
"Jiang Xue" is a great loneliness

author:Ziyuan LK

Today I would like to talk to you about a poem by Liu Zongyuan, that is, the very famous poem "Jiang Xue", from the Tang Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty, no one said that this poem was not good, and many people thought that this was a rare masterpiece.

I have talked about Liu Zongyuan's life before, if you are interested, you can look at the chapter I wrote before, the title of that chapter is - Liu Zongyuan "Ten Million Lonely".

Although his life was very bumpy and miserable, but he was strong in his heart, Han Yu wrote an article called "Liu Zi Hou Epitaph" Liu Zongyuan, the character is thick. This epitaph tells about Liu Zongyuan's family lineage, personality, political achievements, etc., and also includes the contents of the epitaph such as lineage, burial, and heirs.

Through a comprehensive overview of Liu Zongyuan's life and deeds, Han Yu highly praised Liu Zongyuan's literary knowledge, political ability, and moral conduct, gave deep sympathy for Liu Zongyuan's experience of being ostracized, degraded for a long time, and was poor, and gave a high evaluation to Liu Zongyuan's life.

In this article, there is a paragraph that says, "The child is thick and sensitive, and everything is accessible." When his father was arrested, although he was a teenager, he was able to take the rank of a soldier, and he suddenly saw the horns, and everyone said that the Liu clan had a son. Later, he taught jixian dian orthography with erudite macro words. Junjie was honest and fierce, discussing evidence in ancient times, going in and out of the scriptures and hundreds of sons, being fierce and vigorous, and often bending his seat; his reputation was greatly encouraged for a while, and he was eager to fight with the princes and dignitaries who wanted to make them come out of my door. ”

What does this paragraph mean?" Zi Hou was very shrewd and intelligent when he was a teenager, and he did not understand things that he knew. When his father was alive, although he was very young, he had already become a talented person, able to pass the entrance examination, and prominently showed his talent, and everyone said that the Liu family had descendants who could make a name and a name. Later, he passed the examination of the Erudite Hongzi Department and was awarded the official position of Jixian Hall. He was brilliant, fangzheng and brave, could cite modern and ancient examples when making arguments, was proficient in the classics of the scriptures, and was brilliant in his discussions, gushing endlessly, often convincing the people present. As a result, his reputation was sensational, and for a while people admired him and wanted to associate with him. Those secretaries of state and nobles competed to make him their protégé, and praised him with one voice. ”

Han Yu's evaluation of Liu Zongyuan is very high, and it is only natural that Liu Zongyuan can have such a high evaluation, and Liu Zongyuan is indeed very good. In the words of the present; "This is someone else's child." Moreover, Liu Zongyuan was a strong player of the "Yongzhen Innovation", but this innovation ended in failure, and then Liu Zongyuan was degraded.

At that time, When Emperor Shunzong stepped down and Emperor Xianzong came to power, the reform failed, and the "Second King Liu Liu" and other reformers were immediately degraded. When Emperor Xianzong ascended the throne in August, Liu Zongyuan was demoted to the post of Assassin of Shao Prefecture (邵州, in modern Shaoyang, Hunan) in September, and was demoted to Sima of Yongzhou (永州, in modern Lingling, Hunan).

At the same time, there were seven people who were demoted to Sima at the same time, so history called this incident the "Two Kings and Eight Sima Incident". Among them, the "second king" refers to Wang Shuwen and Wang Ling, and the "eight Simas" refer to Wei Zhiyi, Han Tai, Chen Chen, Liu Zongyuan, Liu Yuxi, Han Ye, Ling Zhun, and Cheng Yi, all of whom were demoted to the status of Prefecture Sima after the failure of the reform.

Liu Zongyuan was demoted to Yongzhou, a place on the border of Hunan and Guangdong, which was very desolate at the time and was a frightening place with few people. Going to Yongzhou with Liu Zongyuan was his 67-year-old mother, cousin Liu Zongzhi, and cousin Lu Zun.

After they arrived in Yongzhou, they did not even have a place to live, and later, with the help of a monk, they stayed at Longxing Temple. Due to the hardships of life, less than half a year after arriving in Yongzhou, his old mother Lu Shi passed away.

After Liu Zongyuan was degraded, political enemies still refused to let him go. Rumors and slander, personal attacks, and ugly him as a "strange person", and several years later, there is still a lot of scolding. This shows how much conservatives hate him. In Yongzhou, the cruel political persecution and harsh living environment made Liu Zongyuan sad, depressed, and miserable, coupled with several ruthless fires, which seriously damaged his health, to the point of "trembling on his knees and paralyzing when he sat".

The persecution and hardships endured by the derogatory career have not shaken Liu Zongyuan's political ideals. In his letter, he made it clear: "Though all are rejected, they are no more than that. ”

The depreciation of Yongzhou is ten years, which is a major turning point in Liu Zongyuan's life. When he was in Beijing, he was directly engaged in innovative activities, and after arriving in Yongzhou, his struggle turned to the field of ideology and culture.

The ten years of Yongzhou were the ten years in which he continued to persist in the struggle, extensively studied some major issues in philosophy, politics, history, literature, and other aspects from ancient times to the present, and wrote articles and books, such as "Feudal Theory", "Non-Chinese", "Heaven pair", "Six Reverse Theory" and other famous works, most of which were completed in Yongzhou.

It also includes this poem "Jiang Xue", which was written during Liu Zongyuan's stay in Yongzhou (805-815). In the first year of Emperor Shunzong's reign (805), Liu Zongyuan joined the Yongzhen Reform Movement launched by Wang Shuwen's clique, implementing political measures to suppress eunuchs internally, control feudal towns outside, and maintain national unity.

However, due to the joint opposition of the reactionary forces, the reform soon failed, and Liu Zongyuan was demoted to Sima of Yongzhou, exiled for ten years, and actually lived a "prisoner" life of being controlled and placed under house arrest. The sinister environmental oppression did not crush him. Politically unfavorable, he showed the value and ideals of life through poetry. This poem is one of the masterpieces.

《Jiang Xue》

Tang: Liu Zongyuan

Thousands of mountain birds flew away, and thousands of people disappeared.

Lonely boat, fishing alone in the snow of the Cold River.

In this poem, Liu Zongyuan selects some very typical moods that are very cold and cold, so as to express the loneliness, loneliness, and loneliness of his inner world, as well as the arrogance and strong courage that challenges the environment.

Let's see how he expressed that feeling of loneliness and loneliness, and at the same time how he showed the courage to challenge the dangerous environment. This poem he wrote well together, and together he rendered the harsh cold...

"A thousand mountain birds fly to extinction, and ten thousand people disappear."

"A Thousand Mountains" and "Ten Thousand Paths" are emphasized, that is, all mountains and all roads. There is not even a bird on all the mountains Why? Because it is winter, the dead birds that freeze in winter are hidden. "Ten Thousand Paths Of People Disappeared" There is no trace of a single person on the entire vast land.

In the midst of the ice and snow, except for the snowflakes flying in the sky, the birds in the sky are silent; there are no figures on the ground; the birds that can fly; the people who can walk; the beasts that can run all hide from the cold, all of them hide.

The two sentences of "a thousand mountains" and "ten thousand paths" on this poem outline a very broad background for the characters who are about to appear. There was a dead silence everywhere in the sky, on the mountain, and on the road.

"Lonely boat, fishing alone in the snow of the cold river."

However, it is in such an environment that a lonely boat floats on the surface of a cold river. On the lonely boat sat a fisherman, dressed in a cloak and wearing a bucket hat, who was throwing a rod to fish. In the midst of the ice and snow, there was actually a fisherman fishing, and the whole picture suddenly appeared a derivative.

When the snow is falling; in the land of biological extinction. Suddenly, in a lonely boat on the cold river, the fisherman was resolutely fishing regardless of the cold and the wind and snow.

What is he fishing for? In the cold and snowy days, even birds and animals dare not come out to feed, will the fish in the water be hooked? Know that in the winter the fish should be hidden deeply, the fish will not come up to bite the hook, and people will not fish in the winter.

What is he fishing for in such a cold and freezing environment - "fishing alone in the snow of the cold river", he is not fishing but fishing for snow. This fisherman who "fished alone in the snow of the cold river" is the embodiment of Liu Zongyuan, he knows that he cannot do it, he is not hungry for fishing, but shows his courage not to believe in evil and not accept defeat.

"A thousand mountains and birds fly away, and a thousand paths disappear" He is writing about the natural environment, but also about his own political environment. Liu Zongyuan has never lost confidence in Yongzhou, and he believes that he will make a comeback! He's constantly practicing.

"Jiang Xue" is a five-word rhyme; absolute, extinguished, snow, he rhymes with the rhyme. From the tone, it looks lonely and powerful! The poem uses typical generalization techniques, selecting thousands of mountains and paths, and the extinction of people and birds, which is the typical scene that can best express the severe cold of the mountains, depicting the picture of heavy snow and cold and freezing; then sketches the image of a fisherman fishing alone in the Cold River, in order to express Liu Zongyuan's indomitable and deeply lonely emotions after being hit. The whole poem is uniquely conceived, the language is concise and condensed, and the meaning is rich.

In just twenty words, Liu Zongyuan painted a quiet and cold picture: on the snowy river, a leaf boat, an old fisherman, fishing alone in the cold heart of the river. What Liu Zongyuan shows the reader is the following content: the heavens and the earth are so pure and silent, spotless, silent; the fisherman's life is high, and the fisherman's personality is lonely and arrogant.

This poem is so well written! Although I am also a relatively lonely person, no matter how lonely I am, I can't write such an ancient poem as "Jiang Xue". I call this poem The Great Solitude!

Ziyuan Xiaoji: At night, the moonlight is strong. The moonlight poured over the earth like white snow. I wrote alone, and within a moment Liu Zongyuan's life jumped on the paper. Zong Yuan's life of misery was constantly withered in loss, and finally he closed his eyes in loneliness.

Writing at this point, a tear fell from the corner of the eye for some reason...

A thousand mountain birds fly away,

Ten thousand trails disappeared.

Lonely Boat,

Fishing alone in the snow of the Cold River.

These two short crosses, in the first words of the whole poem alone, are full of misery and loneliness.

In this article, if there is any omission, please be more Haihan!

If there are any details in this article, please advise!

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