
Tough on the head! Huawei Mate 50 is expected to be released at the same time as the IPhone 14, can Huawei return to the first?

author:Le Go

Due to U.S. sanctions, the previous generation of Huawei Mate's conference will chase the tide until 2020, but recently there has been more and more news about the Huawei Mate 50 series.

Tough on the head! Huawei Mate 50 is expected to be released at the same time as the IPhone 14, can Huawei return to the first?

From the breaking news, Huawei Mate 50 series will use a classic circular rear camera module, which is very similar to the former Huawei Mate 30 series. In addition, the Huawei Mate 50 series column will also use a long strip flash design, which is very recognizable. And according to the information that broke the news in the market, the configuration parameters of the Huawei Mate50 series may undergo some changes, and may not use the Snapdragon 8 Gen1 processor, or the 4G version of the Snapdragon 8+ processor, but equipped with kirin 9000S. 麒麟处理器可以‬说是‬华为的一个重要‬竞争‬点‬,如果新机没有进行搭载的话,感觉购买价值都会变低很多,无法‬完全‬发挥‬华为‬的‬实力‬。

At about the same time, perhaps re-feeling the pressure brought by Huawei mobile phones in the previous two years, there are revelations that Apple will launch the cheapest 6.7-inch model, iPhone 14Plus mobile phone, and the first wave of iPhone 14 stock is about 90 million, it seems that Apple is also full of confidence this time.

As the boss and second boss of the mobile phone industry in the past two years, this time Huawei returned with The Kirin and the Hongmeng King, will the current leader of the mobile phone market fall to the altar again? The following is a list of huawei and Apple's core competitiveness and current dilemmas:


Tough on the head! Huawei Mate 50 is expected to be released at the same time as the IPhone 14, can Huawei return to the first?

华为Mate 50大概率会首发搭载鸿蒙3.0系统,据市场消息,精简化之后的‬鸿蒙3.0,提升了设备之间的交互体验,日常使用时鸿蒙3.0更加流畅;

iPhone 14 is likely to be equipped with the current public beta of IOS 16 stable version, the current IOS after years of updates, has a complete ecology and functions. As a newborn, Hongmeng may be slightly inferior.


Tough on the head! Huawei Mate 50 is expected to be released at the same time as the IPhone 14, can Huawei return to the first?

Huawei is expected to be equipped with a new Kirin SoC, which is named "Kirin 9000s", and it is revealed that this 9000s chip is the overclocked version of the familiar Kirin 9000s.

Apple may be due to the tight supply of TSMC's high-end process, the iPhone 14 should still be equipped with the A15 currently used.

On the chip, I think the Kirin series of chips has proven itself in the first two years, and this piece should be completely virtual.




Since Huawei was sanctioned by the United States, the domestic mobile phone market pattern has changed from one super strong in the past to the current OVM three-legged. But in the high-end market, Apple is currently far ahead. Will the strong return of Huawei Mate break this pattern this time, and will there be a problem that the boss and the second boss and other mobile phone companies will suffer again? It may not be known until September, so let's wait and see!