
Kamen Rider ushered in a new series of csgs, the first product being the Empty My Titan Sword

author:Etkusatsu's hamster

Introduction: As one of the three major Japanese special cameras, Kamen Rider is quite popular in China. Although there is still some gap between it and Ultraman in terms of popularity, in terms of toys, Kamen Rider is really higher than Ultraman. It is also because Kamen Rider's toy consumption is relatively large, this year Bandai has unveiled a new series, the CSG series.

Kamen Rider ushered in a new series of csgs, the first product being the Empty My Titan Sword

Regarding the current claim given about this series is an adult-sized weapon, it should be known that whether it is Kamen Rider or Ultraman, the dx-sized weapon cannot achieve a perfect restoration in the play. For example, the big sword used in the human drama is only a dx holy sword after being bought by himself, and both the perception and texture are reduced a lot. The most obvious is the triple Slim form of Taiga Ultraman, the small sword in Yuyuki's hand, and the Taiga triple is a large sword, and the two really don't hurt without comparison.

Kamen Rider ushered in a new series of csgs, the first product being the Empty My Titan Sword

Of course, last year and this year, the Kamen Rider Paladin also launched a one-to-one Paladin. I believe that many small partners have felt the charm of the Fire Sword, of course, the follow-up Void Sword is really too bad, resulting in many fans are still quite disappointed in this series. If the Blade King Sword can be launched, it is estimated that this series is really going to take off. Perhaps it is precisely because of this attempt that Bandai feels the fans' love for adult-sized weapons, so there is this new series.

Kamen Rider ushered in a new series of csgs, the first product being the Empty My Titan Sword

Just like the csm belt and the dx belt, in the workmanship and gameplay. CSG needs to make more changes if it wants to get the recognition of the market, at least to restore the feeling in the play. The reason why the dx-to-one series of sacred swords will be loved by so many people is because the audience can use the sacred swords to restore the feeling of transformation in the play. It is precisely because of this that its price is estimated to increase a lot, which can refer to the gap between the DX belt and the CSM belt, but the weapon gameplay is generally not too much, so the popularity is really difficult to say.

Kamen Rider ushered in a new series of csgs, the first product being the Empty My Titan Sword

According to relevant information, the first toy in this series should be kamen rider air my titan sword. As the big brother of the Heisei era, the reputation and popularity of the empty me are quite good. The Titan form is one of its basic four forms, and its characteristic is that what can be touched is transformed into its own Titan Sword. This weapon also has a very bright play in the play, so everyone is still looking forward to his being csged, but unfortunately, this information has not been disclosed at present, and we can only wait patiently!

Kamen Rider ushered in a new series of csgs, the first product being the Empty My Titan Sword

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