
Think about it or go to the official website to buy it, last week Jingdong bought apple 12 to the hand price of 4499, refunded. Today's official website flagship store to buy 13 to the hand price of 4849, brothers have no problem?

author:Huang Daxi

Think about it or go to the official website to buy it, last week Jingdong bought apple 12 to the hand price of 4499, refunded. Today's official website flagship store to buy 13 to the hand price of 4849, brothers have no problem? I don't know anything about electronic products, so I'm afraid that I will be pitted [cover my face] [cover my face], but then why is the official website selling cheaper than other stores??? Is there any?

Think about it or go to the official website to buy it, last week Jingdong bought apple 12 to the hand price of 4499, refunded. Today's official website flagship store to buy 13 to the hand price of 4849, brothers have no problem?
Think about it or go to the official website to buy it, last week Jingdong bought apple 12 to the hand price of 4499, refunded. Today's official website flagship store to buy 13 to the hand price of 4849, brothers have no problem?
Think about it or go to the official website to buy it, last week Jingdong bought apple 12 to the hand price of 4499, refunded. Today's official website flagship store to buy 13 to the hand price of 4849, brothers have no problem?

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