
In the first half of 2022, the top ten popular "bad dramas", the story dog blood thunder man, have you "stepped on the pit"?

author:Cinematic life

2022 has quietly passed the halfway point, only six months have passed, there are countless good dramas in turn, both the heavy era drama "The World", there are also female costume group portraits "Dream Hualu", as well as the special professional drama "Police Honor", so that the small partners who love to chase dramas are addicted.

In the first half of 2022, the top ten popular "bad dramas", the story dog blood thunder man, have you "stepped on the pit"?

Although good dramas continue, some "hit dramas" that attract audiences under the banner of big IP, famous directors, well-known actors, etc. have caused word-of-mouth to overturn because of their low quality.

So let's talk about it today, in the first half of 2022, what hit "bad dramas" made the audience step on the "pit":

1: "Mirror · Twin Cities" (Douban score 3.9)

In the first half of 2022, the top ten popular "bad dramas", the story dog blood thunder man, have you "stepped on the pit"?

The first pit that the audience stepped on in 2022 was probably to fall into the trap of Li Yifeng and click on this costume fantasy drama "Mirror · Twin Cities" starring him.

Before the start of this drama, many netizens have high expectations, after all, the starring is the first generation of top Li Yifeng, the original work has a strong book fan as the basis, the director or won the Academy Awards nomination of You Dazhi, such a configuration is definitely called S+ grade costume idol drama.

In the first half of 2022, the top ten popular "bad dramas", the story dog blood thunder man, have you "stepped on the pit"?

As a result, after the launch of "Mirror Twin Cities", the plot was changed, the costume was rough, the special effects of Wumao, there was no sense of CP between the male and female protagonists, and what was more frightening was that Li Yifeng's costume "beauty" marketed during the early publicity also became a fraud, and the mermaid in the trailer became a "fat head fish" after the broadcast, which was difficult for the audience to accept.

In the first half of 2022, the top ten popular "bad dramas", the story dog blood thunder man, have you "stepped on the pit"?

Coupled with the fact that the director and screenwriter have drastically deleted the original plot in order to forcibly "sprinkle sugar" and create "industrial saccharin", and cut off the sense of fatalism caused by the hatred between the male and female protagonists due to the hatred of the home country, all the shackles are untenable, it can be said that the most essential part of the original work has also been completely destroyed, which is simply a proper "fraud drama".

And Chen Yuqi's acting skills are even more so that the audience complains, in order to perform the abuse of the plot, the whole process has a bitter and vengeful expression, the eyes are very large, but the eyes are unfocused, and people can't feel her acting skills at all.

In the first half of 2022, the top ten popular "bad dramas", the story dog blood thunder man, have you "stepped on the pit"?

Two: "And try the world" (Douban score 5.8)

The same is a costume idol drama known as S+, many viewers opened this "And Try the World" with the appearance of Yang Yang and Zhao Lusi, but they were dissuaded by the Mary Sue plot and the rotten and watery play.

In the first half of 2022, the top ten popular "bad dramas", the story dog blood thunder man, have you "stepped on the pit"?

Obviously it is just a rotten Mary Sue costume drama, but it has to be in the name of martial arts drama, the result is that all the play in the play is either slow motion or foolish, Zhao Lusi is in a circle the whole time, Yang Yang relies on a folding fan to beat the invincible hand all over the world, boring and boring.

In the first half of 2022, the top ten popular "bad dramas", the story dog blood thunder man, have you "stepped on the pit"?

The plot is even more awkward and withdrawn, in this drama, the strongest martial artists in the jianghu are the male protagonist, the female protagonist, and the male protagonist's "trumpet" and the female protagonist's "trumpet", to what extent the two people are powerful, Bai Fengxi, played by Zhao Lusi, was stabbed in the heart by the sword and can calmly lie in the arms of Feng Lanxi, played by Yang Yang, to say love, and the male protagonist is even more powerful, only need to spend cultivation to bring the heroine back to life in the era without antibiotics. Hua Tuo had to applaud the couple when he saw it.

In the first half of 2022, the top ten popular "bad dramas", the story dog blood thunder man, have you "stepped on the pit"?

Moreover, in order to perform the so-called fairy qi, the acting skills of the whole "upright" made the audience spit out. Although Yang Yang and Zhao Lusi's appearance is very high, they still can't save the plot of dog blood and embarrassing acting skills.

Three: "Acquaintance with Junchu , Just Like the Return of the Deceased" (Douban score 5.8)

In the first half of 2022, the top ten popular "bad dramas", the story dog blood thunder man, have you "stepped on the pit"?

I don't know if the actors known for their "beauty" in the entertainment industry have agreed that everyone will contribute a "fraudulent bad film" in 2022, and after being hurt by "Mirrors • Twin Cities" and "And Try the World", the audience has welcomed the costume fantasy drama "Acquaintance with Junchu " Just like the return of the deceased" co-starring Di Lieba and Ren Jialun.

In the first half of 2022, the top ten popular "bad dramas", the story dog blood thunder man, have you "stepped on the pit"?

The setting of the Imperial Spirit Master and the Fish Man was originally full of mystery, and as a result, the actor obviously needed to show the upper body of the scene, but he was not even willing to exercise, using a very obvious muscle coat to perfunctory the audience, and the whole makeup and shape had nothing to do with the mermaid, which was particularly hot eyes.

In the first half of 2022, the top ten popular "bad dramas", the story dog blood thunder man, have you "stepped on the pit"?

In terms of plot, this fantasy drama is even more exhaustive of procrastination and water injection, the main plot of the heroine Ji Yunhe (played by Di Li Reba) is thin and uninteresting, far less eye-catching than the story of the supporting role, and the shape and plot of the male protagonist Changyi (played by Ren Jialun) are even more difficult to say, which is really disappointing to the audience.

If you have to say that this drama has highlights, it is estimated that it is Guo Xiaoting, she plays two roles in the play, which can be both the gentle and kind Ning Xiyu and the arrogant Shunde Xianji, the two characters have obvious personality differences, Guo Xiaoting is easy to grasp, especially Shunde Xianji finally blackened, both to play the fierceness of the role, but also to play the sadness of her role

In the first half of 2022, the top ten popular "bad dramas", the story dog blood thunder man, have you "stepped on the pit"?

Four: "Two Conjectures of Marriage" (Douban score 4.3)

As an urban drama that caused great controversy after its broadcast, this "Two Conjectures of Marriage" starring Yang Zishan and Peng Guanying really brought "anti-marriage and anti-parenting" to the extreme.

In the first half of 2022, the top ten popular "bad dramas", the story dog blood thunder man, have you "stepped on the pit"?

Whether it is the trailer of this drama or the early content, it shows the audience that the male and female protagonists are very open and open-minded about marriage, and they thought they could see the same urban marriage drama, and as a result, the male and female protagonists immediately fell into the shackles of traditional marriage after marriage.

In the first half of 2022, the top ten popular "bad dramas", the story dog blood thunder man, have you "stepped on the pit"?

What is even more frightening is that both the heroine and the heroine's mother-in-law are typical marriage victims, and the male protagonist Yang Zheng, played by Peng Guanying, is five people and six before marriage, and after marriage, he asks his wife to become his own virtuous helper from four virtues, and he also ignores the feelings of his mother, and takes home his sister who was born after his father cheated on him.

In the first half of 2022, the top ten popular "bad dramas", the story dog blood thunder man, have you "stepped on the pit"?

In the end, it was possible to overcome all kinds of difficulties to complete the reconciliation of marriage and family, which really made the audience sick.

Five: "Cloister Pavilion" (Douban score 4.4 points)

Also rated as a "fraud drama" by netizens is the "Cloister Pavilion" co-starring Deng Jiajia and Zhang Xincheng.

In the first half of 2022, the top ten popular "bad dramas", the story dog blood thunder man, have you "stepped on the pit"?

Before the start of the broadcast, the crew released several trailers, focusing on portraying the suspenseful atmosphere and the CP tension between Deng Jiajia and Zhang Xincheng, plus this drama is adapted from Keigo Higashino's best-selling novel, and Zhang Xincheng is also a new generation of actors, the acting skills are more outstanding, Deng Jiajia is also very good at suspense dramas, and her acting skills are highly praised. Many viewers who love suspense dramas feel that they must be stable, and it must be a wonderful suspense masterpiece.

In the first half of 2022, the top ten popular "bad dramas", the story dog blood thunder man, have you "stepped on the pit"?

As a result, after the broadcast of "Cloister Pavilion", the well-said suspense crime drama became a battle for the giants in minutes, and the opening arson case also rushed by, and all the suspense was completed by dubbing. The original tense sister-brother love has also become a cheesy idol drama, and the two-line parallel story is also particularly fragmented, which is simply the same as the early publicity "judgment like two dramas". Even if Deng Jiajia's acting skills are good, he can't support such a plot.

In the first half of 2022, the top ten popular "bad dramas", the story dog blood thunder man, have you "stepped on the pit"?

6: "Meet the Season" (Douban score 4.8 points)

It is said that the noonday sun will produce fine products, but I did not expect to turn over the car in the drama of "Meet the Season". This drama is starred by Lei Jiayin and Yuan Quan, two powerful factions, plus endorsement by the noonday sun, and it is also a stimulating plot such as "blood revenge". Before the start of the broadcast, many viewers "Wang Fried Drama" was booked, and they never expected that "Meet the Season" would be out of the circle with dog blood, rotten customs and embarrassment.

In the first half of 2022, the top ten popular "bad dramas", the story dog blood thunder man, have you "stepped on the pit"?

The first is the unreasonableness of the human design, crazy criticism, the virgin, the cheater, etc., it seems that in addition to the two characters of Jian Hongcheng and Tian Jingye, the whole drama is slightly normal, and the other roles make the audience bored.

In the first half of 2022, the top ten popular "bad dramas", the story dog blood thunder man, have you "stepped on the pit"?

Secondly, in the plot, the Ning family brother and the Jane family brother have a deep vendetta, the plot of the enemy's children falling in love with each other is itself dog blood, and the two in order to resolve the contradiction, but constantly create new contradictions, the contradiction is more and more intense, so that the original victim becomes the party at fault, and the way the screenwriter finally turns the contradiction into a role is actually out of guilt and chooses to reconcile. For example, Tian Jingye and Shao Yan, Jian Hongcheng and his ex-wife, the Jian family and the Ning family, one second they are still quarrelsome, the next second they all become understanding, and the characters change too quickly.

In the first half of 2022, the top ten popular "bad dramas", the story dog blood thunder man, have you "stepped on the pit"?

Although the actors in the play are all online, it is a pity that the plot is dragging its feet and eventually becomes a bad drama.

Seven: "Mountains and Rivers Moon Ming" (Douban 5.5 points)

Chen Baoguo, Zhang Fengyi, Wang Jinsong, Zhang Guangbei, Du Yuan, seeing these old drama bones gathered in the same costume history drama, the audience was undoubtedly surprised, and thought that they could add another masterpiece to the costume history drama. Unexpectedly, after the launch of "Mountains and Rivers Moon Ming", the audience frowned and was spat on the Mary Sue under the cloak of historical dramas.

In the first half of 2022, the top ten popular "bad dramas", the story dog blood thunder man, have you "stepped on the pit"?

The first is to tamper with history. For example, Xu Da, a figure who has made great achievements in battle in history, but he is humble and calm, low-key and unobtrusive, and as a result, with a wave of his big finger in "Mountains and Rivers and Moon Ming", he turns this person into a proud and arrogant person, who dares to speak out against the emperor and degrades the four princes to worthless. In the words of netizens, the evaluation is: 100 death-free iron coupons are not enough. In the later plot, in order to highlight Empress Xu, Zhu Di was designed as a "fool", which made the audience accept incompetence.

In the first half of 2022, the top ten popular "bad dramas", the story dog blood thunder man, have you "stepped on the pit"?

In addition, this drama has also been criticized in the service and editing, the plot has no coherence, the opening transition jumps, and the rhythm is inexplicable. It can be said that if it were not for the support of this group of old drama bones, "Mountains and Rivers Moon Ming" would not have allowed people to watch two episodes at all.

In the first half of 2022, the top ten popular "bad dramas", the story dog blood thunder man, have you "stepped on the pit"?

VIII: "Heart Residence" (Douban 5.6 points)

"Heart Residence" is starred by Haiqing and Tong Yao, and directed by Teng Huatao, the director of "Snail Residence" and "33 Days of Lost Love", but it turned out to be a rotten dog blood drama.

In the first half of 2022, the top ten popular "bad dramas", the story dog blood thunder man, have you "stepped on the pit"?

The intention of "Heart Residence" is very good, and it wants to highlight how difficult it is for outsiders to take root in Shanghai, but the final effect of the TV series is the standard three-piece set of domestic dramas, the mother-in-law (sister-in-law) war, buying a house and children, getting together in a big pot and stewing, the result can only be scolded for selling anxiety, dog blood and vulgarity.

In the first half of 2022, the top ten popular "bad dramas", the story dog blood thunder man, have you "stepped on the pit"?

In terms of personality, Feng Xiaoqin, played by Haiqing, is not pleasing, as a foreign daughter-in-law, she is not popular as a cow and a horse at home, so she has always wanted to own a house of her own. When she forced her husband to borrow money from her sister, she caused dissatisfaction in the audience, who could not afford to buy a house, and was particularly reasonable when borrowing money.

In the first half of 2022, the top ten popular "bad dramas", the story dog blood thunder man, have you "stepped on the pit"?

Feng Xiaoqin herself was not popular in the Gu family, but she also arranged for her younger sister to live in the Gu family, which made the audience accept the incompetence. Originally, the director wanted to highlight the difficulty of outsiders and pave the way for the independence and autonomy of the later counterattack, but the result was filmed, and people who needed to rely on others everywhere to achieve things. Although Haiqing's acting skills are online, he still can't hold such a persona.

Gu Qingyu, played by Tong Yao, has a successful career, but he always has a lofty mentality, and later becomes a love brain, causing the audience to be dissatisfied.

In the first half of 2022, the top ten popular "bad dramas", the story dog blood thunder man, have you "stepped on the pit"?

The only likable character in "Heart Residence" is estimated to be only Zhan Xiang, played by Zhang Songwen, who can flex and stretch things, has good thoughts, and has contributed a lot of laughs.

In the first half of 2022, the top ten popular "bad dramas", the story dog blood thunder man, have you "stepped on the pit"?

Nine: "Lady's Law" (Douban score 5.2 points)

Before the start of this drama, it has been marketing feminism, workplace heroines, sister-brother love and other gimmicks. As a result, in the first two episodes of the plot, the high-energy workplace plot was not seen, but only the ambiguous emotional drama of Jiang Shuying and Peng Yuchang was seen. From meeting to one-night stands, the development is very rapid. But what embarrassed the audience was that Jiang Shuying and Peng Yuchang not only had no sense of CP, but were also very greasy.

In the first half of 2022, the top ten popular "bad dramas", the story dog blood thunder man, have you "stepped on the pit"?

Jiang Shuying's image in the play is not like a lawyer, live and take off like a social flower, after the TV series began broadcast has been marketing Jiang Shuying two episodes to change how many sets of clothes, in the play her setting is only a lawyer, can live in a mansion, dress up every day, can not help but let the audience guess how profitable the legal profession is?

In the first half of 2022, the top ten popular "bad dramas", the story dog blood thunder man, have you "stepped on the pit"?

In terms of casting, it has also been complained about by the audience, 46-year-old Liu Mintao played a 35-year-old lawyer in the play, and in reality, actors and actresses who are only 13 and 11 years older than her play her parents.

In the first half of 2022, the top ten popular "bad dramas", the story dog blood thunder man, have you "stepped on the pit"?

As a workplace drama, "Ladies' Rules" is also more than elitist and lacking in professionalism.

10: "Lin Shen Sees the Deer" (score not out)

"Old cadre" Jin Dong + Cold Goddess Li Xiaoran performed a middle-aged dog blood idol drama.

In the first half of 2022, the top ten popular "bad dramas", the story dog blood thunder man, have you "stepped on the pit"?

How much blood does this show really have? The female protagonist proposed divorce to the male protagonist at the beginning, and the reason for the divorce is unknown. The male protagonist also had no intention of retaining, and agreed. Then the female protagonist inexplicably entered the male company, and the two opened the second spring of their lives.

In the first half of 2022, the top ten popular "bad dramas", the story dog blood thunder man, have you "stepped on the pit"?

After "The Pretender", Jin Dong has continuous resources and has played many cadres and hegemonic roles, but his acting skills are the same, and in this drama, he is no exception, and he is spat on by netizens as a middle-aged greasy man. Li Xiaoran is very beautiful, but I don't know if it is a bitter love drama that has been performed more, and the play is always a bitter and vengeful expression, and the sense of substitution is very poor.

In the first half of 2022, the top ten popular "bad dramas", the story dog blood thunder man, have you "stepped on the pit"?

I don't know how many hit dramas you have "snared" in the first half of 2022 in front of the screen?