
Crossover player - Wang Lin, chief marketing officer of Avita Technology, redefines emotional marketing

author:Sanmao talks about the car

Intellectually elegant voice, iconic smile - many people see Wang Lin for the first time, often do not get how powerful her resume really is.

In 2008, Lin Wang joined Apple China as the first local employee of Apple China Retail In Greater China. During his time at Apple, Wang Lin innovatively designed many lectures and activities to penetrate the real value of Apple, and then this form was also promoted to Apple retail stores around the world, and the marketing idea of "software ecology" allowed Wang Lin to boost China's market share growth year after year during his tenure. The data shows that since the App Store entered China in 2010, more than 100 million people have used their products in their App Store.

After that, Wang Lin jumped from Apple China to the Intercontinental Hotel, stunned to play a world in the "sunset" industry of other people. Within a few years, he became the Chief Marketing Officer of InterContinental Greater China. In addition, her experience in Chanel China has also allowed her to gain valuable experience in the luxury industry. Wang Lin, who is endorsed by big names, added to his high position, and full of glory, should be said to have realized his own value in the marketing industry of high-end luxury industry.

However, Wang Lin, who has always liked to challenge cross-border and conquer the unknown, did not stop there. In December 2020, Lin Turned Around and joined Avita Technologies as Chief Marketing Officer (CMO), responsible for the two core areas of brand strategy and user development.

Crossover player - Wang Lin, chief marketing officer of Avita Technology, redefines emotional marketing

In the operation of Wang Lin, the Avita brand has been revitalized.

Avita, a cutting-edge car brand for newborn calves, how to open up the market? Wang Lin gave the answer: defining Avita as a mobile terminal with open possibilities and a way of life on it. In Wang Lin's definition, emotion and intelligence are not opposites, not two factors that need to be balanced, but a natural fusion of a pair. "Different brands will fight hardcore, spell function. And emotional intelligence is Avita's brand vision, it is warm rather than cold, it is technology to consumers, not consumers to us. ”

Therefore, the official establishment of Avita, that is, "Avita = casual luxury + warm and considerate + futuristic".

How does this equation manifest itself? It was fully confirmed in Avita 011.

Crossover player - Wang Lin, chief marketing officer of Avita Technology, redefines emotional marketing

Casual luxury Wang Lin advocates the extreme of details

On April 8, 2022, Avita 011, the first work of the Avita 0 series, was officially released, co-founder of fashion pioneer brand 1017 ALYX 9SM, Matthew M. Williams, creative director of French luxury brand Givenchy, and Nader Faghihzadeh, chief design officer of Avita, with a limited edition of 500 units worldwide.

Different from the way most car companies mainly push concept cars for their first product, Wang Lin mainly pushes limited edition models, and she wants to bring the design into reality. "If a design can't be owned, it's not Avita."

"All industrial design does is what doesn't exist, how to dig up non-existent needs, how to position." In fact, whether it is industrial design or engineering, we have introduced a lot of cross-domain thinking. Wang Lin said.

The essence of fashion is the expression of the humanistic spirit, and the future of science and technology is the intelligence that understands human nature better. The combination of the two is that two climbers from different places meet at the top of the mountain.

The application of the MMW exclusive buckle in Avita 011 is particularly eye-catching, looking like a small buckle, externalized from functional utensils to fashion accessories, which is the best interpretation of Avita's casual luxury design style. This is the interpretation of the details to the extreme, which is the unchangeable behavior purpose in Wang Lin's bones.

Crossover player - Wang Lin, chief marketing officer of Avita Technology, redefines emotional marketing

Emotional intelligence blends with futuristic

Wang Lin said, "Whether it is the automotive industry or the fashion industry, products should have an emotional connection with users and become part of personality expression; 'emotionalization' must be one of the future fashion trends." "Avita 011 not only expresses contemporary fashion trends, but also perfectly interprets the technological interaction of emotional intelligence.

"The Emotional Economy" by Roland M. T. Rust believes that the era of emotional economy is an era dominated by women, it is not emotional or emotional, but thoughtful and accurate prejudgment, which can wrap everyone's personalized needs in a comprehensive way in user experience.

"I know what you want, and I give you what you want. To turn passive into active, what is needed is 'understanding'. —Wang Lin said.

Therefore, Wang Lin defines the team as a commitment to providing users with quality services throughout the life cycle, from online to offline, from mind to sense, infinitely close to users, and to create a true wisdom embodiment for users. In terms of products, through personalized and customized experience, users can perceive that the car is not a "stranger", but a response to the call of "I", actively looking for the fastest route to arrive, solving the parking problem in complex scenes, and truly being a partner who "understands you".

All in all, in Wang Lin's understanding and marketing guide, Avita is the intelligent leader with temperature.

Life has no limits, cross-border play out of the circle.

From Apple to Avita, from a globally renowned brand to today's new domestic automotive force.

Along the way, Wang Lin ignited himself in his own year of fighting, illuminating Avita's circle-breaking marketing road!

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