
Singapore's new single-day new COVID-19 cases continue to climb, the number of hospitalizations has increased significantly, and the alert level is yellow

author:Sea sheep says Singapore

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Yesterday, Singapore's new single-day new COVID-19 cases continued to climb, adding 3220 new cases, two more deaths, the weekly case transmission rate also rose to 1.17, the total number of confirmed cases totaled 1.37 million 981, and the number of deaths rose to 1405.

Of the new cases, 281 were detected by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing, and 2939 were low-risk cases detected by rapid antigen testing (ART).

There were 2884 indigenous cases and 336 imported cases.

Singapore's new single-day new COVID-19 cases continue to climb, the number of hospitalizations has increased significantly, and the alert level is yellow

(Figure: Source from the network)

Hospitalizations have increased significantly

At present, a total of 296 people are hospitalized, an increase of 21 people from the 19th, and 33 people in the general ward need oxygen supply, an increase of seven people; Eight people in the intensive care unit.

In the past day, a total of 3,975 people have completed isolation or been discharged from hospital. Of the 93,077 confirmed cases in the past 28 days, 99.7% had no symptoms or only mild symptoms, 0.2% required oxygen, 0.04% were admitted to intensive care units, and 0.02% died.

As of 19 July, 92 per cent of the population had been vaccinated, and 77 per cent of the population had been vaccinated with supplements.

Disease Outbreak Response System (DORSCON) Alert Level: Yellow

Singapore's new single-day new COVID-19 cases continue to climb, the number of hospitalizations has increased significantly, and the alert level is yellow

(Figure: Source from the network)

There are still 80,000 elderly people who have not been vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccine

To date, 80,000 elderly people aged 60 and over in Singapore have not been vaccinated against covid-19 vaccine supplements.

Health Minister Wang Yikang posted a video on social media Facebook and TikTok saying that a new wave of COVID-19 may occur in Singapore in the next one to two months, so he called on the elderly not to delay any longer and get the vaccine supplement quickly.

The initial development of the new crown vaccine was to deal with the original strain, and then the Delta and Obi Kerong variants appeared, and three doses of vaccines, that is, two doses of basic vaccination and an additional dose, could ensure safety.

After an unvaccinated elderly aged 60 and over become infected, 40 out of every 1,000 people may need to be admitted to an intensive care unit or die of COVID-19.

If the basic two doses of the vaccine are given, the probability of severe illness or death is 10 out of every 1000 people; If two doses of the vaccine were given plus an additional dose, the probability would be more than three times lower than 3 out of every 1,000 people.

There is a difference between no vaccinations, or one, two or three doses of the vaccine.

Wang Yikang reminded the elderly that they can go to any vaccination center for supplement injections, and the Ministry of Health will soon send mobile vaccination teams to the community to vaccinate the elderly.

Singapore's new single-day new COVID-19 cases continue to climb, the number of hospitalizations has increased significantly, and the alert level is yellow

(Figure: Source from the network)

Experts are studying whether vaccinations for infants and young children are effective and safe

The Ministry of Health and the Expert Committee on COVID-19 Vaccines are studying the efficacy and safety of infants and young children vaccinating two messenger RNA vaccines.

This includes the effectiveness of the Modena vaccine on infants aged six months to five years, and the effectiveness of the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine in children aged six months to four years.

The Ministry of Health is approaching the vaccine manufacturer concerned to obtain relevant data to assess the risk-benefits of vaccination in this age group.

Singapore's new single-day new COVID-19 cases continue to climb, the number of hospitalizations has increased significantly, and the alert level is yellow

(Figure: Source from the network)

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