
Five colors nourish the five organs, your body loves to eat these foods

author:Dr. Chua talks about health

The five colors (green, red, yellow, white, and black) that everyone is familiar with in daily life have different organs and have different functions. Different colors of food, its health care effect is not the same. Different colors of food, the attributes are also different, the return is also different.

In the "Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic", it is said: green nourishes the liver, red tonifies the heart, yellow benefits the spleen and stomach, white moisturizes the lungs, and black nourishes the kidneys.

Often the taste preference represents the body's need for a certain type of element. In other words: like is often needed.

For example: you have a fire in your stomach, and when you eat chili peppers and ginger, you will feel very spicy and uncomfortable. On the contrary, you will feel delicious and comfortable to eat. Because peppers and ginger are warm foods, they play a role in dehumidification and divergent wind chills. In our daily lives, we should carefully observe our own needs and deficiencies, and replenish the needs of the body in a timely manner. We must learn to distinguish between cold and heat, and distinguish between yin and yang.

Common five-colored foods

(1) Green liver nourishment

Common green foods - mung beans, spinach, broccoli, cucumbers, loofahs, celery, leeks, green peppers, artemisia annua, lettuce, cabbage, cabbage, cabbage, rape, beans, beans, hollow cabbage, fungus, green amaranth, radish, greens, bitter melon fruits, etc.

Five colors nourish the five organs, your body loves to eat these foods

(2) Red heart tonic

Common red foods - red beans Sweet potatoes, carrots, red peppers, dates, tomatoes, hawthorns, toon, strawberries, etc

Five colors nourish the five organs, your body loves to eat these foods

(3) Yellow is beneficial to the spleen and stomach

Common yellow foods - soybeans, burdock, foot plate potatoes, barley, leeks, pumpkins, apples, egg yolks, corn, corn, etc.

Five colors nourish the five organs, your body loves to eat these foods

(4) White lungs

Common white foods - white beans, winter melon, pears, white radish, white fungus, lotus, lily, russet, lotus root, rice noodles, tofu, cauliflower, bamboo shoots, Huaishan, cold potatoes, etc.

Five colors nourish the five organs, your body loves to eat these foods

(5) Black kidney supplementation

Common black foods - black beans Black rice, black sesame seeds, black fungus, walnuts, seaweed, kelp.

Five colors nourish the five organs, your body loves to eat these foods

There is also the "Compendium of Materia Medica" pointed out: beans have five colors, each nourishing five viscera.

(1) Green liver - eat more mung beans

Chinese medicine believes that mung beans are beneficial to the liver, clear heat, lower fat, detoxify! The function of regulating the spleen and stomach is the best food in food, and it is the long valley of jishi.

Five colors nourish the five organs, your body loves to eat these foods

(2) Red heart - eat more red beans

Li Shizhen praised it as the Valley of the Heart. Chinese medicine believes that red beans tonify blood, nourish the heart, diuresis, dissolve stasis, enhance heart activity, anti-fatigue function.

Five colors nourish the five organs, your body loves to eat these foods

(3) White lungs - eat more white beans

Chinese medicine believes that white kidney beans moisturize the lungs, nourish the yin, the main fur of the lungs, and eat white kidney beans for a long time to moisten the lungs and smooth the skin, and disperse the cold in the warmth.

Five colors nourish the five organs, your body loves to eat these foods

(4) Huang Yi spleen - eat more soybeans

Chinese medicine believes that soybeans strengthen the spleen, improve qi, improve the digestion of food, and promote the absorption of nutrients; In addition, soybeans are rich in lecithin, which can improve memory when eaten for a long time

Five colors nourish the five organs, your body loves to eat these foods

(5) Black kidney supplementation - eat more black beans

For the "Valley of the Kidneys", black beans are refined and replenished, and strong energy. Long-term food in men can prevent prostate X aging, and women can maintain their eggs by eating more.

Five colors nourish the five organs, your body loves to eat these foods

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