
Wild boars rely on old houses to make neighbors with villagers, mountain people scheming, and ferocious wild boars become docile livestock

author:Humanistic photography in western Henan
Wild boars rely on old houses to make neighbors with villagers, mountain people scheming, and ferocious wild boars become docile livestock

Sunjialing Village in Baitu Town, Luanchuan County, Henan Province, is a small village on a lonely mountain deep in Funiu Mountain, where people are said to be neighbors with wild boars and are harmonious and friendly, and the former pigsty and abandoned houses have become a paradise for wild boars.

The author is very curious and is ready to explore. Originally there was a road to the top of the mountain, but when I went to catch the main road maintenance, I asked the nearby villagers, and found a sheep herding path that could lead to this hilltop village.

Wild boars rely on old houses to make neighbors with villagers, mountain people scheming, and ferocious wild boars become docile livestock

The path is in the middle of the hillside jungle, and the roadside is covered with wild Chinese medicinal herbs such as forsythia and salvia, and even two wild goji berries have been found. When I was down the mountain, I heard that this year the local government has a special request to strictly prohibit the forsythia from picking when it is not ripe. It's really good, if it had been a few years ago, the green warp at this time might have been picked up and sent to the pharmaceutical factory.

Wild boars rely on old houses to make neighbors with villagers, mountain people scheming, and ferocious wild boars become docile livestock

After climbing for more than 20 minutes, I finally saw the village at the top of the hill, and the first house that entered the target was not the traditional tile house style of Luanchuan, and the left side of the house slope seemed to have a bit of a Jiangnan dou arch style.

Looking closer, it turned out that the back wall of the house had collapsed, and the unsupported roof ridge had fallen to the side. Just next to the house without a gate, there was a pile of fresh pig dung, on the floor of the room, there was a small amount of hay, a few pools of water marks [should be wild boar urine marks], scattered pig hair... It can be seen that after the owner of the house left, it was the wild boar on the mountain that occupied the place.

Wild boars rely on old houses to make neighbors with villagers, mountain people scheming, and ferocious wild boars become docile livestock

At the edge of the village, the roof of the house supported by satellite receiving antennas, cooking smoke rose. It seems that this small village is still inhabited.

Wild boars rely on old houses to make neighbors with villagers, mountain people scheming, and ferocious wild boars become docile livestock

There were no dogs in the yard, the door to the upper door was open, and there was a squeaking singing sound coming out of it, shouting a few times, and finally a big brother came out of the kitchen.

Wild boars rely on old houses to make neighbors with villagers, mountain people scheming, and ferocious wild boars become docile livestock

"Where did you come from?" What's up? "Seeing us carrying backpacks and cameras, Big Brother Sun was a bit surprised." Isn't there a road underneath, the motorcycle can't get up, why are you up? ”

Telling the eldest brother that we came by small road, Brother Sun felt even more strange: "Oh my God, that road, usually they don't have to go, you can find that road, it's really not simple." Come and go, go and sit in the house. ”

Wild boars rely on old houses to make neighbors with villagers, mountain people scheming, and ferocious wild boars become docile livestock

Elder Brother Sun told the author: This village originally had a small hundred and ten people, and now basically moved to the town, often at home, not even twenty people, are in need of farming, come back to see, or there are older people in the family, it is inconvenient to live in the building, take care of them in their hometown. The village is a big family, all surnamed Sun, and it is on the mountain, so it is called Sun JiaLing.

Wild boars rely on old houses to make neighbors with villagers, mountain people scheming, and ferocious wild boars become docile livestock

The village belongs to the management of Lingou Village under the mountain, but to go to the village to do business, there are 3 roads to go, the road is to go around another mountain beam, and then downhill, along the river circle. The other two roads were former sheep herding trails, the nearest one was the one the author had come up, and the other one needed to be detoured into the ditch and out of another village deep in the ravine.

The road around the mountain beams did not take long to build, before the children went to school, the next mountain had to take about half an hour, and there was a difficulty on the top of the mountain, that is, the problem of draft water. Because of this, those who have children in school have long moved to the town, and young people go out to work and rarely come back...

Wild boars rely on old houses to make neighbors with villagers, mountain people scheming, and ferocious wild boars become docile livestock

The most frustrating thing for the villagers is that there are too many wild boars in the mountains, and when you sleep at home at night, you can hear the humming of wild boars in the yard. Wild boars are cunning, and during the day they can't find where they are hiding, and at night, they arch their way up piece by piece to find something to eat. Wheat has not been planted for more than ten years, corn and potatoes have basically no harvest, and the only medicine that can be grown in the village is the medicinal herbs that do not taste good.

Wild boars rely on old houses to make neighbors with villagers, mountain people scheming, and ferocious wild boars become docile livestock

Brother Sun told the author: Even medicine is not a kind of anything, such as breeding pig lily, wild boars can eat when they are offered, and they can only grow some medicinal herbs that they do not like to eat. In the more than ten years of competition with wild boars, the people in the mountains have long known what wild boars like to eat and what they don't like to eat, and can train these useless wild animals according to the living habits of wild boars.

Wild boars rely on old houses to make neighbors with villagers, mountain people scheming, and ferocious wild boars become docile livestock

For example, garlic, wild boars do not like the spicy taste of mountain garlic, but wild boars know that garlic is planted in the soil, as long as some potatoes are planted in the garlic field, the wild boar will arch all the garlic along the ridge, but save the time of manpower digging.

Planting some corn in the medicinal field is not to harvest corn, but to attract wild boar herds, after eating corn stalks, a large amount of pig manure will be left on the edge of the ground, if there is a small puddle on the edge of the ground, according to the character of the wild "Paige", it will definitely turn this small puddle into a fertile farm manure before leaving.

Wild boars rely on old houses to make neighbors with villagers, mountain people scheming, and ferocious wild boars become docile livestock

The captain who went to the village department for a meeting returned, and he told the author: "The farmers who are still farming in the mountains are basically over 60 years old, and there are very few who come back to cultivate the land after moving away, and there are very few in their 50s." On the one hand, the living conditions in the village are not good, on the other hand, there are various restrictions, and the agricultural income is too low. ”

Uncle Sun's only pride is that although they live on such an inconvenient mountain, the cultivated land area is the best in the village, because the villagers have free helpers - wild boars.

Wild boars rely on old houses to make neighbors with villagers, mountain people scheming, and ferocious wild boars become docile livestock

"In the winter, the doors of many houses in our village are not locked, that is, let the wild boars go in and live, not to mention that the wild boars are not ruining the crops, and the state does not call it a fight, which must also make sense." For us, it is nothing more than not planting crop crops, you grow Chinese medicine, they do not provoke you, I tell you, there is another, we have good conditions that other places do not have here, breeding old sows, or wild boar breeding, we are thinking, in the future this aspect can also be well developed ..."

In recent years, there have been many farmers who have crossed breeds of pigs and wild boars, and it is said that hybrid pork is much better than the meat quality of feed breed pigs. Not to mention, Captain Sun's idea may really bring them the gospel, do you think?

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