
What posture should I maintain after eating? Sitting, lying down or standing? Listen to expert answers

author:Dr. Qin Health Home

"Dad, why do you lie down after eating, you really have to endure it first." Xiao Liu looked at his father worriedly and immediately helped him up.

"Eating too much rice is dizzy, lying down and resting for a while is not a hindrance, and sitting is not good for the body." Old Liu answered with his eyes closed.

As the saying goes, "Walk a hundred steps after a meal and live to ninety-nine," there has been no definite conclusion about which posture is the correct posture after a meal. What posture should I maintain after eating? Sitting, lying down or standing? Come and hear the experts' answers.

What posture should I maintain after eating? Sitting, lying down or standing? Listen to expert answers

First, what should I do after eating?

Rice halo is also known as "drunken rice". After a meal, blood enters the digestive tract to help the intestine digest food, resulting in insufficient blood supply to the brain, so it will feel dizzy and sleepy, which is a normal physiological response. If that happens, do you know what to do?

1. Sit down and rest for 10 minutes

It is recommended that everyone sit down and rest for 10 minutes after eating. If you get up immediately after eating, blood collects to the lower limbs, and the blood required for digestion in the stomach and intestines is reduced, which can cause symptoms of indigestion. You don't have to rush to clean up the table after eating, and sitting and chatting with your family can also help relax.

What posture should I maintain after eating? Sitting, lying down or standing? Listen to expert answers

2. Take a half-hour nap after a 10-minute break

Taking a nap for half an hour after a meal can effectively adjust the state of the body. Friends who like to stay up late do not have enough sleep time at night, and can seize the golden time to rest for half an hour after lunch. Napping not only restores energy and eliminates fatigue, but also improves the body's immune function and reduces the risk of heart disease.

3. Take a walk for half an hour after dinner

Walking is a whole-body exercise, and the habit of walking after dinner can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis. Long-term walking after dinner can improve the quality of the body, but also prevent small belly, burning excess calories. However, after eating, you should also take a ten-minute break before taking a walk.

What posture should I maintain after eating? Sitting, lying down or standing? Listen to expert answers

Second, what can not be done after meals?

1. You cannot lie down immediately after a meal

Because of the limited lunch break, many office workers will lie down or squint for a while after eating. Sleeping after eating is prone to reflux esophagitis, gastrointestinal diseases and liver diseases, which bring a burden to the organs in the body. Some older adults prefer to sleep flat after meals, which also increases the risk of stroke.

What posture should I maintain after eating? Sitting, lying down or standing? Listen to expert answers

2. Do not exercise vigorously after meals

Some parents encourage their children to exercise after meals, believing that this is a sign of physical strength. However, it is not suitable for strenuous exercise after meals, and it is easy to cause vomiting and nausea after stomach irritation. Generally speaking, you can do light exercise half an hour after a meal, and you can do high-intensity exercise after 2 hours.

What posture should I maintain after eating? Sitting, lying down or standing? Listen to expert answers

3. Drink less strong tea after meals

Strong tea affects the absorption of protein in the stomach and intestines. The tannic acid in tea leaves binds to proteins in food, causing the small intestine to be unable to absorb proteins and the sediment to be excreted. For fitness people, you can't drink strong tea after eating high-protein foods, otherwise you can't achieve the effect of muscle gain.

4. Do not smoke after meals

Smoking after meals is harmful to health. Studies have shown that cigarettes release thousands of chemicals that harm human health when burned, and cigarettes contain nicotine, cyanide, aldehydes, phenols and other carcinogens. Smoking after meals does not make people "race gods", but will make people absorb more harmful substances.

What posture should I maintain after eating? Sitting, lying down or standing? Listen to expert answers

Three, three kinds of small tricks, more comfortable after meals!

Since ancient times, the ancestors have summed up a set of correct health care methods after meals, and health care after meals is a university question. Many people go farther and farther on the road of health care, and for a long time mistakenly take bad habits as a method of health maintenance, resulting in poorer and worse physical fitness. The following three tricks, early to know early benefit!

What posture should I maintain after eating? Sitting, lying down or standing? Listen to expert answers

1. Brush your teeth after meals

Brushing your teeth after a meal cleans up food scraps. Fresh breath is also a sign of oral health, especially after eating heavy smelling foods such as leeks and garlic, brushing teeth and rinsing is especially important. Gargling with water after a meal is a good habit to remove oral bacteria and protect the health of your teeth.

What posture should I maintain after eating? Sitting, lying down or standing? Listen to expert answers

2. Gently rub the abdomen after meals

Massage is a simple, inexpensive and effective way to maintain health. Elderly friends can properly massage the abdomen half an hour after meals to promote food digestion. Developing the habit of long-term massage can improve the peristaltic function of the intestine, stay away from the pain of constipation, and make it easier for the elderly to defecate.

3. Listen to music after meals

We all know that music can cultivate the soul and purify the soul. Taoists also have a saying that "the spleen smells music and grinds". Listening to a pleasant piece of music during a break after a meal, from a medical point of view, the concert stimulates the central nervous system of the brain, which is conducive to the blood of the stomach to better digest food.

What posture should I maintain after eating? Sitting, lying down or standing? Listen to expert answers


Do you know which one is the right way to "open" after a meal? If there are elderly people in the family who sleep after eating and children who like to exercise after meals, be sure to tell them the correct post-meal posture.

What posture should I maintain after eating? Sitting, lying down or standing? Listen to expert answers

Sitting and resting for ten minutes after eating is the healthiest position. Lying down, standing, running, etc. after meals are not conducive to the absorption of nutrients by the body. Wouldn't it be nice to sit down and eat some fruit, sip a few sips of tea, and then take a nap or go out for a walk after half an hour?