
British Prime Minister Boris: complaining that the salary is too low, deciding to resign, too many children can not afford to raise

author:Anecdotal Archives

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Some people want to climb to the highest peak of management all their lives, and some people want to come down from this peak.

British Prime Minister Boris, who "gathered funny in one", wanted to resign as prime minister and return to the life of ordinary people.

British Prime Minister Boris: complaining that the salary is too low, deciding to resign, too many children can not afford to raise

He said the prime minister's salary was too low, at £150,000 a year, and he couldn't even afford his wife and children. It stands to reason that 150,000 pounds is about 1.3 million yuan, and the income in the UK should not be low.

So why did he resign from such a respected position, some people say, three wives and 7 children, everyone asked him for fees, that money is naturally not enough.

British Prime Minister Boris: complaining that the salary is too low, deciding to resign, too many children can not afford to raise

Don't look at Boris always has a messy blonde hair, the shirt is not very flat, but he can always conquer people with his unique charm, and there is an unruly soul hidden under the "scruffy" appearance.

As for his life, it is also wonderful, only his wife has three terms, the outside world knows that there are 7 children, including illegitimate children that he personally admits.

Rich love history

Boris's first wife, Allegra, met while in school.

Alegra blonde, slender, is the school flower of Oxford University, has a high appearance, is the object of many people's admiration, and during her time at school, she was already the cover girl of a famous magazine.

British Prime Minister Boris: complaining that the salary is too low, deciding to resign, too many children can not afford to raise

The two were in love, and before they graduated, they received a marriage license together.

I thought the two would be together, but I didn't expect Boris to carry his wife on his back, eat the nest grass, fall in love with his childhood friend Marina, and become pregnant.

British Prime Minister Boris: complaining that the salary is too low, deciding to resign, too many children can not afford to raise

When Allegra found out, he was very angry and resolutely filed for divorce from Boris, they had no children in 6 years of marriage, and there were not many property disputes.

In order to get away from Boris as soon as possible, Allegra decisively chose to leave the house.

So, after the divorce, Boris turned around and married the pregnant Marina.

British Prime Minister Boris: complaining that the salary is too low, deciding to resign, too many children can not afford to raise

Moreover, from divorce to marriage, only 12 days have passed in between, which also makes people have to sigh, Boris really moved quickly.

After getting married, she and Marina jointly conceived 4 children, and the marriage also experienced 27 years.

During these 27 years, Marina was not less upset, she forgave Boris's "infidelity" more than once, and even grabbed the bag many times, but Maritta loved it so much that she refused to give up, believing that she would make Boris turn back and be loyal to her again.

British Prime Minister Boris: complaining that the salary is too low, deciding to resign, too many children can not afford to raise

Unexpectedly, in 2000, Boris, as the editor-in-chief of a magazine, fell in love with his deputy editor during his work, but at that time, the two were only secretly and silently interacting.

Later, Marina discovered that her husband had been dating her for 4 years. But that wasn't much of it, and she found out that her husband had a daughter with an art consultant outside the home.

British Prime Minister Boris: complaining that the salary is too low, deciding to resign, too many children can not afford to raise

Only then did she wake up and decide not to guard Boris anymore, so she filed for divorce from him.

She and Old Bao have 4 children, the children need living expenses, after the negotiation, Marina left Boris with 4 million, and he also had to bear the tuition fees for the future of the 4 children.

This may be one of the reasons why boris feels that he does not have enough money.

Fortunately, at that time, two children had already entered the society, did not need to pay for school, and only needed to bear the second daughter's 18,000 pounds and the second son's tuition.

British Prime Minister Boris: complaining that the salary is too low, deciding to resign, too many children can not afford to raise

At this time, Boris already had 5 children.

After his divorce, he did not stay with his deputy editor-in-chief, but chose to break up and continue to pursue other loves.

So he met his current third wife, Kelly Symonds, and after the relationship was confirmed, Boris was not in a hurry to marry her.

British Prime Minister Boris: complaining that the salary is too low, deciding to resign, too many children can not afford to raise

Instead, he chose to officially marry after the birth of his second child, and at that time, Boris also successfully ran for British prime minister.

At this moment, Boris, people know that he already has 7 children, as for the illegitimate children who have been exposed, how many of them are known only to Old Bao.

Their food, drink, and lazar are all under Boris's control, and there is no upper limit to the money spent, and it is no wonder that he complains that the prime minister's salary is too low.

Boris's love history has come to an end for the time being, and she can get so many people to like, indicating that her personality charm is still very strong, and people are indeed very funny, and she is a very grounded prime minister.

Boris's growth

Boris was born into an aristocratic family in England, his father was also a legend, and he married Boris's mother before graduating from college and had Boris.

British Prime Minister Boris: complaining that the salary is too low, deciding to resign, too many children can not afford to raise

After graduation, his job was unstable, so he moved 32 times in Europe and the United States with his family.

Frequent moves have left Boris with frequent school changes, little friends, and somewhat autistic personality. And when he was 8 years old, he unfortunately suffered from hearing impairment, and his classmates laughed at him.

In 1974, his father sent him to Eton College, an Aristocratic school in England.

The school can be said to be the incubator of the prime minister, with nearly 20 people coming and going. Later, when his classmates learned that Boris had Turkish ancestry, they all went to bully him.

At this time, Boris remembered a sentence that his father once said to him: Be competitive, be beaten to be upright, but you can't always "get beaten".

British Prime Minister Boris: complaining that the salary is too low, deciding to resign, too many children can not afford to raise

So he tried to make himself funny, make others laugh, did not expect to get unexpected gains, and even won everyone's good feelings for him.

Princess Diana's younger brother, the Count of Spencer, was also infected by his image and became a good brother with him.

At the school's comedy performance, the strong British accent made everyone laugh.

After being loved by everyone, he ran for president of the student council, and that year, he also became the editor of the school newspaper and the president of the debate club.

British Prime Minister Boris: complaining that the salary is too low, deciding to resign, too many children can not afford to raise

Boris completely let go of himself, and he went from an autistic social terrorist to a full-fledged campus star.

This change has made his university life colorful.

Boris grew up, but his family changed, his father did not work well, his temperament became grumpy and alcoholic, and his mother could not stand it and filed for divorce.

The divorce of his parents had a great impact on Boris, and he studied desperately.

British Prime Minister Boris: complaining that the salary is too low, deciding to resign, too many children can not afford to raise

In 1983, he was admitted to a historic British university, and at the age of 19 he aimed to become a figure like Churchill.

During his time at the school, he had excellent grades, and although there was no shortage of money in the family, the entire university fee was all his scholarship.

He runs a magazine at the school, works as the president of a debate club, and falls in love with the school flower. In order to improve his knowledge, he taught himself several foreign languages.

He then joined the Brington Club. However, this club is not a high-end academic exchange, but a club of pranks, even former British Prime Minister David Cameron.

British Prime Minister Boris: complaining that the salary is too low, deciding to resign, too many children can not afford to raise

How Boris became prime minister step by step

After graduating, Boris joined a magazine, writing columns and editors-in-chief, and wrote several books in his free time.

But talent gave him confidence and conceit.

In 1998, British archaeologists discovered a palace by Edward II on the River Thames.

When Boris got the news, he used his historical knowledge to edit a passage.

He made up a passage in the text that his teacher, Professor Rocas, said, and his teacher was very angry and complained about Boris, and then he was fired.

British Prime Minister Boris: complaining that the salary is too low, deciding to resign, too many children can not afford to raise

Later, Boris applied for the Daily Telegraph, and the articles he published in it had a nonsensical style, which brought him a lot of readers and was also appreciated by the leaders.

Therefore, Boris is also famous in the local area with his unique writing style, and when he is complacent, he gets his good brother Cameron from college to run for British prime minister.

Obviously at the same starting line, he is still a small editor, and although he is reluctant, he still supports Cameron.

British Prime Minister Boris: complaining that the salary is too low, deciding to resign, too many children can not afford to raise

Later, Cameron ran successfully, and Boris was also awarded the title of a spokesman for higher education, and later successfully ran for mayor of London because of his excellent grades.

During his 8 years as mayor of London, his greatest achievement was to host the London Olympic Games, and in order to celebrate the first gold medal of his athletes, he waved the British flag and slid down the high cable car, but he was stuck in the middle of the road.

British Prime Minister Boris: complaining that the salary is too low, deciding to resign, too many children can not afford to raise

In order to solve the embarrassment, directly opened his mouth to speak, and the crowd under the cable car applauded after listening.

Moreover, when he was mayor, he pedaled his bicycle to commute to work every day, and he rode his bicycle to the streets, taking off his helmet and uninhibited hairstyle, which became a beautiful landscape on the streets of London.

British Prime Minister Boris: complaining that the salary is too low, deciding to resign, too many children can not afford to raise

Boris's various "grounded" behavior made him deeply loved by the masses, and later when he ran for prime minister, he was strongly supported by people.

When the campaign for prime minister was successful, the actions were also eye-opening.

In the common understanding, the leader of the country should be steady and serious, but Boris did the opposite.

British Prime Minister Boris: complaining that the salary is too low, deciding to resign, too many children can not afford to raise

He has publicly stated that Mr. Obama's convoy disrupted London traffic, required tolls, and asked him for money at a dinner party at Buckingham Palace.

For this reason, he formed a bond with the United States, and then said that Hillary clinton was like a nurse in a mental hospital.

Some people said he was too real, Boris in an interview, his stomach grumbled, was left a message: Please give the prime minister something to eat.

British Prime Minister Boris: complaining that the salary is too low, deciding to resign, too many children can not afford to raise

Later, when he visited the United States, when he and Trump were in the same frame, they were also called half-brothers.

British Prime Minister Boris: complaining that the salary is too low, deciding to resign, too many children can not afford to raise

The most impressive thing is that Boris attends any occasion and always wears a messy blond hair.

British Prime Minister Boris: complaining that the salary is too low, deciding to resign, too many children can not afford to raise

He often uttered surprising words, and if he wasn't a prime minister, he would be a very talented "comedian."

However, now he has also explained to everyone that he has decided to resign as prime minister and will quit when the next prime minister takes office.

Boris's friend said: In addition to raising children now, he now has to go out to have fun every time, and he has to be careful about eating, and there is only one clean and hygienic aunt left in the house.

British Prime Minister Boris: complaining that the salary is too low, deciding to resign, too many children can not afford to raise

From this point of view, Boris is really not very rich.

Throughout Boris's life, he was emotionally rich, and became the prime minister with his own ingenuity, but he did not expect it, but finally decided to resign because the prime minister's salary was too low to make a living.


After all, the mistakes you have committed will be repaid one day.

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