
+8.3w! A series of good news back home: quarantine 7+3, increase flights, circuit breaker relaxation! Monkeypox is 86% in Europe, and the mutation rate is frighteningly high

+8.3w! A series of good news back home: quarantine 7+3, increase flights, circuit breaker relaxation! Monkeypox is 86% in Europe, and the mutation rate is frighteningly high
On 28 June, Italy saw 83,555 new confirmed cases and 69 deaths. The cumulative number of confirmed cases is 18343422, 168234 deaths and 17401738 cured.

New additions across Italy on the 28th and real-time tracking of the epidemic in Europe (swipe up to view)

Lombardy: +2375

Veneto: +9792

Campania: +10602

Lazio: +11171

Emilia Romagna: +4352

Sicily: +6396

Piedmont: +5861

Tuscany: +6317

Apulia: +7387

Walking: +2445

Liguria: +2498

Abruzzo: +2384

Calabria: +2348

Friuli Venezia Giulia: +2044

Sardinia: +3566

Umbria: +1462

P.A Bolzano: +805

P.A Trento: +633

Basilicata: +703

Molise: +321

Aosta Valley: +93

+8.3w! A series of good news back home: quarantine 7+3, increase flights, circuit breaker relaxation! Monkeypox is 86% in Europe, and the mutation rate is frighteningly high

Today (28th), a message from China's National Health Commission about the relaxation of the entry quarantine policy has attracted the attention of many overseas Chinese.

• Entry quarantine shortened from "14+7" to "7+3"! The circuit breaker policy is also relaxed!

Italy's Tgcom24 network reported that Beijing and Shanghai have ushered in zero new additions after a gap of 4 months, and China's epidemic prevention measures are now gradually relaxed.

According to the health commissions of Beijing and Shanghai, on June 27, there were no new locally confirmed cases and asymptomatic infected people in Beijing and Shanghai. Three new imported cases and six asymptomatic infection cases in Shanghai were detected in closed-loop control.

For the vast number of overseas Chinese, the most interesting thing today is undoubtedly the following news released by the National Health Commission of China: The joint prevention and control mechanism of the State Council of China issued the ninth edition of the new crown pneumonia prevention and control plan, which adjusts the isolation and control time of close contacts and inbound personnel from "14 days of centralized isolation medical observation + 7 days of home health monitoring" to "7 days of centralized isolation medical observation + 3 days of home health monitoring".

According to the Beijing News, the Civil Aviation Administration of China has also recently adjusted the circuit breaker policy for international flights to China, adjusting the statistical date of the number of confirmed passengers in the international flight circuit breaker rules from 7 days after the flight landed to 5 days.

Today, the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) issued another circuit breaker directive to provide real-time circuit breaker measures for eight flights, including European routes. However, the 21st Century Business Herald said that with the increase in demand for returning to China, airlines have applied to resume a number of international routes. For example, China Southern Airlines announced that it will resume 7 international routes from June onwards, increasing the number of international flights from 36 to 48 per week and the number of navigable countries from 20 to 27. At the same time, Air China, Hainan Airlines, Capital Airlines and other airlines will also resume some international routes in July and September.

In fact, the website of the Chinese Embassy in Italy has previously published a notice saying that through the joint efforts of the relevant departments of China and Italy, direct flights between China and Italy will be resumed in the near future. Luos Air's direct flight to China, Flight NO976 (Milan-Nanjing), has been operating since 20 June. In addition, the Rome-Chongqing direct flight operated by Hainan Airlines, the Milan-Beijing direct flight operated by Air China (the first entry point is Hohhot) and the Milan-Tianjin direct flight operated by Leos Air will also be resumed in the near future.

+8.3w! A series of good news back home: quarantine 7+3, increase flights, circuit breaker relaxation! Monkeypox is 86% in Europe, and the mutation rate is frighteningly high

Pixabay Net

• 83,000 cases per day today! Indoor workplace mask orders may continue to be extended

According to the comprehensive Italian Ansa News Agency and Fanpage Network, affected by the "Omicron 5" variant virus, the italian epidemic curve has recently increased significantly. Today, the number of new confirmed cases in Italy has reached a staggering 83,555.

At the just-concluded government meeting, the Italian Ministry of Health, the Accident Insurance Bureau and major trade unions intend to continue to extend the indoor workplace mask order, which is due to expire on Thursday (June 30). It is expected that staff will be required to use masks in cases where a safe spacing of 2 meters cannot be guaranteed, and when contact with customers is required; At the end of each shift, desks, computers, etc. should be disinfected; Healthy and vulnerable workers can continue to work remotely.

• Electricity and gas bills continue to skyrocket, and prices are about to rise

Nomisma Energia, Italy's independent energy research institute, estimates that from July 1, Italian electricity bills will rise by 17% to 48.5 cents/kWh, which is equivalent to an average increase of 194.4 euros for the average year of electricity charges for ordinary households; gas bills will rise by 27% to 1.57 euros / m3, which is equivalent to an average increase of 462 euros for the average annual gas bill of ordinary households.

Rising energy costs will inevitably continue to have a series of impacts, and retail prices of goods are expected to rise again.

+8.3w! A series of good news back home: quarantine 7+3, increase flights, circuit breaker relaxation! Monkeypox is 86% in Europe, and the mutation rate is frighteningly high

Pixabay Net

• Monkeypox is 86% in Europe, a 62% increase in a week! The rate of virus mutation is also much higher than expected

ACCORDING TO THE WHO official website on the 27th, as of June 22, 50 countries and regions around the world have reported 3413 confirmed cases of monkeypox and 1 death, and the number of new confirmed cases increased by 62% in one week. It is worth mentioning that the majority of cases of monkeypox occur in Europe (86%), of which 524 cases have been confirmed in the United Kingdom, 313 cases in Spain, 263 cases in Germany, 241 cases in Portugal, 125 cases in France, 80 cases in the Netherlands, and 68 cases in Italy.

According to a research paper recently published in the journal Nature Medicine by Portuguese researchers, compared with the original strain, the current globally circulating monkeypox virus has accumulated about 50 mutations. The mutation rate was 6-12 times higher than expected. The researchers believe that many of the mutations detected affect viral proteins that interact with the immune system, thus causing a significant acceleration in viral spread.

(Yi Stew original, translation: Dust Shuo, Editor: Hua Jiayan, picture source see label, reprint please indicate Yi Stew: oushitalia)