
When inspecting the mountainous areas, the chairman of the Naypyidaw Management Committee of Myanmar said that efforts will be made to develop and narrow the gap between urban and rural areas

author:Myanmar Chinese Jun

On the morning of June 29, Dr. MoMo Nai, Chairman of the Nay Pyi Taw Management Committee, went to the Pyin Mana Mountain District to visit and comfort the educators. At the meeting, Dr. Mamona made a commitment to work for the stability and development of the mountainous areas and to bring the countryside closer to the city.

When inspecting the mountainous areas, the chairman of the Naypyidaw Management Committee of Myanmar said that efforts will be made to develop and narrow the gap between urban and rural areas

Momona said that she felt empathy for the difficulties faced by educators working in the mountains, so the Naypyidaw Committee would do everything in its power to provide assistance to teachers. Education is related to the future of the country, and it is hoped that in addition to teaching texts conscientiously, teachers can also cultivate more and more outstanding talents and make great contributions to the development of the country.

When inspecting the mountainous areas, the chairman of the Naypyidaw Management Committee of Myanmar said that efforts will be made to develop and narrow the gap between urban and rural areas

At the meeting, the Chairman of the NayPyidaw Committee and relevant personnel inspected and explained the short-term and long-term projects underway. In addition, Dr. Momona and the educators present also consulted on rural policing, road traffic, power supply, drinking water, and the optimization of communication and telephone lines.

According to the Nay Pyi Taw Education Bureau, there are 7 villages in the Pyin Mana District, with 49 basic schools, 240 teachers and 2,301 students enrolled this year.

When inspecting the mountainous areas, the chairman of the Naypyidaw Management Committee of Myanmar said that efforts will be made to develop and narrow the gap between urban and rural areas

By the end of 2021, the three villages of Nay Pyi Taw will be transformed into model villages for modernization, and in order to achieve a livable plan for modern villages, the naypyidaw authorities will inject funds and modern technologies to develop rural tourism in accordance with the unique natural environment of the rural areas.

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