
Florida, USA, caught the largest Burmese python in the state, the three people almost could not carry it, how big is the world snake king?

author:Traces of art

Recently, a 5.5-meter-long, 196-kilogram female Burmese python was captured in Florida, usa, which is the largest Burmese python ever caught in Florida.

The Burmese python hides in the swamp, and researchers use another python as bait and then catch it, florida in the United States is very experienced in catching Burmese pythons, and has held many snake catching competitions before.

Florida, USA, caught the largest Burmese python in the state, the three people almost could not carry it, how big is the world snake king?

After the researchers caught the Burmese python, they dissected the largest Burmese python in Florida and found that there were 122 follicles in its body, and once fertilized, there would be many small Burmese pythons.

The researchers also found a lot of fur, dissolved bones, and a white-tailed deer hoof in the Digestive Tract of the Burmese python, indicating that its last supper was a white-tailed deer.

Florida, USA, caught the largest Burmese python in the state, the three people almost could not carry it, how big is the world snake king?

What kind of snake is the Burmese python

Burmese python is one of the largest snakes in the world, adult Burmese pythons can grow to 4-5 meters, weighing about 130 to 150 pounds.

Burmese pythons are mainly distributed in Southeast Asia, most of them live in tropical rainforests, Myanmar, India, the United States, Vietnam, mainland Liangguang, Yunnan, Guizhou and other places have Burmese python figures.

The Burmese python is not poisonous, but it also poses personal safety to humans.

Florida, USA, caught the largest Burmese python in the state, the three people almost could not carry it, how big is the world snake king?

In July 2021, a family-bred Burmese python in Orlando, Florida, escaped from a snake cage and climbed into a crib and wrapped around the two-year-old baby, causing him to suffocate.

The boyfriend of the child's mother found that his pet snake was missing, constantly searching, and then went to the baby's room to look for it, and found that the Burmese python was wrapped around the baby, he stabbed the python with a knife, and finally the python let go, but the baby was out of breath.

Florida, USA, caught the largest Burmese python in the state, the three people almost could not carry it, how big is the world snake king?

Why is there such a big Burmese python in Florida, USA

First, Americans keep Burmese pythons as pets

Half a month ago, a woman in Wuhan, Hubei Province, lived on the 25th floor, got up in the middle of the night to drink water, suddenly found that there was a strange noise in the living room, afraid that something would run into the room, so she slowly approached the sofa that made the sound.

After listening carefully, she noticed that the sound was coming from the gap in the back of the sofa, so she leaned in and almost fainted.

Inside was a snake coiled, the woman immediately hit 119, after the firefighters came to the woman's home, the snake was very cunning, strung around, and the firefighters took a lot of effort to catch it.

The firefighter told the female homeowner that the snake was poisonous, but how did such a large poisonous snake climb up to the 25th floor?

Florida, USA, caught the largest Burmese python in the state, the three people almost could not carry it, how big is the world snake king?

In China, few people have pet snakes, but Florida in the United States in the 90s was very popular.

In the 1990s, the foreign pet trade in the United States continued to increase, and Florida became home to Burmese pythons, and from 1996 to 2006, 90,000 snakes were imported into the United States in 10 years.

At that time, Americans thought that the Burmese python was very beautiful, and the newborn little Burmese python was only about 100 yuan, and many people followed the trend.

Florida, USA, caught the largest Burmese python in the state, the three people almost could not carry it, how big is the world snake king?

The Burmese python is a carnivore, need to throw a variety of meat to them to eat, as they grow older, the amount of food will become larger and larger, you can eat a sheep at a time, ordinary families simply can not afford it.

When they could not afford to feed them, these people did not eat them, but only abandoned them in the wild, because the taste was so bad that the American people could not see them.

As a result, there are more and more Burmese reckless people in the wild.

Florida, USA, caught the largest Burmese python in the state, the three people almost could not carry it, how big is the world snake king?

Second, large-scale farming of Burmese pythons fled

In the past, snakeskin products were very popular all over the world, snakeskin bags, shoes, belts, etc., so many people farmed Burmese pythons, but in 1992, the United States suffered Hurricane Andrew, resulting in the destruction of many Burmese python breeding bases in Florida.

Many Burmese pythons fled and eventually hid in the swamps of Florida, while female Burmese pythons can lay about 80 eggs a year and live for 20-25 years.

Florida, USA, caught the largest Burmese python in the state, the three people almost could not carry it, how big is the world snake king?

Because the Burmese python is very large, there are almost no natural enemies in the wild, and the food in the wild is plundered by them, allowing the Burmese python to quickly establish a wild population.

With no natural enemies and abundant food, the number of Burmese pythons in Florida has reached 300,000, which seriously affects the living environment of other animals.

The 4-meter Burmese python can swallow 2 to 3 meters of crocodile, in front of the Burmese python, the crocodile simply uses "death tumbling" and is finally strangled alive by the Burmese python.

Florida, USA, caught the largest Burmese python in the state, the three people almost could not carry it, how big is the world snake king?

Even birds can't escape the claws of Burmese pythons, and the remains of more than 20 species of birds have been extracted from the digestive tract remains of many Burmese pythons.

Because of the large number of Burmese pythons, many species are on the verge of extinction.

Florida, USA, caught the largest Burmese python in the state, the three people almost could not carry it, how big is the world snake king?

What measures has Florida taken to control burmese pythons?

First, hold a snake catching contest

In order to control the number of Pythons in Burma, American Buddhism began training full-time python hunters and holding snake hunting competitions.

Full-time hunters who catch a Burmese python can get a 500 yuan commission, and if they catch a female Burmese python, they can get a 1200 yuan commission.

Florida, USA, caught the largest Burmese python in the state, the three people almost could not carry it, how big is the world snake king?

In the process of catching snakes, American hunters used a few meters of lens line, and then reached into the Burmese python hole to look for the Burmese python, but the effect was still not obvious.

Later, the United States invited two snake catchers from India, who were very familiar with the life habits of Burmese pythons, but only caught 30 a month.

Florida, USA, caught the largest Burmese python in the state, the three people almost could not carry it, how big is the world snake king?

Second, the U.S. government calls for the eating of Burmese pythons

The top brass in the United States spent a lot of time and energy in the snake hunting competition, but the effect was very poor, so they thought of a way to call on the American people to control the number of Burmese pythons by eating snake meat.

But burmese pythons, like American carp, almost no one eats, not only poor taste, but also Burmese pythons live in swamps all year round, Burmese pythons have a high content of toxic metals, higher than the eating standard, the people dare not touch.

Florida, USA, caught the largest Burmese python in the state, the three people almost could not carry it, how big is the world snake king?

How big is the gap between the largest Burmese python in Florida and the world snake king

According to the Guinness Book of Records, the world's longest Burmese python is 9.7 meters long, taller than 3 floors, weighing more than 400 pounds, which is the largest Burmese python recorded.

The artificially farmed Burmese python is 8.2 meters long and weighs 360 pounds, and it is a Burmese python located in the Snake Safari Park in Illinois, USA, so how big is the world's largest python.

In 2004, the United Kingdom reported that a zoo in Indonesia displayed the largest python caught by humans, an osmanthus python weighing 894 kilograms and 15 meters long, which is the longest python found by humans in 100 years.

Florida, USA, caught the largest Burmese python in the state, the three people almost could not carry it, how big is the world snake king?

However, on February 23, 2009, the British "Daily Mail" published a news article that during the flood, local officials inspected an aerial photo, from which it was found that there was a long unidentified object in the Baal River in Malaysia, which was estimated to be a giant snake up to 30 meters long.

Florida, USA, caught the largest Burmese python in the state, the three people almost could not carry it, how big is the world snake king?

There are many records of python discoveries in the world, but there is a python bounty record from the beginning of the 1910s to the beginning of the 21st century, but no one has revealed, the request that year was to find a python about 9 meters 1, still alive, you can get 5,000 US dollars, but then this amount rose to 50,000 US dollars, but no one has been unveiled.

The python found in the Baar River in Malaysia, if the proportion of the canopy is followed, this python may be more than 30 meters.

Florida, USA, caught the largest Burmese python in the state, the three people almost could not carry it, how big is the world snake king?

Many things we have not found, but does not mean that they do not exist, and large snakes basically need a constant temperature environment to grow bigger and longer.

In life, we see snakes try not to take the initiative to approach and touch, try to ask firefighters to take care of them, and many large snakes are protective animals and cannot be owned privately.

Florida, USA, caught the largest Burmese python in the state, the three people almost could not carry it, how big is the world snake king?

On June 20, a calm big brother in Xiamen saw a python crawling slowly on Wenping West Road, and while he was filming a video, he grabbed a 2-meter-long python weighing 12 kilograms with his bare hands.

This calm big brother is a wildlife rescuer, he only took two seconds to catch the 12-pound python, this is a professional operation, ordinary people must not imitate.

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