
Eat less cold and drink more soup before and after the summer! It is recommended that 5 courses of nutritious soup be refreshing and non-greasy, and the spleen and stomach are often drunk

author:Zou Bajie food

Introduction: Eat less cold and drink more soup before and after the summer! It is recommended that 5 courses of nutritious soup be refreshing and non-greasy, and the spleen and stomach are often drunk

It is getting closer and closer to the three volt days, every day the heat is irritable, eating some cold food to feel more comfortable, but this comfort can only be a moment, eating too much will hurt the body, the spleen and stomach damage is large, no matter who it is, pay more attention to this. It is recommended that you eat less cold and drink more soup before and after the summer! Recommend 5 nutritious soups, refreshing and non-greasy, often drink spleen and stomach good! Let's take a look at what soups we have, learn to make them often, do not hurt the spleen and stomach, and be in good health.

Eat less cold and drink more soup before and after the summer! It is recommended that 5 courses of nutritious soup be refreshing and non-greasy, and the spleen and stomach are often drunk

1. Tomato mushroom ball soup

Rinse the chicken breast or pork belly, cut into small pieces and put into a blender and beat into minced meat.

Pour the minced meat into a bowl, add minced ginger, salt, soy sauce, chicken essence, pepper and eggs and stir well, then add a little onion and ginger water and stir in one direction continuously.

Stop after becoming very viscous. Wash the tomatoes and blanch them in boiling water to remove the crust and cut into small pieces. Remove the roots of the mushroom and wash and set aside.

Add a little oil to the pot, heat it up and stir-fry the tomatoes, add water when it is soft, reduce the heat after boiling, squeeze out the balls and put them into the pot.

Cook until the balls are floating and add the enoki mushrooms, cook for another two minutes, finally season with salt, sprinkle some green onions out of the pot.

Eat less cold and drink more soup before and after the summer! It is recommended that 5 courses of nutritious soup be refreshing and non-greasy, and the spleen and stomach are often drunk

2. Shiitake egg soup

Beat the eggs into a bowl, stir well and mix well with a little water.

Wash the shiitake mushrooms and oyster mushrooms, slice the shiitake mushrooms, and tear the oyster mushrooms into small pieces and set aside. Cut the green onion into green onions, and the white onion and the green onion leaves are divided into separate parts. Put a little corn starch in an empty bowl, add a little water and stir to set aside.

Add a little oil to the pot, heat it up and put in the white frying pan, then pour in the shiitake mushrooms and oyster mushrooms and stir-fry, stir-fry until soft, add the right amount of water.

Cook until the shiitake mushrooms are broken, pour in starch water and stir, then pour in the egg mixture, push a few times, sprinkle the green onion and salt to taste.

Eat less cold and drink more soup before and after the summer! It is recommended that 5 courses of nutritious soup be refreshing and non-greasy, and the spleen and stomach are often drunk

3. Flower clam tofu soup

Let the clams sit in salt water for a few hours, spit out the sand and add water to the pot, add a few slices of ginger and bring to a boil over high heat.

Pour in the clams and cook until you just open your mouth. Cut the lactone tofu into small pieces and set aside, cut the green onion and ginger into strips and set aside.

Add a little oil to the pot, heat it up, add ginger and green onion and stir-fry the pot, and then pour in the appropriate amount of water.

Bring to a boil, add the tofu cubes and clams, cook for three minutes, add salt to taste, sprinkle some green onions and you're out of the pan. This soup is simple, refreshing and non-greasy, rich in high nutrition, it is recommended to drink more.

Eat less cold and drink more soup before and after the summer! It is recommended that 5 courses of nutritious soup be refreshing and non-greasy, and the spleen and stomach are often drunk

4. Tofu shrimp soup

Rinse the tender tofu, cut into small pieces and soak in lightly salted water for 10 minutes. Wash and set aside, wash and set aside shiitake mushrooms, and wash and set aside enoki mushrooms.

Remove the shrimp line, rinse and squeeze dry, add salt and pepper and stir for a few minutes.

Add a little oil to the pot, heat it up and add the shallots to the frying pan, then add the shiitake mushrooms and fungus and stir-fry, fry until the shiitake mushrooms are soft and add water.

Bring to a boil, add shrimp and tofu chunks, then add enoki mushrooms after boiling again, and finally add salt and pepper to taste.

Eat less cold and drink more soup before and after the summer! It is recommended that 5 courses of nutritious soup be refreshing and non-greasy, and the spleen and stomach are often drunk

5. Oyster mushroom tofu slice soup

Cut the pork tenderloin into thin slices, add water and wash twice, squeeze out the water and add salt, pepper, starch and water to mix until viscous, marinate for 10 minutes.

Wash and tear the oyster mushrooms into small pieces, wash and cut the tofu into small pieces, or you can use the skin of tofu instead and cut into small pieces. Wash the small greens or Shanghai greens and spinach, boil water in a pot and blanch for half a minute.

Add a little oil to the pot, heat it up, pour in the ginger shreds, oyster mushrooms and stir-fry a few times, then add the right amount of water, boil and pour in the tofu pieces.

After boiling again, pour in the slices of meat, use chopsticks to quickly stir, do not need to put the slices in.

Finally, add the green vegetables, add salt and chicken essence to taste, and the soup is ready.

Eat less cold and drink more soup before and after the summer! It is recommended that 5 courses of nutritious soup be refreshing and non-greasy, and the spleen and stomach are often drunk

The above 5 soups are not only delicious, rich in ingredients, but also highly nutritious, especially suitable for hot summer, refreshing and not greasy, so let's make it. My sharing is here, like me, please pay attention to me.