
An interesting phenomenon was found, the iPhone 13 in a certain east of the number of reviews reached 3 million +, iPhone 13Pro and iPhone ProMax only

author:Kindness is like my technology

An interesting phenomenon was found, the iPhone13 in a certain east of the number of reviews reached 3 million +, iPhone 13 Pro and iPhone Pro Max only 500,000 + reviews, which shows that most people only choose the basic version.

To be honest, I think this has a certain relationship with vanity, iPhone 13 basic version is equipped with a 6.1-inch screen, 20w charging, 3095 mAh battery, 12 million pixels, and the domestic Android machine #Redmi Note 11T# than, the configuration is actually not high, although note 11T positioned as a mid-range machine, But equipped with a 6.67-inch top-class LCD direct screen, support 144Hz high brush, 120W seconds charge, 4400 mAh battery, 64 million pixels HD lens, 1699 round start.

Personally, I think that mobile phones are enough, and the extra money can be used to improve family life

An interesting phenomenon was found, the iPhone 13 in a certain east of the number of reviews reached 3 million +, iPhone 13Pro and iPhone ProMax only
An interesting phenomenon was found, the iPhone 13 in a certain east of the number of reviews reached 3 million +, iPhone 13Pro and iPhone ProMax only
An interesting phenomenon was found, the iPhone 13 in a certain east of the number of reviews reached 3 million +, iPhone 13Pro and iPhone ProMax only

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