the leniency of the state, and I should be determined to repay with my life, and you young people in Kyoto should always remember to be obedient and close to the magi." Admiring goodness, why did he have a close relationship with a Wei guo descendant of unknown origin like Yin Fan and send him money and food? When I heard about this in the distance, my heart was shocked, my qi and blood surged, and I was sad for several days. When you receive the letter, go to the messenger at once, accept my punishment of your hundred rods, and go and get the gift back. ”

Pan Jun's fierce reaction was very incomprehensible at first, until later, when The Hidden Boy rebellion was denounced, everyone admired Pan Jun's foresight.

In October of the third year of Huanglong (231), Sun Quan ordered Zhonglang to trick Sun Bu into luring the Wei general Wang Ling.

Shui Man Jiangdong (2) - The "Candle Dragon" case of the Eastern Wu Ting Lieutenant Supervisor

Wang Ling was the nephew of Situ Wang Yun, who had plotted to destroy Dong Zhuo. Born in Filial Piety, he served as a subordinate of Cao Cao in his early years. After Emperor Cao Pi of Wei ascended the throne, He was sent to ride Chang Shi (常侍) and Yanzhou (兖州刺史). Participated in the Battle of Dongkou, followed Zhang Liao in defeating the Wu general Lü Fan, and was given the title of Jianwu general, and was the Marquis of Yicheng Ting.

In the second year of Taihe (228), Wang Ling participated in the Battle of Shiting, followed Cao Xiu in his conquest of Eastern Wu, and was defeated by Lu Xun, but in the battle, Wang Ling turned the tide and served as the assassin of Yangyu Erzhou for his meritorious service. Cao Fang, the King of Qi, succeeded to the throne, and the general Ofe Zhengdong defeated the attack of Eastern Wu Quanchun, and entered the Marquis of Nanxiang, and awarded the general Che Riding and Yi Tongsan division.

Although Jiaping was dissatisfied with Sima Yi's dictatorship in the third year (251), he joined forces with Yanzhou to establish Cao Biao, the king of Chu, as emperor, opening the prelude to the three rebellions in Huainan, and finally committed suicide at the age of eighty, and was destroyed by the three tribes.

However, Wang Ling in 231 was really a thorn in the flesh of Eastern Wu's eyes, so Sun Quan sent Sun Bu to deceive wang Ling into the pit, and Wang Ling was really deceived, ready to lead the army to meet Sun Bu, step by step to Sun Quan's preset ambush circle.

Seeing that the situation was urgent, Hidebo rushed to rebel and launched a rebellion in Kyoto, but because the incident was not secret, it was nipped in the bud, and Hidebo failed to flee, and was eventually arrested and arrested.

Shui Man Jiangdong (2) - The "Candle Dragon" case of the Eastern Wu Ting Lieutenant Supervisor

Although the rebellion failed, it aroused the vigilance of Wang Ling, who withdrew his army and returned to Wei, and Sun Quan returned without success.

Sun Quan returned to Kyoto, heard that the Tingwei mansion had tortured his fellow party members, and concealed a word, and decided to personally interrogate him.

Yin Bo said, "Junshang, how can the eldest husband not have a companion when he plots such a thing?" But the martyrs are martyrs, and they can't implicate others! ”

Until his death, he never answered a word.

He was only twenty-three years old when he was beheaded.

Shui Man Jiangdong (2) - The "Candle Dragon" case of the Eastern Wu Ting Lieutenant Supervisor

Afterwards, a particularly large number of ministers were implicated. The first to suffer was Hao Pu, who had the best relationship with YinFan, and Sun Quan asked him: "You praised Yinfan everywhere before, and you also complained about the court's humiliation for him, prompting Yinbo to rebel, this is all your responsibility!" "

Hao Pu blamed himself for suicide.

Another implicated was the left general Zhu Zhao, who was dismissed from office and confined to his home, and it took four years before he was reactivated.

Only Pan Yi was spared because of his father's reminder.

Only Hu Zong was promoted to a partial general, concurrently serving as a left law enforcement officer, and temporarily managing the litigation and prison.

Hidden is a good scholar, a good eloquent, and a talent. His mission as a spy is to eliminate officials by means of divisive means, dead or alive, and the role is similar to that of assassination. Therefore, some people regard it as an assassin, called "verbal thorn".

This is really: Hanzhong grasps the candle dragon, Jianye anti-hidden, how many things in ancient and modern times, are all in laughter!

Shui Man Jiangdong (2) - The "Candle Dragon" case of the Eastern Wu Ting Lieutenant Supervisor

Text | Apaoga History

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