
Professor Tsinghua praised Abe as a tearful female journalist, admiring her for sticking to her conscience and cherishing her value of protection

author:Smell and dance vision

Wen \ jianghu small dance

"I believe that in the future examination of history, more Chinese people will understand and admire this Chinese woman who adheres to her conscience and reason; She knows how to cherish the value ideals for China and the world that she is not afraid of the Internet violence crusade. ”

Professor Tsinghua praised Abe as a tearful female journalist, admiring her for sticking to her conscience and cherishing her value of protection

With the fermentation of Zhengzhou, the noise caused by the death of Abe the former prime minister on the Internet has gradually faded, but the controversy surrounding Abe's death has not disappeared, but has become more and more torn.

In the early morning of the 10th, Xiao Ying, a professor at Tsinghua University, posted the opening paragraph on his personal social platform, supporting the "Japanese media commentator Zeng Ying" who was subjected to online violence because of choking tears in the process of the surging news live connection, praising Zeng Ying as a "Chinese woman who adheres to her conscience and rationality" and "knows how to cherish the value ideals for China and the world that she is not afraid of the Internet violence crusade."

After suffering from the pressure of the Internet, Zeng Ying first issued a tough reply for the first time, "Any terrorist act should not be reveled, as a flesh-and-blood person on the earth." I will always stand firm in my values and be a kind and upright person. This is the real me. ”

However, in the end, he could not resist the pressure to change his text five times, apologized for his unprofessional gaffe in front of the live camera, and bluntly said, "I am Chinese, no matter what, I should not put my private emotions on the public platform, I am wrong, sorry."

Professor Tsinghua praised Abe as a tearful female journalist, admiring her for sticking to her conscience and cherishing her value of protection

But judging from the long article that Zeng Ying later released again, in fact, in her heart, she did not agree with the pressure exerted by the Internet on her, and said loudly, "I also hope that each of us can have our own strong values, not only unswervingly, to strive to grow into what they like, but also not to hinder others and pursue their favorite posture." ”

While denying that she is Jingri, she revealed her heart to netizens, "I just think that any child who lives in someone else's home and is well taken care of must at least know gratitude." ”

It is not difficult to see that as the CEO of Japan Tongdao Culture Co., Ltd., and once ranked among the "U30 listers" of Forbes magazine, Zeng Ying, a women's wear holder, founder of TOMBO Udon, manga artist, and angel investor, is very satisfied with her state and achievements in Japan, in her opinion, everything she has benefited from Abe's "Ando Talent Program", grateful to Abe and choking on his suffering is only a natural release of conscience and humanity.

Zeng Ying denied her journalist status in the second post, humbly calling herself "just an ordinary flesh and blood Chinese with conscience", but Zeng Ying's work in Japan does have media attributes, and the accounts she founded in "tokyotube" ( and tokyotube mcn have a total of 17.02 million fans on various platforms, creating huge Internet traffic, combined with the "Japanese media commentator" prefix that The Paper, Even if Zeng Ying does not have a press card that we recognize, there is no doubt about her status as a journalist in Japan, but she is not a "surging female journalist".

Professor Tsinghua praised Abe as a tearful female journalist, admiring her for sticking to her conscience and cherishing her value of protection

Xiao Ying's support for Zeng Ying, like his previous support for wu Yong, a textbook on the illustrated version of the problem, has also caused a lot of controversy on the Internet, but in his own view, "as a critic, you can't ask society for 100% approval", as he himself said, "Criticism is a self-challenge of human nature." Internally, it requires guts and endurance; Externally, it may also be besieged, intentionally and unintentionally misunderstood. ”

In Xiao Ying's view, "Ms. Zeng Ying's feelings are incomprehensible to brainless coelenterates and inhuman Internet rabies." ”