
The TV series "Hundred Refining into Steel" is about to start broadcasting: spanning a hundred years, singing to Yongzhi

author:The Paper

The Paper's reporter Yang Kaiting

From June 13, as the guidance of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, the key TV series celebrating the centenary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, "Hundred Refining into Steel", will premiere on Hunan Satellite TV, followed by Mango TV, Tencent Video and iQiyi.

The TV series "Hundred Refining into Steel" is about to start broadcasting: spanning a hundred years, singing to Yongzhi

Poster of "100 Mills into Steel"

It is reported that "Hundred Refining into Steel" will present a panoramic picture of the party's century-old revolutionary history, entrepreneurial history, and struggle history, and Director Gao Changli of the Television Drama Department of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television believes that "Hundred Refining into Steel" is the only TV series that spans a hundred years among many TELEVISION works celebrating the centenary of the founding of the party. It has chosen a very unique and innovative structural form and expression, and this form of "group song" has never been seen in the history of television dramas.

Li Jingsheng, vice president of the China Federation of Radio and Television Social Organizations, described the drama as "different" with three "nevers": "Our party history theme has never been expressed in this way, the TV drama in the centenary of the founding of the party has never been filmed in this way, and the historical theme of major revolutions in the past has not been expressed in this way." ”

The TV series "Hundred Refining into Steel" is about to start broadcasting: spanning a hundred years, singing to Yongzhi

Group photo of the scene of the "Hundred Refining into Steel" press conference

"A Hundred Refining into Steel" adopts the method of singing history and singing yongzhi, and uses eight songs such as "International Song", "Long March Suite", "Yellow River Chorus", "Without the Communist Party, There Would Be No New China", "Singing the Motherland", "Toast Song", "On the Field of Hope", "Young Friends Come to Meet", etc., "threading the needle and leading the thread", focusing on the party's century-old storm, decoding the party's spiritual genealogy, and dividing the overall situation into eight sections and eight periods, from revolutionary pioneers and great leaders to people's artists who use music as weapons. From practicing the models of the times and meritorious scientists who are willing to be martyred by my body to the young cadres who are fighting on the front line of science, the century-long volume is torrenting and the century-old party history is unfolding in a sectional structure. It is reported that the play boldly explores the form of expression, and the situation integrates the plot, which is subjective lyrical and formal innovation.

Mao Weining, director of "Hundred Refining into Steel", said, "I hope that this time we will write 'a hundred years' and have a new way of 'breaking the problem' in expression." Because the way of chronicles has been seen a lot of films, can we have new ideas and let young friends like it, and our focus on the audience group is young audiences. Mao Weining and screenwriter Wang Chenggang spent a long time exploring the structure. In the end, he chose a "very simple traditional Chinese aesthetic knowledge, that is, song to Yongzhi". "What inspired us the most was the 'Dongfang Hong' of that year, which was connected in a plate way."

The TV series "Hundred Refining into Steel" is about to start broadcasting: spanning a hundred years, singing to Yongzhi

Directed by Mao Weining

Mao Weining introduced the innovation in expression in "Hundred Refining into Steel", for example, when showing the chapter of "Internationale", he wanted to let the people in the play appear in two images, including the role itself and the actor who played the role. "Since it is a hundred years, we hope that there will be an intertwining of history and reality, and you can see that we are showing the workers' movement on the one hand, and on the other hand, the modern audience in another time and space is watching the performance of the Internationale under the high-rise buildings, as well as the leading figures played by the actors." We want to diversify the moment of the Chinese Communist Party into a situational, historical, and realistic. ”

The TV series "Hundred Refining into Steel" is about to start broadcasting: spanning a hundred years, singing to Yongzhi

Screenwriter Wang Chenggang

At the previous press conference, the actor representatives reviewed the stories related to "Hundred Refining into Steel". Wang Lei, an actor who has played Mao Zedong for the second time, "spoilers" himself in "Hundred Refining into Steel" from youth to old age, and there are three tearful scenes in the film that are the most moving; Xia Dejun, who plays Zhou Enlai, revealed that this time playing Premier Zhou, the age span is 48 years old, and inspired by the role in the play, Xia Dejun submitted an application to join the party during filming, and the introducer is Wang Lei. Li Xiaomeng, Wang Tianchen, Ding Liuyuan, Zhang Jingjing and other actors also expressed the spiritual inspiration brought to them by the characters and stories in the play, and sent blessings for the start of the series.

The TV series "Hundred Refining into Steel" is about to start broadcasting: spanning a hundred years, singing to Yongzhi

Wang Lei plays Mao Zedong

The TV series "Hundred Refining into Steel" is about to start broadcasting: spanning a hundred years, singing to Yongzhi

Xia Dejun plays Zhou Enlai

Editor-in-charge: Cheng Yu