
What should I do if my immunity is low? Develop 3 good habits or help improve immunity

author:Dr. Cai said in popular science

The low immunity of the body is easy to provoke some viruses and bacteria, more likely to cause physical consumption, especially when sick, it may take a long time to recover, and over time the body is in a sub-healthy state.

Therefore, people with low physical immunity should pay attention to their own living habits and eating habits. What should I do if my body's immunity is low? Keeping in mind 3 good habits to improve immunity and contribute to health.

What should I do if my immunity is low? Develop 3 good habits or help improve immunity


What is immunity?

Immunity seems to be an invisible force, in fact, the body produces a force against viruses and bacteria, which can effectively kill viruses and bacteria to achieve a healthy state.

Generally speaking, the immunity of the human body is relatively high, if you usually pay more attention to physical exercise, immunity is relatively high, and some people often have various diseases, in fact, it is caused by low immunity.

What should I do if my immunity is low? Develop 3 good habits or help improve immunity


What are the reasons for low immunity?

Immunity is affected by genetic genes, some people are born with a relatively good physique, immunity will also be improved, if the parents' immunity is relatively strong, then the child's natural immunity is relatively strong, not easy to get sick.

Age is also a big factor, for some elderly people, physical fitness is relatively poor, and easy to suffer from a variety of diseases, because after ageing, the body's functions gradually decline, immunity will be reduced.

What should I do if my immunity is low? Develop 3 good habits or help improve immunity

For middle-aged and elderly people and infants and young children, it is crucial to improve their own immunity, so in addition to keeping warm in life, we must also pay attention to the daily diet and the hygiene of life, so as to avoid disease from the mouth, but also to reduce the invasion of viruses and bacteria, improve immunity.


What should I do if my immunity is low? Develop 3 good habits or help improve immunity

Adjust your diet

The body can obtain energy through daily diet, but also because of eating and lead to a decline in immunity, so in life to be targeted choices, so that your immunity slowly improves, such as eating more oats, oats is a kind of coarse grain containing dietary fiber, can improve the body's antioxidant capacity, activate the body's immunity.

Secondly, garlic is also a good choice, garlic contains allicin is a bactericide, help to resist germs, enhance the body's immunity, you can drink more milk, eat more eggs, add some high-quality protein.

What should I do if my immunity is low? Develop 3 good habits or help improve immunity

Sleep is guaranteed

1/3 of the time in a person's life is spent from sleep, sleep is actually a very healthy thing, the human body can restore spirit and physical strength through sleep, while improving the body's immunity, so seize the time of sleep.

Especially from 11 p.m. to 2 a.m., the organs in the body will repair themselves during this time period, so it is crucial to go to bed early and get up early every day to ensure adequate sleep.

Increase movement

When people exercise, all parts of the body will participate, and the blood circulation and metabolism in the exercise body have entered an accelerated period, which is more conducive to stimulating the body's immunity.

Exercise can strengthen the body and reduce the probability of getting sick, but the way of exercise should be appropriate, and the intensity of exercise and the time of exercise should be self-regulated.